Thursday, December 12, 2019

God's Moral Imperfections Are Irrelevant

.  Congress is doing their committee vote in the articles of impeachment today after last evening’s “mark-up session”, where modifications can be made.  I think any changes in the text would be minimal.  I’ve heard the articles are very well written as they are now.  The committee vote is said to be later today.  They want to get it done in such a hurry because there is right now a “smoking gun” and the gun is being reloaded and ready to fire for the 2020 election.  Giuliani made trips to Ukraine just last week and I guess he’s reported back to President Trump on the progress that’s being made on sabotaging the election.   They plan to stick to the full House vote being done next week. I was ahead of the learning curve saying the Republicans would not call any witnesses at the impeachment trial in the Senate in January.  They are trying to convince the President their best strategy is NOT to put on a defense.  After all the more witnesses the more media spectacle and also more opportunities for a purgery trap, which they are deathly afraid of.  Personally I’m voting for Joe Biden for President.  The reason is that Joe finally “grew a pair” after confronting that 82 year old retired farmer last week about Biden’s son.  Bloomberg despite all the commercials he’s run on television is only five percent in the polls.  The word now is that the Democrats are going to have a brokered convention next year because despite their being only four viable candidates that can poll over fifteen percent to get deligates,   The law for next year is that if you get fifteen percent you get deligates, which will make it harder for any candidate to pull a majority at the convention.  The last brokered convention was in 1952 with the democrats.  

I wanted to talk more about God and the question of, “Does God have moral imperfections?”   As I have said before, God is A-moral.  Even when God points out areas of disobedience in our lives, the morality is arbitrary.  But the question is do we have the right to judge God for his morality or the lack of it, and the answer is “No” we don’t.  We don’t have either the right or the ability to pass cosmic judgement on God.  We have the right to pass moral evaluations or judgements on our fellow man.  We have the right and I would say duty to pass moral evaluation on our esteemed President.  People use the expression of “You can go to Hell”.  Is this takingthe Lord’s name in vain?  I don’t think so because it’s just a colloquial expression,a figure of speech.  We don’t mean it literally.  It’s not a question of MAY I judge God so much as CAN I judge God.   God has the right to determine what his own Truth is and if you are an Abigail out there from Days of our Lives, you may be putting your very life in peril if you get too nosy about the wrong stuff and ask too many questions.  Nobody is going somehow “Unmask” God and reveal him to be a “fraud”.   (Save that for Trump and the anti impeachment  crowd)  As to the supremacy of Jesus, the book of Acts says that God raised Him to the supreme power at the right hand of God with all authority and power under heaven.  I don’t see how we as mere mortals can contradict this.  If you doubt me on this consider the following.  When it looks like you’re going to get into a major car wreck and somehow you escape and you and your car emerge without a scratch you say “Thank you, Jesus”.  You don’t  say “Thank you Buddha” or “Thank you Mohamed”.   We intuitively recognize the supremacy of Jesus. 

But I lack the physical ability to “turn myself into a Born Again Christian” because their karma is not my karma.  Jesus has the power to forgive sins, as we said previously.  This will clear your bad karma.  But I am still under the curse of my own bad karma.  I was under it the day before I got “saved” and the say after, also.  I also have a moral problem of personally profiting by the innocent suffering of another.  Here is where we can use a little impeachment logic.  It’s not necessary to carry through successfully with an evil act such as getting Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.  All that is necessary is to have the volitional attempt.  So I am “guilty” of the blood of Christ even though my own karma was never affected by the act of attempting to be a Born Again Christian.   Soren Kirkigard once wrote a book called “Fear and Trembling”  about the sacfrifice of Abraham’s son Isaac.  If ever there was a book I would ban from the public library this one is it.  This whole novel is “bad news” if you know what I mean.  You know we all profit from the suffering of others.  We buy products that were made by Thai or Malaysian ten year old children for pennies a day, and we think nothing of it.  So none of us are pure.  But there is another area of concern for me and that is this idea of being a krypto Christian.  We hear that “members of Caesar’s household’ were Christians.  We hear  that Nero’s concubine was a closet Christian.  We hear that Joseph of Arithmea was a closet Christian or at least we hear that he was on the council that condemned Jesus but that he disagreed with their decision.  This guy should have been out there protesting.  After all Time’s “Man of the Year” was a sixteen year old teenage girl with Asperger’s sydrone with no love life.  We have had a ten year old girl operate as point man in another case.  There is Karen Silkwood and the nuclear thing.  I believe in the adage that one brave man or woman can make a difference.  Yesterday morning I had a whole panorama of ideas laid out for today’s commentary and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a lot of them.  But the things mentioned here are enough sustenance to chew on a while. 

One moral failing of God I just can't pass is in the book of Job where God has a debate or some would say "temptation session" with Satan himself.  And God lost.  He let Satan dictate the terms on how he dealt with his servant Job.  It's none of Satan's business HOW God chooses to deal with his saints.  Satan has been thrown out of heaven and has no rights, at least austensively.  If you're going to go along with Satan's warped logic are you any better than Trump letting Putin dictate the terms of his relation with the United States.  God should have said "Get the hell out of here and keep your grubby hands off my saints!".  But he didn't do that.  Satan played to God's fears of "Maybe Job doesn't really love me".   If Satan can play to God's fears, how much easier would it be for Satan to play to our fears.  I fear being labeled Insane.  I will do anything to avoid that label.  There is another point I was going to make.  I don't believe God will ever ask us that violates our own morals.  For me if the deed involves a risk of being labeled Insane- - then I won't do it.  I won't kill an innocent child, either just to please a God for no other reason than "God wants more glory" and he thinks getting glory involves forcing me to do something that violates my moral scruples.  Once again I don't believe God asks this of us.  I don't think God wants me to be a martyr and pay with my life either to defend a Faith I don't believe in.   He would say "Well, have I asked you to be a martyr for me" and I would say "No" and He would say, "Well then, don't worry about it".  

Geometry can be interesting.  In BASIC you can do a "diamond ring" line drawing of a diamond based on the cross.  Who says the cross isn't good for something.  You connect up one line to the left and right and top and bottom to separate locations on the lines of the cross itself and you get a nice pattern.  Theories of the universe can get metaphysical.  For instance by metaphore people love to change representations of a three dimensional universe into a paper thin line.   Hence you have the soap bubble universe or the cylinder shaped universe or the donut shaped universe or a saddle shaped universe.  Or you can portray the universe as a single piece of typing paper.  Now all of these have some implied "fourth dimension" otherwise undefined where you can give "shape" to all of these designs.  Picture a piece of paper with a portion of it being written on with wet ink that hasn't dried yet.  Now fold the piece of paper over so that it touches the area where you just typed.  This will transfer the text of what you wrote onto the place where you folded the sheet over.  It's kind of a way of traveling vast distances while going only a milimeter or less.  At least this is the way the Dune people see it.  Interestingly all of these shapes - - - - maybe others like a cone -  - can all be produced graphically with a mathematical formula.  You've heard of linear equations forming interesting patterns based on a formula.  If you have an X and a Y and a Z axis, you have not linear equations but "plainear" equations based on not one but two unknowns.  I learned this in the Wolfram Alpha web site.  It's a good one but I haven't used it in over a year.   It will give you answers to problems where other web sites balk.  

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