Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lost In Confusion

Way back when I was in Sunday school they always told us that you shouldn’t “sell out” your ethical or political beliefs for personal gain.  Suppose someone came and told you that you could have that good job with a lot of priveleges and prerogatives over other people that you may have always yearned for secretly, but in order to gain this status you’d have to become a political far right conservative, kind of like Donald Trump became.  Would you do it?  Maybe it depends on how desperate you are.  Joel Olsteen was saying that sometimes God reaches down and plucks people out from the bottom, the dregs of society and elevates them to an honored position of status.  He says “You don’t even necessarily have to be out looking for opportunities; sometimes opportunity will come looking for you”.  If only that were the case.  Sometimes though even God wants to know what whatever job you have now, that you are doing your work responsibly.  David was a shepherd when God found him.  But I imagine he was a good shepherd who took good care to produce healthy sheep for the rancher or whoever owned the sheep.  Joel Olsteen talked about a guy who was a football player in college but no Pro team would draft him.  He figured he “just wasn’t that good” so as to go pro.   But then some coach wanted to meet with him and before he knew it he became a star player on a pro team.  Thom Hartman a couple of times has stated that he was offered business or other opportunities- - - but the price of doing so was to sell out his political or humanitarian beliefs.  I guess the shoe could be on the other foot.  Some left wing political organization could find me and say “We want you to be our spokesman but you have to give up your stance opposing abortion and gay marriage”.  Would I do it?  My philosophy has always been that it was a sin to “throw away a good thing” just because you feel like being an asshole.  I’ve known people like that.  Some people don’t care if they don’t rise to their best potential.  I told you once that Rev Westfall said to me in a session “I’ve figured out why you are consistently a failure in life, but you aren’t ready to hear it yet”.  That answer has always haunted me.  Maybe I should go to other therapists and one of them per chance might “discover the same secret about me” and that person would tell me “the answer”.  (Selah) 

Here we are in flagstone, for those who care about Word backgrounds.  I was just checking songs to make sure I had “Panic in Detroit” and I do.  Chris Marquardt was on the Leo Laporte show and Leo was telling Chris about being at a village in Germany that had these four hundred year old recipe sausages.  The only problem is that there were porta-potties in the background.   I hope the Photo Shop treatment works.   One of my sayings from early 1981 that I put in letters- - from a Lennon song is- “I tell them there’s no problem- - only Selucids”.  Readers of my prophecy book know what I mean.  Ron Pugh was babbling and happened to quote the Bible saying “Judge not that you not be judged”.  Wouldn’t that be funny if God flagged events from thirty years ago and threw them back in your face and your defense is “Oh come on God, you know that’s water under the bridge”.   Yesterday in the medication line or something Kathy was going on in praise of the Rev Chuck Smith.  My first impulse was to set her straight and tell her everything that was wrong with Chuck Smith’s theology.  But I thought better of it.  Sometimes the prudent thing to do is to keep silent.  Of course I think I even listened to Chuck Smith on the radio over the noon hour home from Church when I visited Mom and Dad at their house.  But my memory is a little hazy.  Like they say “A hazy mind covers a multitude of sins”.   Late yesterday all of this stuff was going through my mind about various things roommates at the Bosc house had said and done from that dark period of July 1985 through early 1988.  But it was stud I didn’t WANT to be thinking about so I pushed it out of my mind.

Last night the medication line ran till nearly eight.  Each person was taking several minutes to get their medication.  Kate was asking all kinds of questions and then she was one of these “pill counters” once she got them.  Steve or someone had farted a really smelly fart in line.  Sometimes I’m amazed at the patience people show in line but Bernice is really slow.  Like I say she’s slower than April was and how glad we were to get rid of her.  I had three of the cinnamon rolls last night and one this morning.  I watched the CBS network news.  This is the third time the Golden State Warriors have been on the evening ABC game in the past month or so.  This week they were playing and beating the San Antonio Spurs, gaining momentum as they went.  I don’t remember what show I had on next but it was on CBS.

I didn’t sleep that well and developed bowel restlessness.  So I was up at three thirty and again at five.  Then I showered.  I always have these anxieties in my mind like paying for my haircut, which I still haven’t gotten.  I don’t know if my check went through and I don’t want the newly instated ten dollar per day penalty.  I lay down on the bed a while to think.  Then at a quarter to six I turned on the TV.  I had forgotten Joel Olsteen was on even though I had just seen him on the previous week.  He was talking about how King David had been passed over in life and didn’t feel qualified to be King.  Sometimes God will reach down and pluck someone up reserved for greatness.  At six I went down not knowing who I’d get in medication or how bad the line was.  It was Ricardo and there was no line.  I asked him if I was really out of diaria medication because Bernice had told me that I was.  (days ago)  Ricardo said “Who told you that?” and produced a diaria pill for me.  Then I had KNXT news on.  They have raised the Disneyland and Disney World admission prices to $117.00 now.  They are predicting rain tomorrow.  They’ve been accurate go get your umbrellas ready.  At six thirty there was this lady ski jumper who learned to ski when she was two.  She began ski jumping when she was seven inspired by watching the athletes at Olympics 2002 in Salt Lake City.  She became a good ski jumper but they didn’t allow men in the sport because of some archaic belief that ski jumping would interfere with women’s reproductive health.  But then in 2011 the Olympic committee changed their mind and allowed female ski jumping.  But then she injured her knee.  By the time of the Russian Olympics in 2014 she was still not completely healed and scored only 21 in place.  But she stuck at it practicing only to injure the same knee again.  Now she’s ski jumping in these 2018 Olympics.  Then they had Paul Mc Closky, who ran against Shirley Temple Black in 1967 for some post and beat her.  Mc Closky was a Korean War hero but in 1967 was an anti war liberal and contended with Richard Nixon for the Presidency in the 1972 Convention. 

I brought the box of corn flakes from the room that Bill had down to eat as soon as the juice and milk arrived.  Then when the oatmeal came, I had a bowl of that, too.  We had eggs and French toast.  Steve got Jerry’s French toast and also some of her eggs because he got a smaller portion than we got.  I had seconds on the coffee.   I watched “This Week” which had the usual stuff on it.  At nine it was “Love” songs on Breakfast with the Beatles.  There were a lot of unusual songs they played this week.  The “Who is that singer?” answer was Peggy Lee singing a rare Mc Cartney song.  They also had Ringo singing a rare George Harrison song.  They played at least two songs from “Walls and Bridges”.  I decided not to go out for snacks.  I went down to look at the menus and decided not to change either one.  We had chicken strips for lunch with ranch dressing dip.  We also had tater tots and optional catsup.  There were also carrots.  I went back for seconds and got another chicken strip and more tater tots.  We had a banana for dessert.  Then I turned on Leo and you know the rest.  Leo says that your place of employment by law can’t spy on you if it’s a line-line phone call.  But if you’re doing texting the courts have time and time again ruled against the wayward employee and can spy on you and can fire you for any reason at all.  Leo says “If she hates this company policy she should get another job”. 

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