Wednesday, February 07, 2018

More Evidence Trump has Dictatorial Tendencies

It seems that on certain matters of economics the mainstream media has been taking their cue from FOX news.  For instance they’ve been explaining the actions of the stock market.  They said that there are fears of inflation sparked by all things of rising wages.  This is now seen as a bad thing even though it was only a 2.7% rise.  We know of course the inflation figures are bogus so that 2.7% is nothing.  But keep in mind that worker efficiency is through the roof and overall corporate efficiency and production are through the roof.  Profits have never been higher and are almost embarrassingly high.  Of course dividends are up encouraging loyal investors.  So it’s silly to speak of a 2.7% wage hike as at all threatening to stock prices.  I would say however that when it comes to inflation for seniors, the media made another mistake.  They said that old people don’t use oil or energy.  Old people certainly drive so buy gasoline, if less than a long-distance commuter to work every day.  In these cold winters back east they certainly use heating oil and natural gas.  And we know that oil price per barrel has gone from the low forties to the low sixties in the past few years.  Hence gasoline prices are higher.  What old people use less of are things like machine tools and lawnmowers and high end computers.  We explained all of this a month or so back.  Go back and find that exposee and read it. 

The congressional budget deal is still in doubt.  The Senate under the guidance of Chuck Schummer and Mitch Mc Connell has hammered out an agreement that satisfies nobody.  The key thing is that it separates DACA from the rest of the budget.  It seems they want to throw more money at the Pentagon and the democrats get concessions for their favorite programs, too.  But nobody is talking about the deficit busting nature of these expenditures.  But the matter of Dreamers has been a can kicked down the road.  Nancy Pelosi has made an hours long speech in the House chamber protesting this deal in the senate.  The Republicans under Paul Ryan also seem disinclined to go for any deal.  So it’s not a done deal yet as far as I can see and we could well have a government shut-down.  President Trump has sure been acting strangely.  He says he WANTS a government shut-down.  This would make his day.  Where is that Presidential leadership we so need today?  We don’t have it.  Trump seems to want chaos or maybe he’s just against all government and is at heart an anarchist.  Trump wants a military parade.  But some have argued that it would be less a parade to honor the military but rather a parade by the military specifically to honor their leader, the President.  The last big series of military parades we had were the celebrations for winning Gulf War I back in the spring of 1991.  I’ve heard the military themselves does not want to throw a parade now because it would cost too much transporting all that equipment to the big cities.  Trump has the heart of a dictator.  I know Gene Scott really exploded when certain people in his congregation refused to stand and applaud for certain honored guests.  Scott was insenced.  Now President Trump has said that the democrats were guilty of treason for not applauding.  As far as we know this is the land of free speech, and this certainly means the right NOT to speak.  Only a despotic leader would insist on mandentory cheers and applause.  But why does Trump want to model himself after Putin and Kim Jung Un or the leader of China and other totalitarian states?  Once again Trump’s emotionally unbalanced nature comes to the fore.  I would hope that Mueller comes through with some indictments and quickly before we really do have a constitutional crisis on our hands. 

The following three paragraphs were typed Monday.   Maybe when Trump is removed from office by one means or another my ratings will go up.  As of now even major news events don't seem to help.   

In other news Wheel of Fortune has learned that anticipation isn’t always reality.  This week they are having a “salute to Boston”.  We know where that came from.  Meanwhile with Cracker Barrel restaurants we learn that those other three a few decades back that were in southern California and one in Anaheim, were actually unlicensed knock-offs and didn’t have permission to use the name.  Of course real Cracker Barrels have wooden rocking chairs out front.  Their famous meal is the country fried chicken and other “comfort foods” where you are guaranteed to leave the restaurant full.  They are opening the first Cracker Barrel on the west coast in Victorville.   People drive over an hour just to eat there. 

The stock markets were down four percent today.  The NASDAC index was down 3.8% and the Standard and Poors 500 wer down 4.2%.  But the Dow Jones Industrials beat them all and was down 4.6%.   There was in excess of a six hundred point drop on Friday and now you combine this with a 1,100 point drop today.  The index was once down over fifteen hundred but then rebounded in the last few minutes.  When I first heard there was a problem the index was already down eight hundred points.  Maybe this isn’t the start of the next bit crash but I’ll tell you it’s a warning we should all heed.  But if you sell now you’ll only wipe out the gains of the past month and keep all the other big gains of the past eight years or so.  Wouldn’t you want to sell all stocks now and rest easy and stick your money in gold or something, which just might be slated to rise?  Oil is up to $63/00 a barrel, which explains why gasoline prices are up.  The price of oil has been rising steadily since it was in the low forties.  People like Shawn Hannity should be happy.  I think it’s a good time for investors across the board to realign their priorities.  That way you can rest easy at night and each view of the morning newspaper doesn’t bring dread. 

 There was a shooting incident with a deputy and a teenager, and they say the teenager was unarmed.  But others said “someone in the crowd took his weapon”.  I don’t know who is right.  Eye Witness news spent time covering the police interview.  There was another train wreck a few days ago.  We’ve had more of those lately.  They had four people on the news who collectively have lost over 700 pounds.  With that much surgical weight loss you have all that skin which can break out in rashes or chafe when you work out.  So now they have a surgical procedure for thousands of dollars where they remove up to twenty pounds of just skin.

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