Monday, December 16, 2019

Does Intuition Really Take You There?

We’re going to make this the lead blogpost for a while.  Does Intuition really take you there?  And where is “there”.   I’m alluding specifically to travel in the Fifth Dimension to a parrellel universe.  Hopefully you won’t venture too far into the fifth dimension or you’re too “out there” and in the Twilight Zone.  We’re not talking of going to a land of talking mushrooms or (talking cheese- maybe) where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies or where outer space is filled with marmalade skies.  Hopefully we want to venture out only as far as the Orion Federation (who deny that they even ARE in the fifth dimension.  A place with Star Trek technology so that we techies will feel a little bit at home.  Let me speak clearly.  Last time we alluded briefly to the soul and psychic energy.  But “The Mind” might be a more helpful phrase.  Some call the Mind a place of Imagination but in John Lennon’s defense he used the word “Intuition”, which can mean “revealed knowledge” like the multi-universe theory of the Big Bang.  It’s knowledge that can’t be proven and never may be proven but it has “Objective reality” none the less.  I said that I was an objectivist, which is a shade different from an empiricist, which relies on scientific instruments to measure reality.  Nobody has measured psychic energy as we alluded to in our last blog.  But it takes some “force” that can’t be measured or calabrated to transverse the Fifth Dimension.  The Moody Blues once said “Thinking is the Best Way to Travel”.   I’ll tell you this.  Once you die don’t expect to suddenly have a lot of revealed knowledge about things that you don’t have now.  If you’re going to “figure it out”,  you better figure it out now.

Some of you have questions about our previous posting.  I’ve been picking up your vibes.  The first question is “Why not just use hyperspace to travel in like the old Asteroids game”.  The reason is because it’s dangerous.  You don’t know where you’re going to end up.  Hopefully you will stay within the fourth dimension.   As you may know, Time as we know it stops in hyper-space.  Travel is instantaneous both in Time and Distance.  As such this would be a more efficient way of travel than the warped space stuff we were talking about last time.  But your next question is even more to the point.  If we stay within the fourth dimension- - - as you know it’s the fourth dimension of our time line that gives our “Space” it’s unique qualities as “Our Universe”.  As such how can unformatted space EXIST in this Universe?  I don’t know the answer to that question.  I don’t know everything but maybe they’ll discover something.  Let me just say this about this “engineered space” that wasn’t a part of the Big Bang and is therefore not naturally occurring matter.  It’s almost as if God pulled off another Creation in 900 AD when the Romulans are said to have been given the knowledge of the cloaking device. 

On the TV yesterday there was this kid who talked about making robots that obey his commands and also Time Travel.   Any time I hear the phrase Time Travel I phase out because it’s impossible if you remain within the Fourth dimension of “Our Time”.   (It’s also a dating site)  I could give you an elementary analogy as to WHY time travel is intrinsically impossible but I’ll let you figure it out.  A bright five year old can figure it out.  It’s my job to give you the building blocks of reality and let you assemble it for yourselves.   For the benefit of you Ditto Heads in Rio Linda, California just remember- - fourth dimension means REALITY.  There is something reassuring about reality.  If it isn’t real, how can you appropriate it for use in your lives.   One time a year ago Karen drew a picture of a school bus and asked the class, “which way is this bus traveling, to the right or to the left”?  Our whole class was stumped because there didn’t appear to be any clues.  But then she said, “Come on; a bright five year old can figure this one out”.  Then it came to me.  There is no door on the bus so the bus had to be headed to the left. She commended me for my insight.   Jesus told dark parables he claims he didn’t want people to understand.  But any psychotherapist could figure out what they meant in nothing flat.  It does something like this: “Up with Gentiles;  down with Jews; them’s the only proper views”. 

Now it's fun with Geometry.  How many three D shapes can you think of?  First of all thereis your basic sphere or globe.  There is a tetraheden otherwise known as the carbon atom, which is kind of a cubic triangle.  There is the cylinder and, well there is a donut shape.  You can also do either solid or hallow shapes, I guess, and a prisom, which had a triangular top and bottom and rectangular sides.  There is the cone, of course, which looks like a triangle from the side and a circle from the top.  We have your basic cubic rectangle.  There is also the pyramid, and also the doubled pyramid, which if you draw it right, all six points touch an imaginary sphere.  A pyramid has eight sides drawn like this.  There is the Oreo sandwich pentagon and hexagon.  This one has rectangular sides and the top and bottom is either a pentagon or a hexigon, depending which you are drawing.  You can also raise a tent post and put a roof on the thing and also put a tent post on the bottom of each.  Here you would construct a roof in triangular segments.  There would be either five or six of them depending on which.   There are variations.  You could draw an "equator" and construct either five or six sides that slant in to the top of trapazoidal shape- - - and the top pannel would be either a pentagon or a hexigon.  You can do the same thing with the bottom.  There are two shapes that are too complicated to draw.  One is a duodecahedren, which is a twelve sided figure constructed entirely of pentagona, and they used to sell bank calendars like that.  Finally there is a soccer ball configuration that looks round but is a mixture of pentagons and hexigona all in the same spherical shape.   I don't even know how many faces such a structure has.  I've never counted them.  

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