Monday, February 05, 2018

Eagles Beat Patriots in Amazing Superbowl

Something I doubted I’d ever be able to say was that the Eagles beat the Patriots in the Superbowl.   The Patriots have won five superbowls and I personally thought it was more.  It seems like they win in every superbowl they play in.   The kick-off was just after three thirty and as usual there was a sea of commercials before then.  I turned on the TV before three.  Each team began by scoring a field goal.  But the Eagles jumped out to a ten or so point lead that varied but they were always ahead.  The score was 22 to 12 at the half.  The halftime show was horrible, perhaps the worst ever.  Justin Timberlake has no charisma and no creative ability.  One feature that dominated the scoring was that the Eagles missed an extra point going for two.  So if they were ahead it would be by six points and not seven.  This finally came back to bite them toward the end of the game when the Patriots scored and led by one point making it 30 to 29 or something.  There were two controversial calls involving Eagle touchdowns.  That is – controversial of you’re a Patriots fan.  The media commentators were at war with the referees, who got both calls right.  One involved whether the Eagle had two feet in the field while stepping out of the end zone.  The other revolved on whether the scoring Eagle was “a runner” and was bobbling the ball when he scored.  It looked like the Patriots would win because after the Eagles scored their final touchdown they only led by five points because they tried another two point conversion that failed.  The were 0 for 2.  All the Patriots had to do was to score again with over two minutes to do it.  But the Eagles got a turnover scrambling for the call and they went and scored a field goal making the score 41 to 33 I think.  When the Patriots got the ball they had less than a minute to score eight points and they were unable to do it.  They simply ran out of time and a Hail Mary pass failed.  Of course the crowd has a pro Philadelphia bias.

There is going to be another Federation album release tomorrow with six new songs making fourteen.  My smoking was heavier than usual.  I had a cigarette right before dinner.  We had a “roast beef gulash” self-described in marinera sauce.  They had the pasta off to the side but I mixed them together.  We had broccoli and vanilla yogurt for dessert.  I would have gone for rolls but I knew the bakery was closed on Sundays.  The game ran till after seven then I went for medication.  Sixty Minutes had a thing on tips being included with your meal “because too many people have imbibed too much to do the math to figure the tip, and not only the waitresses but the cook and the dishwasher and everybody else gets a part of that tip.


Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet (hit version)
Ball of Confusion (Temptations)
Raspberry Beret (Prince)
It's All Gone Sour (J C Superstar) (Maurie Head)
Running Gun Blues (David Bowie)
We Got the Beat (the Go Go's)
99 Red Balloons (artist?)
The Pusher-man (Curtess Mayfield)
I Got A Woman (Honeydrippers)
Hey, Negrita (Rolling Stones)
Even Better Than the Real Thing (U2)
Supertzar (Black Sabbath)
The Nile Song (Pink Floyd)
Rawhide (Dead Kennedy's)

The title letters are in bright green.  The front photo is of that Eagle touchdown where it was questionable whether he had both feet in bounds and not out of the end zone.  It was the first of two controversial scoring calls.  The commentary on the back cover after the title listings has been re-worked.  There is nothing about a nineteen day limit to get rid of Trump.  In fact we have de-Trumpified this album.  Much more the commentary was on the specific facts of this congressional memo about the FBI and the FISA court ruling.  People want the facts.  The photo on the open out portion of the CD is identical.  February 6th is the scheduled release date and is also Ronald Reagan’s birthday.   The U2 track has been changed as you see.  Also tracks two and three from the previous "5150" album have been dropped.  So Maurie Head is the second track on that album.  That also was kind of long the way it was and besides this way there are fewer overlaps.  

[Saturday evening] After this it was “Blind Spot”, which was a good program.   I don’t like it when someone has an “edge” that’s not related to the facts.  If someone says they can predict how a juror will vote merely because of how he’s dressed or a psychological profile such that “they have his whole personality figured out” in advance, I get suspicious.  It’s like Neil Savedra claiming that God knows the future, but he’s not going to tell us but merely turn to some fellow angel and say “You that guy right there is really stupid” snickering at him behind his back, but unwilling to lift a finger to help him out.  I believe that either athletic contests or a chess match or a jury trial should be based strictly on “the field of play” and the facts and circumstances involved in “the game” itself without going out of the box.  But in this case this Bull guy redeemed himself later in the episode by digging into the facts and arriving at the truth despite setbacks.  I went to bed soon after nine.  I slept quite well.  I woke about ten after four because I was cold but didn’t look to see that the window was wide open and I had on that thin bedspread from Nora.  So I got up and showered to get warm.  Then I smoked a cigarette and made myself instant coffee.  Ricardo was in charge of the medication in the morning and I didn’t ask for any extras.  I was just musing on all this stuff how God has us at a perpetual disadvantage because “Not knowing the truth is a major disadvantage” in life.  But I tuned in Joel Olsteen and he talked about how God can do do-overs and allow for human mistakes and “recalculate’ the route.  According to Neil Savedra, God doesn’t do “do-overs”.  If you don’t get it the first time you come across a situation, you’re screwed. 

 I watched Days of our Lives at one.  Hatti broke out of prison yet again and showed up at Andre’s funeral being quite disruptive.  Then she was questioned by the police.  She was the one who wrote that letter to Anna from Statesville Prison.  Will decided not to tell Hope about his suspicions about John trying to slowly poison Steve.  Paul at the very same time decided not to confront John about this issue also.  Both were unsuccessful.  At two I went for snacks and got vanilla wafers and lemonade from Rico in the courtyard. 

Rhapsody in Black featured the top 25 hits of 1954 with generous extras.  There were also several two-sided hits.   There was a surprising number of songs, like the majority they played, that I had never heard of.  Some like “Lovey Dovy” and “I’ll Be True To You” and “A Sunday Kind of Love” I’ve heard before.  Of course my recollection of “Lovey Dovey” is from another arrangement in the fall of 1960.  They played some big hits such as “Shake, Rattle and Roll” and “Sha-boom” and “Honey Love” and three Hank Ballard songs.  They played “Sexy Ways”, “Anna had a Baby” and “Work With Me, Annie”.  They played “Hearts of Stone” but it was by the Jewels and not by the Charms.  There were a lot of straight blues songs including “I Just Want To Make Love To You” made famous by the Rolling Stones, of course. 

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