Sunday, December 08, 2019

Playing by the Rules

Some people may wonder "What does God require of me?"   The answer is most likely "nothing".   I would cite exhibit A as our esteemed President.  He has transgressed God's laws with carefree abandon and hasn't suffered any of the consequences.   It's just wishful thinking.  That is, since the future is pre-determined in advance, you have no choice as to what will be the outcome.   I don't think John Lennon had a choice as to whether he was shot at the Dakota.  But I will say this.  I believe there is a minority of people to whom God does offer a choice.  And my saying is, "If God offers you a choice, take it".   If you do A good things will happen whereas if you do B bad things will happen" most people would call this "Making you an offer you can't refuse".   And the thing is you can't sacrifice a bull or a sheep or something in the Altar and "Put the transgression under the blood".   That won't work.   Confessing your sins to a priest won't work.  It's not a question of doing pennance or even "making it right" to whom you sinned against.  It's the mere comission of the Act that God told you not to do, that is the problem.  Neil Savedra has said as much that "We all have to suffer the consequences of our sins".   But thank goodness it isn't all transgression but only those transgressions God personally told you not to do.  There is another saying that I heard yesterday.  When you plant "seeds" of either good or bad, it isn't necessary to have "expectation" of either good or bad happening.  It will happen regardless.  The opperative factor is whether you "planted the seed".   We discuss this more a couple of paragraphs down.  

This is Sunday December 8, 2019, the day John Lennon was shot in 1980.   They were playing a lot of acoustic guitar songs such as “You Got to Hide Your Love Away” and “It’s Only Love”.   They did the “naked” version of “Across the Universe”, which I have it from the horse’s mouth is John’s favorite.  I continue to battle tiredness and could use some GNLD vitamin products for Christmas.  I don’t even know if Judy is selling that stuff any more or whether she even has access to it.  Word continues to act strange.  Actually I’d like to download Word 2007 and get rid of a lot of the strange behavior of this Word version.   We had tarragon chicken cut up into pieces and wedge cut potatoes and yellow squash.  We had white cake for dessert and for the millionth time it wasn’t iced.  In the morning I watched some of Oklahoma and Baylor.  It turns out Oklahoma won that game.  I had Leo Laporte on sporadically.  The afternoon game was Cincinatti and Memphis and I forget who won that one.  These same two teams had played before on ABC.   We weren’t supposed to have rain on Friday but we did.  We were supposed to have had rain on Saturday but we didn’t, and we had rain early this morning.   Now Word for the first time was typing off screen.  I had the Giz Wiz on at a quarter to two. 

There it goes again typing off screen.  I had KPFK on hoping to get Rhapsody in Black because I forgot to tune it in last week.  It was a Masters degree graduate from MIT who is an expert on programming code.  There is no disputing that.  To say that the cause of all of our failures in life is programming code in the brain is wrong.  He’s confusing engrams with karma.  If you change your karma you’ll change your destiny.  But it has to be done in the past tense because you carry the past legacy of karma with you, if you didn’t know that.  And you can’t just “put it under the blood” like you can under the Jewish sacrifice system.   They had transgress offerings you could do that with, but you can’t do it with Christianity and the book of Hebrews as much as tells you so.  I went out after two wanting to get a snack.  I saw a bunch of people crowded around the cart trying to get pieces of pumpkin pie and I said I wanted one. I had transgressed Millie’s rights because she was in line and I had to let her have the last piece.  Right here this incident illustrates what’s wrong with that computer guy’s mentality.  It wasn’t out of any feeling that “I don’t deserve it” as to why I didn’t get that pumpkin pie.  It was quite the opposite.  As to the guy’s assertion that “all you have to do is to go 3 D” is also quite false.  If you go 3 D in chess (assuming you could defy gravity) it would be called cheating, if you’re not playing 3 D chess.  Lines and boundaries are important in “playing by the rules” and if you transgress the wrong lines Alcyonne will get on your case, and there is no transgress offering you can use to bail you out.  You can’t get out of the pool while playing Marco Polo and you can’t run out of bounds in football and then reenter the field to catch a pass.  This guy needs to go back to school regardless of what he may know about math and programming.  I was going to do a thing on math the other day but I doubt that it will be on our next blog post.  

We had pulled pork for dinner and I had two helpings and also two helping of those - - waffle sweet tater tots - - whatever.  We had unadorned fruit cocktail for dessert.   Paul called in the afternoon about that Christian concert in Mission Viejo last night at seven thirty.  It would take over a half hour each way and I already felt tired.  I’ve been fighting this Epstein Barr virus thing.  I’m just guessing.  If it were “doable” I would have gone to the concert but I knew my body and how tired I am in the evenings.  At the time Paul was scheduled to pick me up I was sound asleep.  But I roused.   It was Clemson beating Virginia in the evening game on ABC.  Ohio State got a scare from Wisconsin but they ended up scoring big in the second half in a game not televised.  I saw a little of LSU beating Georgia.  At a quarter after seven I turned it to that Chicago PD show on KCOP.  By eight I was zonked out but I had “Major Crimes” on.  I went to bed at five to nine.   I hope Paul ran into people at the concert he could talk to.

In the morning I got up just after four thirty and took a shower.  For the first time in about two weeks they didn’t have any coffee being served in the dining room.  Fortunately I still had instant coffee of my own.  This thing is typing off screen again.  Add that to the list of problems with this program.   We had rain in the morning but the sun is trying to come out now as “Rain” is just finishing up.  I had KNX radio on a little and then switched to KNBC.  We had cold cereal for breakfast.  It was Rice Krispies.  We had two pieces of French toast and a big slice of ham and coffee.  Ted Cruz was on Meet the Press.  I hate to say it but I don’t think Chuck Todd handled Ted very well because the other side might say “you weren’t relevant in your questions and responses”.   Mitch Mc Connell has roped off the whole month of January 2020 for the hearings.  Previously I had heard two weeks.  Now I’m hearing six weeks as the figure. 

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