Sunday, December 15, 2019

Will Inter-stellar Space Travel Ever Be Practical

You know, this whole space travel thing to Mars is more of a pipe dream than I thought.  I had this idea a while back that you could take all of the quarks out of the human body and whatever and it would leave “holes” in this energy mass that contains all of the relivant information about matter.  Baryons are combinations of three quarks and they are either protons or neutrons.  Electrons have no mass in the resting phase.  Even traveling at light speed electrons only have a minute mass.  Einstein has these theory that energy acquires mass as it approaches the speed of light.  My theory says we could have a “bank” of baryons at the destination point on Mars and that they would be like putting pegs in holes where they fit and they would all naturally arrange themselves in the energy plasma or whatever and the matter would reconstitute itself with solid mass.   Mind you this is the theory that I regarded as the more possible of the two I alluded to on the last blog.  Astronomy Café says this “binding force” is the key to the essence of matter as we know it.  But I have absolutely no idea how you would extract it.  One time when “Q” lost his powers, Mr. Data stuck up for “Q” saying that he was being helpful in that he had offered good “theoretical” material that is helpful to know.  This form of energy that is transmitted along with light is limited to the speed of light.  This energy would include energy these scientists see emanating from the brain doing an M R I these days that can read your emotions by the portion of the brain that is lit up.  But this is not your psychic essence and we’ll come to that one later.  This form of brain energy is measurable with scientific instruments.  Physic essence is not.   You could get to Mars in twenty minutes, which is a hell of a lot better than seven or eight months, which it has taken to get to Mars since 1965.

Both Lindsay Graham and Mitch Mc Connell are bragging how closely they will be working with the President and his council.  This seems just a shade unethical.  I thought the “Jury” in a trial was supposed to be impartial and not have made up their mind.  If a jury has made up his mind, this is grounds for dismissal.  And yet Lindsay Graham brags how he hoped this thing will die quickly and the whole Senate trial will be concluded by Martin Luther King’s birthday.  At first I thought they said Washington’s birthday.  But this way they will indeed have the trial wrapped up two weeks into the year.  Now they are bragging that they aren’t going to call any witnesses.  This is strange.  A trial with no witnesses?  If they make this whole process too transparently bogus it would seem to me that it could constitute an issue the democrats could run on.  Trump can’t brag about an acquittal that is based on zero evidence either way. 

Faster than light space travel is born out of this idea of the Romulan cloaking device.  Now there is Dark Matter.  This matter neither reflects light or absorbs light.  Meaning that you can’t see it and it can’t see you.  The only way you know it’s there is the gravity, which remains in the dark matter.  They say that over half of the universe is dark matter.  But the desire is to go a step further and remove the gravity and disengage the matter from formatted space as we know it.  This can be done in theory because of a property I discovered in Sketch-up.  If you have four dots and one of them isn’t “co-plainier” with the other three, then the plane shape you want to see won’t materialize.  I happened to think, “I wonder if it’s that easy to make formatted space disappear”.   Just come up with a way to make off-kilter “warped” space and everything within its sphere of influence would also be “warped”.  Such “warped” matter would have no mass as it pertains to our universe but only unto itself.  As such it could travel in theory through our space and since it has no mass at all you would be free to accelerate it to the hilt.  Now even with normal mass it takes a year at a one G rate to achieve the speed of light.  That would be six months for two G or also if you accelerated at one G for two years you could achieve double the speed if light.  Such an object would exist; it would be outside our “event horizon” though.  Just to let Neil Savedra know- - - there would have to be faster than light speed if a Black Hole ever did enter our universe.  Einstein doubted this was even possible and his theories seem to preclude that eventually.  But also we know that the latest scientific calculations of the expanding universe suggest that portions of the Universe are ALREADY moving “faster than light”.  Neil Savedra loves to talk about an absolute limit on the speed of matter.  However I would remind him that it’s called the theory of relativity and not the theory of Absolutes.  If you were in such a craft the only stars that would be visible to you in your event horizon would be stars that were receding at the “edge” of the Universe.  (Someone still needs to explain “edge” to me)  Such “warp” technology seems possible if we got the technology from space aliens, who got it from a higher ;power, such as a Power like God who is outside our formatted space and therefore has the power to choose a point in non-formatted space.  There is a scripture that goes “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me”.   I refer to this “God” as Alcyonne, one of the seven sisters of the Pliades.  These seven young stars have been a source of curiosity to observers since ancient times, and I’m not entirely sure why.  I guess we’re left to wonder whether God has his own ”Prime Directive” where they don’t share technology to people who aren’t ready for it.  Chuck Smith died and he said that in heaven you have the power to travel through outer space and visit other planets.  So far I haven’t seem Chuck Smith flying around among the stars.  For all we know it’s something that may never happen.  There is no knowledge of it ever happening. 

I started out on burgundy but soon hit the harder stuff
Everybody said they’d stand behind me when the game got rough
But the joke was on me; there was nobody even there to bluff
I’m going back to New York City;  I do believe I’ve had enough

Yesterday at ten I went for snacks and had a three pack of lemon cookies and an iced tea.  Joe put on the Spin Doctors, which has some lively, zippy music.  But Joe didn’t like them because he said that every song sounded alike.  He left and a minute or so later Terry Hill pounded on the door.  He noticed that Joe’s and not Bill’s name was on the door.  Terry had tw big bags of beef jerky for us.  I told him I couldn’t eat it with all the new dental work I’ve had done, but Joe was grateful to get a bag.  Terry told me about the Christian tracts he’s been handing out and suggest I try my hand at writing Christian tracts.  I’m on the wrong side of the fence for that one.  Terry Hill talked about all the atheists who were dreadfully afraid on their death bed.   You may be afraid at the moment but then death comes and there’s nothing.  You don’t remember a thing- including being afraid.  We talked a little but then I said it was time to go down to the dining room.  Patty didn’t arrive till after Terry left.  Larry was there.  Fortunately Terry is a little less loud-mouth than he used to be so attracts less attention.  He left and I looked at my watch and saw I still had time for a cigarette before lunch.  We had turkey tetrazini for lunch, with tiny pieces of turkey in the pasta.  It was bland but  I drowned in mine with pepper taking the lid off and shaking it out.  I don’t remember the dessert.  These song lyrics you see could be about me, or use your imagination and come up with someone else.   

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