Monday, October 22, 2018

Trump Land and other News

President Trump is blowing up the nuclear proliferation treaty that President Reagan signed with Michael Gorbichev in 1987.  Trump claims that Russia has violated it.  This seems to be an about face for President Trump.  Trump has congratulated the President of Mexico for at least trying to turn back the tide of five thousand refugees from Honduras.  They are 1500 miles away from the Texas border right now.  Mexico has offered asylum to some of the refugees but they aren’t accepting it because they fear it’s a trap.  I with Trump wouldn’t blame the democrats for all of the stuff he doesn’t like in America.  In other news a dance floor collapsed in South Carolina when celebrants of the Climson Tigers win over NC State were all gathered together and dancing in unicin.  Proposition 7 is the proposition that eliminates Daylight Saving Time in California and takes us back to how things were in 1949, the year before I was born.  This proposition hasn’t had commercials.  Proposition 9 was kicked off the ballot.  This is the crazy measure that divided California into thirds.   Now the Arabs are saying that there was a body double who pretended to “be seen leaving” the embassy three weeks ago.  But the plan went wrong because nobody saw him.  Meanwhile the Saudis are still sticking with the fist fight theory as to how that Washington reporter “accidentally” met his death. 

There is a saying that getting “into it” with President Trump (and some might say the same thing of Michelle) is like wrestling with a pig.  Both of you will get really muddy, but the only thing is- the pig likes it.  Trump has encouraged physical violence against people frequently.  He called Stormy Daniels “horse face”.  And of course he renigged on the Elizabeth Warren DNA thing.  He says “I won’t believe it till I perform the DNA tests myself”.  In other news there is some new narrow tunnel that runs from Hawthorne to “Pico and Supulvida” just like the song.  It “transports cars 150 miles per hour due to some automated thing.  (?)  They said something about it being open for use in early December of this year.  I saw the futuristic lighting thing.  Meanwhile starting the summer of 2019 they are going to begin construction under Beverly Hills High to extend the purple line subway from Korea Town to the West Side.  The move has passed all of the environmental hearings.  But still the students are dead set against it with middle school students saying “I don’t want to spend all four years at BH High with all that shaking and stuff.”    Last night I don’t get the significance of the mystery Star that they were trying to find on “God Friended Me’ having something to do with the Golden Mean, which of course is 1.618.   Last night’s plot seemed a little  - - flighty. 

[one week ago] The Federation’s football record this weekend was an embarrassment.  I haven’t talked about the Federation lately.  They’ve lost a lot of prestige.  They went with Cleveland over the LA Chargers in Cleveland.  The Chargers embarrassed Cleveland.  Then it was the Raiders being beaten badly by the Seattle Sea Hawks.  The Federation had predicted a Raiders victory in London.  Finally we come to last night’s game on KNBC.  Kansas City had a 5 and 0 undefeated record.  New England had had losses.  All the same Kansas City was being beaten up on by New England and the score was 25 to 9 at one point.  I don’t know the final score.   The Federation also announced “We’re not going to help the Rams against Denver this day”.   If the Federation had “helped” them the Rams might well have lost.  As it is the Rams won.  This was the afternoon game on FOX at one.   The Rams scored a majority of their points in the first half of the game.  It was 20 to 3 and then 20 to 10.  The score kind of froze there till the end of the game after I had gone to dinner.  Then the Rams scored a field goal making it 23 to 20.  Somehow the Broncos had scored ten more points after I left.  In the TV game at dinner it was Dallas playing Jacksonville, I believe.  Baltimore had a game with Tennessee.  

The other news topic is my health.  Last weekend I still felt sick, feverish, with a spasmotic cough.  Maybe I have TB but it  could also be Hepatitus B or perhaps Epstein Barr virus.  I might have to go to the hospital to be disgnosed.  The vitamins I've been taking are like plecibos, as well as the antibiotic I've been taking for a few days now.   The big breakthrough hasn't occurret- - at least yet.  

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