Friday, February 02, 2018

Are President Trump's Days Numbered?

5150 -released February 3rd. 2018

Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet (hit version)
Ball of Confusion (Temptations)
Raspberry Beret (Prince)
It's All Gone Sour (J C Superstar) (Maurie Head)
Running Gun Blues (David Bowie)
99 Red Balloons (artist?)
Hey, Negrita (Rolling Stones)
New Year's Day (U2)
President Trump’s State of the Union Message 39:00 edited

The front photo is just of the President delivering the speech with Pence and Ryan seen behind him.  The editing on this speech was going to be the same as it would have been Wednesday but we've added songs.  This originally meant that nearly thirty minutes of the speech are edited out but so much of that is applause. Now it's more.  Three of the four original songs listed are the same as we would have had Wednesday.  Now we have eight songs.  And a shorter speech edit.  The back commentary is of this memo that the Republican house wants released presumably today.  But they want it released because it could just be that the President only has nineteen days to go before he leaves office and all hell is going to break through in a few days.  Where we get the number nineteen is February 21st is the day Malcolm X was shot and they are going to try and get this album out today.  It’s the Federation including the old Reigelian federation.   The inside open out photo alludes to that school shooting of yesterday.  We show a caucasion twelve year old girl firing a machine gun at her classmates and students are falling left and right.  I’m not sure whether the term “Negrita” is insulting or not.  It’s from “Black and Blue”.   

The weather department is saying to be on watch for “That Stormy thing” according to Stephanie.  I’m sure Trump has had his fair share of affairs with hookers over the years.  But more condemning is Trump's alledged affair with UN Secretary Niki Haley aboard Air Force One, that's still going on.  That guy Scarimuchi was just on KTLA news.  He’s a scarey fellow.  He claims to have started off as a non political union guy.  He says he agrees with Sanders about being in touch with the working man.  Having said that he fell under Trump’s spell and he’s still under it although Scarimuchi only worked for the administration eleven days.  He says Trump was just joking about saying that he has a bigger nuclear button than Kim Jung Un.  He was also only joking when he said that he was a really stable genious.  He rattled off this list of “accomplishments” of the Trump administration including the lowest unemployment and how even today the government says we are adding two hundred thousand jobs.  Back in the old days the Republicans used to say that if the economy didn’t regularly add three hundred thousand jobs than it wasn’t a real recovery.  He spoke of how well Blacks and other minorities are doing economically.  He claims Trump brought North and South Korea to the table and that’s why their athletes are marching under the same Olympic flag next month.  Scarimuchi says he has no plans to run for any office because politics has a corrupting influence.  He quoted George Orwell from “Animal Farm” in saying that Pigs protested the farmer and rose up to power but once the Pigs obtained power they rose up on two legs and became just as corrupt as the autocrat farmer they protested.   He spoke of Trump as being a really well intended president who really wants to drain the swamp.  Here is a Jeopardy question I missed in the past week involving the sixties.   “This object had prohibitions against altering, but until 1965 there were no laws against burning it”.  I thought it was the American Flag.  It turned out they were referring to one’s draft card.  In a Jeopardy question last night all three players missed all five questions about football.  This only shows gaping gaps can show up in one’s knowledge even after they have studied extensively.  He lit into Steve Flynn in criticizing his recent work of “fiction”.   Scarimuchi is a scarey fellow because he appears to be the sort of “clean cut young man” people want in politics but he’s really a brainwashed zombie.

Hung over driving can be as impairing as drunk driving they announced today.  Medical marijuana is still a better deal than "recreational" marijuana.  You only have to be eighteen and not 21 to smoke it and you pay less in sales taxes.  They say you can't even be on your own balcany or porch to smoke it.  And I guess you can't smoke it while watering your lawn either.  And I've heard you can't smoke it in a hotel room and you can't smoke it in a restaurant.  And I'm not certain laws about giving marijuana to a friend if you see him on the street or something.

I would now like to talk about the Federation’s “operation gemstone” of The Twelve Dimensions we listed in a blog around 2012.   In no other compilation do we mention twelve dimensions.  I'd like to explain this.  I’m going to try and not make this too complicated because I know most readers have a low tolerance for things that are “complicated”.  You can prove this by merely asking them to take a math story problem like we used to get in school- - into an algetriac equation.  They might be even able to do the problem in their head but they are still unable to write out an algebraic equation of the sort that you could use in a computer program.  Dimensions in common with all other compilations of dimensions are the first four pertaining to material objects *, and also the three standard special dimensions we all know about and exist with.  That brings the tally to seven.  The big area where we depart company is that generally we list two dimensions of Time- - - which involved Fifth dimensional travel and knowledge.  Parrellel Universes for you people who want to simplify it.  The problem is that the Federation thinks they’re God and are infallible in their predictive ability.  There is no room for error.  And none of this stuff about psychics actually “seeing things” that really are occurring in a parrellel universe.  With this loophole open you can predict almost anything and be accurate.  So instead of a second dimension of Time, the Federation opts to go for the God dimension or “The Twelfth Man” as we put it.  The “Gemstone” factor comes in because the twelve dots are physically arranged in the form of (shape of) a Gemstone.  At any rate this raises the number of dimensions to nine.  We used to speak of the three karmic dimensions but like I said, let’s not complicate things. Two more we nowadays talk about that raise the tally to twelve are “Dynamic” itself being a dimension or “Wave Amplitude” for lack of a better term, and also have the Dimension of “Spacial Arrangement” or “Feng Chue”.   This is the idea of - - psychic “strings” that when crossed or bisected release a causal “Force”.  We have done numerous listings of dimensions but we usually try to keep it at eleven because long ago someone said “This was the original number of dimensions”.   We ceased upon that number “eleven” for better or worse.   * These four aspects of material objects are gravity or mass,  Form or blueprint for constructing, Function, and Perception or awareness. 

On Days of our Lives it was the day of verbal keep-away.  John Black wouldn’t tell Paul about who the watermark says who really wrote that letter to Anna.   This is the person who "baited" Anna into going to Andre's office, probably to kill him.  It's believed somehow this water-mark will finger the guilty party, perhaps Vivian.  Carrie came from London to get Anna and Roman out of jail.  Will was about to tell Hope about John poisoning Steve but I imagine Hope will get a sudden phone call and the subject will be dropped.   Anna and Roman explained what Anna really did the night of the murder but the audience doesn’t have a clue.  If we, the audience knew, it would make things simpler for us.  It was the day of Andre’s funeral.  

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