Thursday, September 20, 2018

Could President Trump Skate on all Charges?

The tea leaves still look good for President Trump.  The economy is going full speed ahead with a rosy Christmas season projected and production and sales numbers up all around.  This economic recovery is about to set a record for length of a recovery.  It's been ten years and you'd be hard pressed to find a ten year period in US history where there were more than ten years between economic slow-downs but we have one now.  President Trump appears vindicated.  There isn't even a hint of a coming slow-down.  If we don't show signs of a slow-down by 2020 then President Trump could stand a good chance of being reelected, knowing the kind of stunts they pull to rig the vote nation wide in so many ways, all of which you know about.  Now Christine Ford had agreed to testify.  So basically it all hinges on how convincing she can be before a hostile Senate comittee.  The FBI had vetted - - done a background check on Brett Kavanaugh or however you spell it- - multiple times and every time he has turned up clean as a whistle.  This doesn't bode well for the democrats being able to make something of these sexual charges all brought about by one person with apparently no corroberation.   Kavanaugh can always say stuff like "This is a horrible burden on my wife and kids having to have them exposed to all this stuff".   And even if Kavanaugh is guilty as charged- - the Republicans just might care.  They didn't care about electing Trump.  The testimony could be on Monday and a few days later there could be a Senate vote to confirm the Justice.  Mc Connell always he wanted Kavanaugh confirmed before the Supreme Court opens its new season the first Monday in October.  

This is Wednesday September 19, 2018, “talk like a Pirate” day.  I have to take all the magazines off the chair to use the computer.  I shaved about two thirty and trimmed my mustache.  It took twelve minutes.  Nora didn’t change the linens today or do a major cleaning.  I didn’t think she was going to be here at all.  She showed up just after three as I was coming in.  Eye Witness news had just begun.  Bill didn’t mind her cleaning the bathroom and mopping the floor today.  Yesterday the LA city council banned the manufacture and sale of new fur products.  But the ban won’t take place for two years.  After EWN it was the ABC network news live edition.  We had good vegetarian pizza for dinner.  Two pieces, and also a green salad with Italian dressing.  There was an avalanche of people lining up for seconds on pizza but Sarah said they had only a few pieces left so I gave it up.

By this time in Nixon's presidency he was out of office after just over two years of the Watergate investigation.  By this timetable, Trump should have been booted out of office one way or the other a month and a half ago.   Remember when Trump got elected there were these persistent rumors that Trump had no intention of assuming the office of president.  How things have changed today!  Today we are worried about him being a dictator.  This time around there is no end in sight to the Muller investigation- - and people's attention spans are not infinite  There comes a point where the viewers loose interest out of sheer boredom.  The news is that Christine Ford does NOT want to testify before congress on Monday.  She wants experts in sexual harassment to question her to get a more sympathetic interaction.  The thing is Cavana denies being at the party and that other friend denies being at the party.  And there is an additional person named in the deposition by Ford and he too denies even being at this party.  This doesn’t look too good for her credibility.  President Trump has said that if she testifies on Monday that he will consider pulling the nomination of Cavana.  Meanwhile Tim sent me an E mail saying he wants to try yet again to go for that drive to Lake Elsinore on Monday.  I have no idea how I’ll feel then. 

Nobody likes to be convicted of a crime or to see someone convicted of a crime when there is something inherently false about the prosecution.  I’ve had this feeling there is something inherently false about Christianity because they tell us a “story” about how we are all corporately guilty of the crusixion of Jesus as though we had personally driven in the nails ourselves, or somehow tacitly approved of it—or would not speak up in protest over the injustice.  And of course the penalty for this sin of aquiecence is - - Death.  We too are fighting a death sentence for a crime for which we feel are not guilty.  This case last night involved a criminologist who said - - testified - - that the condemned man could not psychologically have committed this hanous, well organized act and strongly alluded that the real killed had a completely different psychological profile.  The Judge cited “Bull” with contempt of court for somehow “allowing this testimony to come out” and was fined money.  Then Mr. Bull wanted to put on a witness that said that her statement about “running away” was in error and that the killer “limped away” after having undergone some sort of an injury.  This is material evidence as to guilt or innocence and the judge blew a gasket at the very notion that such a witness would be allowed to testify.  The defendant was let off anyhow when the real killer was tracked down by the FBI.

.  We had chicken parmazon with a lot of marinera sauce and bowtie pasta and spinach leaves.  I didn’t have seconds though they were offered.  We had a container of chocolate ice cream for dessert.  I had on the Gary and Shannon show and caught “Draining the Swamp”.  I watched “Days of our Lives”.  Gabriel drugged Abigail’s water bottle just as she was preparing to go on that picnic with Chad.  Of course these stunts are always found out and Chad will only end up resenting Gabriel.  The cleaning cart didn’t show up in the hall till after ten.  I wasn’t sure there would be any cleaning at all on this side.  Bill thought Nora had passed us by.  Now they are talking about banning cell phones at schools.  Good idea.   I went down for 4:00 medication interrupting my typing.  Jan was there.  Linda expressed concern about my losing any more weight.  Of course I’ve been sick the past week or more.

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