Saturday, October 27, 2018

Terrorism Against the Left

This will be the lead blog post in "Escape from Egypt" for a while.  We're moving on to the next blog to cover the last ten or so days of the election campaign.   Of course this mad bomber first struck Monday evening when George Soros, a liberal Jew apparently,  got a pipe bomb sent to him  Then there was an explosion (pardon the pun) of mailings on Wednesday.  President Obama was targeted and Sec of State Hillery got a bomb as well as many other Democrats including Maxine Waters and James Clapper of the CIA and also Brennon of the CIA.  On Thursday it was Cory Brooker and Vice President Joe Byden and some Democrat from Berlengane.   Twelve bombs were sent in all and they were targeted to ten different recipients.  President Trump says it's a bad thing and we should get to the bottom of it.  However Trump is continuing to attack the media for talking about this bombing story rather than politics, which President Trump wants highlighted since he's been in campaign mode his entire administration and particularly this congressional campaign season.

This is a foggy Saturday morning after breakfast on October 27, 2018.  Nobody has seen the kitty either today or the previous two days and there are again rumors Augustine did something with it.  Yesterday morning I originally heard from Dorthey after nine that they had caught that mad bomber or whoever.  He was a 56 year old man from Florida with a criminal carrier.  The FBI spoke that these bombs were not hoaxes but potentially could go off with the right friction or heat.  However they could tell the bombs were poorly made.  They said they could tell whether the bomber was left or right handed by the twisting of the wires.  The guy eft fingerprints on the tape and also his DNA was found on the device and compared with DNA they already had on the guy.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke and said he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and said he’ll get 58 years.   I needed to use the restroom at ten and the bathroom in our unit was locked up.  So I asked Nora for the key and she said to lock up afterwards.  Then I turned on the computer and radio.  KPFK didn’t have Thom Hartman but did what they do best and that’s money raising for the station.  On WCPT they had some substitute talking about the Trilatteral Comission but they played Thom Hartman’s music.  I continued to feel rather feverish and ill.  I needed to take a leak again just before lunch.  I noticed that the women’s restroom was cracked open and the light was on.  I used that facility. 

We had a fairly tasteless filet of chicken breast for lunch and a green salad for lunch but I wasn’t very hungry regardless.   Patty complained about Dianne Feinstein and said people like her should be term-limited out.  ButI mentioned that if they did that the lobbyists would run congress.  Then Patty began attacking George Soros and complained that he was funding this caravan migration from Mexico.  I said I had never heard that.  But she missed my point that Soros isn’t a lobbyist and it’s the lobbyists that right and make all of the laws congress passes now.  I told Bill, who had just returned from his appointment, that our bathroom was locked up.  But then when I returned I saw Nora in the hall in Cathy’s room and our door was locked and I came in and the bathroom door was wide open and the fan was on.  Previously I had heard that we might have to do without bathroom facilities till Tuesday when Augustine works on the problem downstairs.  It was more of the mad bomber on Gary and Shannon.  They had another news conference.  Then it was the four football picks at 12:20 and then “Draining the swamp” at the usual time.   On “Days of our Lives” the line now is that Abigail isn’t legally married to Chat but to Stephan and Stephan is protecting her from her family that wants to involuntarily have her committed “indefinitely” to an institution.  I guess in these hearings the patient doesn’t get to speak in her own defense, or at least that’s what they implied.  If you’re sane in the here and now that’s less important than if there is a lot of rumor and imuendo about you from others. 

We all know about the eighteen inning Dodgers game last night that lasted seven and a half hours till after twelve thirty in the morning.  The Dodgers won 3 to 2.   The other news is the stock market which is below 25,000 now and headed down.  Amazon says they won't be hiring as many people for the holiday season this year because the economy is slowing down.   In late news there is an active shooter situation now at Pittsburgh at a Jewish Synagogue.  

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