Wednesday, January 31, 2018

President Trump Gives Eighty Minute Long Speech

Three giant companies have combined forces to form a new health care company.  It’s Warren Buffet and that Diamond guy from Chase Bank, and Amazon.  Since we know that competition drives down prices, prices for regular health insurance will come down so it’s a break for consumers.  But also on the NYSE all of the other health care provider stocks went down by an average of six percent.  Strangely Donald Trump in his message last evening spoke of bringing drug prices down for the average consumer.  This is strange in that they all worked so hard to insure that prices remained high because of that thing on Medicare part D passed under George Bush.   Also it’s strange that the president announced a war on Opiates because as we know from Sixty Minutes and other sources, congress worked so hard to cripple the food and drug administration in enforcing illicit drug laws.   The thing to do now is just wait and see what happens. 

Last night I smoked a cigarette at almost five thirty when the ABC network news came on.  I knew the news would be a preview of the State of the Union message.  I smoked another cigarette right at six.   They seemed to spend less time showing the supreme court justices file in and also the cabinet secretaries.  I don’t know who the “out” man is this year but the place didn’t get bombed so it’s a mute point now.  The speech began about ten after six to my recollection and lasted till 7:32 making it an 82 minute speech, which is almost a record, but they say Clinton spoke longer.  The early part of the speech was about half applause. In fact this speech has more applause per capita than just about any presidential speech.  Of course Trump talked about economic activity being at record levels and the stock market is at new highs.  He also said that Black and Latino unemployment is at low levels never before recorded since they’ve been keeping records.  Does that include the Viet Nam war?   Also the President said that unemployment claims are at low levels never before recorded.  Wages are on the rise.  But they’ve still got a long way to go to make up for the past thirty years.   There were endless statements about how strong America is today.  Of course Trump praised his tax cut plan with congress that they just passed.  There were endless personal references to people in the audience who stood up and the President talked about them to illustrate every point.  He talked about the dreamers and how he really wants the democrats to work with republicans.   There are three things the democrats hate about this bill, aka three of the four “pillars” of this immigration bill, one of then which is building the Wall at the border.  One thing the President has dropped in his reference is “Making Mexico pay for it”.   There were numerous references to personal heroics in the extreme weather we’ve had such asx fires, floods, and hurricanes.   One would get the impression that the President is doing everything he can to help Puerto Rico.  And then he moved on to foreign policy.  He wants congress to insure that the supply of criminals to Guandanamo Bay doesn’t dry up by talking about “enemy combatants” rather than just simple “criminal acts” when it comes to American citizens who commit acts of terrorism.  He rightly pointed out that ISIS is close to becoming a thing of the past because our troops have had success in wiping them out.  He wants to work to blow up the nuclear treaty with Iran.  He talked about "changing the rules of engagement" with troops in Afghanistan, and also spoke of "not telling the enemy our plans in advance".  Then he talked about North Korea and mention that college student who was tortured by the North Koreans and eventually he died shortly after his release.  There was another guy who apparently had his legs cut off by a passing train and had to use crutches till he could get prosthetics.  He concluded by talking about the statue of the goddess Columbia.  I went outside after the speech.  Nancy said it was the best speech President Trump has ever given.  She liked it.  This got me to thinking.  Perhaps I myself should be less quick to judge this speech because what if the American agrees with Nancy’s assessment?  

President Trump wants an unacceptable deal for approving DACA.  He wants to reduce the overall number of legal immigrants to this country by eliminating various provisions that allow relatives to come in too.   Usually Republicans love to talk about waiting in line legally and how the illegals shouldn’t move ahead of them.  But now Trump has made his priorities clear.  He wants more white people in the country and few dark skinned people.  Therefore he’s getting rid of the immigration lottery that is impartial.  Instead he wants a so called “merit based system”, which probably involved passing certain “white” credentials that blacks could never pass.  So basically if I were the democrats instead of shouting “you lie” I’d just raise my fist in the Black Power salute.  Or maybe what you could do is shout “you lie” in unicin to a clear falsehood of Donald Trump’s speech or go the Republicans one better and do it multiple times. 

 The Orion Federation is not going to put out any CD’s connected with the President’s speech.  They were going to do one called 5150 snf it was going to time out at 51:50 and have four rock songs on the CD.  But their stratigests thought that would be a bad idea and it “really wouldn’t prove anything”.    Sometimes it’s better to have a watch and wait stratigy not only for this, but for forming opinions in general.   

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