Monday, October 01, 2018

Sorry for the Eleven Day Hiatus

For lunch we had a breaded cod filet chunk and tartar sauce.  With it we had brown rice and Brussels sprouts.  We had light cake with fruit in it for dessert.  I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  According to California law you know if you commit a spur of the moment murder during a robbery it’s automatically first degree.  And you know the person who waits in the getaway car is just as guilty of the robbery as those who performed the act.  But the law takes it one step further saying the person, usually a woman, who is in the getaway car is just as guilty of the murder as if she’d done it even if the idea for the killing did not exist yet.  This seems to me to be inherently unfair but Gary and Shannon love it.  It doesn’t matter if the guy is a teenager in high school- - - he desserves many years in prison.  One legislator is trying to change this saying that women are unfairly discriminated against.  Gary and Shannon have that right wing streak in them saying no extremity of punishment is too great.
I watched Days of our Lives.  Today Trip and Sierra made love.  They better before Ben gets there because he was just let out of jail because it turns out the key evidence against him was planted after all.  Shawn took it to a lab and proved it.  Hatti Adams and John Black are now man and wife.  Christine is a maniac.  Samantha promised Stephan half of her estate if he would but tell her the secret as to where E J is now.  After this I went out for snacks from Rico and got a sugar free three pack of lemon cream cookies.
In yesterday’s morning game on CBS the Patriots beat Miami 31 to nothing or whatever it was.  They switched to Cincinatti and Atlanta after a while.  Then I switched to see Dallas beating the Detroit Lions.  Then as a bonus game they had Tennessee and the Eagles locked in overtime, but then FOX had to cut away from that game for some reason.  (There appeared to be none)  For lunch we had hearty chicken strips with some nice glaze sauce on them - - and brown rice that had a few dry cernals.  I don’t remember the dessert.  I didn’t attempt to tune in Leo on a Sunday.  I never had “Face the Nation” on.  I didn’t feel up to having the computer on any more.  I haven’t blogged since Thursday. 
In the afternoon game it was the Raiders and Cleveland.  No, I’m kidding.  It was the Chargers and the ‘49ers.  The ‘49ers jumped out to a fourteen to nothing lead but then the Chargers caught up.  Then the ‘49ers pulled ahead.  Then the Chargers came back.  At the end of the game all the Chargers had to do to win was run out the clock and didn’t even want to kick a field goal which would have increased their 29 to 27 lead from two to five.  They had the game on during dinner, and I watched it after dinner.  Of course I was talking out back a lot.  For dinner we had two cheese quesedas and a “Mexican salad” that I didn’t have any appetite for.  We had three sugar cookies for dessert.  Millie had talked about all of these phone calls she was going to make this Sunday but I don’t know the results of any of them.  She was going to call channel two.  I went out a little before dinner for instant coffee and another pack of cigarettes at the store and had two cups of instant coffee this evening.   Tim called between three and four.  If I had known he hadn’t talked to Paul I would have minced my words a little.  As it was I laid it on thick and heavy about my illness, which consists of a feverish head and tenseness and a touchy stomach, as well as a cough, which sometimes gets bad.  It was between six and seven that Bill and me and Millie and Gene and Dorthey were all talking about illnesses and how sick everybody was, but especially Bill.  Millie and Dorthey urged Bill to have himself admitted to the hospital tonight without delay.  At first Bill wasn’t sure about it but he resolved to do it.  They said “If you don’t do it, we’ll all be sitting around a week from now having the same conversation”.  I applied this to myself because I didn’t feel that great and as I told them all, “I’m looking forward to getting my medication”.   Bill went right in and changed his clothes but was too tired to shower.  He said he would wait out front.  I only delayed another minute or so and went to get my medication about twenty-five after seven.  I was surprised to see Bill there with the ambulance people.  They didn’t seem very sociable with me.  They didn’t want to hear what I had to say.  I urged Bill to be strident but clear with the hospital nurses and doctors about exactly what his symptoms were.  I don’t think the parameics were understanding just what his problem was.  I was getting my medication from Jan.  I got cough medicine, which I’ve had straight for a week and a half- - or so. 
Sixty Minutes had that Brett Cavana thing with that Flake senator fellow, and a democrat he has been friends with.  Flake needed to “flake off” the republican majority and he did.  But now the scuttlebutt is that the FBI background  check is deliberately restrictive.  For one thing they won’t interview anybody who remembered Cavana as a bulligerant drunk who abused women.  They aren’t going to interview that third complainer who described him like that, as well as many others.  The second segment was on this one drug pusher doctor who lived in Florida where they have really permissive laws when it comes to narcotics.  People come from all over America to get their drugs in Florida.  There are more drug outlets there than there are Mac Donald’s.   The third segment was on Paul Mc Cartney and I was disappointed with that.  They talked only about his years with the Beatles and nothing in the last 48 years of copious album production.  I was thinking Paul would be talking about and plugging his latest album, “Egypt Station”.  After this was the show “God Friended Me”, which I watched.  It lasted an hour.  Then it was NCIS Los Angeles, and I went to bed before that program was over.  I wasn’t feeling that great and I was waiting for the medication to kick in and then I could get some sleep. 
I got up at five o clock but didn’t shower because I was too tired.  I turned on the computer about twenty after five and watched “Bill Press” and “Stephanie Miller” and had the Rude Pundit on.   I guess Bill spent the night OK.  Encephelitus causes swelling of the brain they inform us.  I didn’t go out to the store before breakfast.  We had Cheerios followed by scrambled eggs and bacon and tater tots and toast, butter and jelly.  I had more of Stephanie Miller on.  The cat was hungry and restless responding to the rustle of the plastic of Nancy.   I was drowsy in the morning.  I didn’t go for morning snacks. 

I went to the liquor store just before three and bought a $2.50 big bottle of Pepsi using my debit card.  Then I watched Norman Goldman till a few minutes to four.  We had a turkey sandwich for dinner with tomatoes and lettuce.  We had peaches for dessert.  Then we had a piece of Millie’s blueberry pie she got from her sister.  She saved some of it.  Laurance was on his way in the hall.  I just turned on the news.        

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