Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Articles of Impeachment Brought Forth

It was a little after six when the network news came on and they announced there would be two Articles of Impeachment.  One involved the abuse of power centering on the Ukrainian thing.  The other involved obstruction of congress.  They followed Nancy’s wishes and keptthe terms of impeachment narrow.  Jerry Nadler is the head of the judiciary committee and Adam Schiff is the head of  the intelligence committee.  Kevin Mc Carthy voiced the views of the opposition.  They will discuss the two articles of impeachment in the judiciary committee this week and next week before congress goes on recess on Friday the whole House  will vote on the articles of impeachment, and that will make it official.   I would compare what’s going on with the soap opera.  Gabriel Hernandez is like the Whore of Babylon and there is one person who could pull the rug right out from under her and blow up her world, but so far they have chosen not to do it.  There are people in Trump’s world in High Places that could yank the rug out from under President Trump, but they have chosen not to.  Trump wants to be the Whore of Babylon.  He wants to be the arbitor of both money and religious truth in the world.  Of course one of the most important people in High Places is God Himself.  And God, who’s decisions can’t be second guessed, has chosen to give Trump a pass on his many sins and signed off on Trump’s “ticket” so to speak, to a second term.  He and the Republicans are hoping for a repeat of 2016 where Trump wins a minority in the popular vote but those key electoral states save him just like they did last time, and what people like Ben Jerosky are saying will happen.  It’s hard to say what will happen in the senate “Trial”.  What we know is that it will be no “trial” for Trump any more than George Zimmerman had a “trial” as in “tryer of fact” in 2013.   It’s the democrats who will be placed on trial as speech after speech is made how “bogus”  all of the procedings are. 

I want to talk about “sin”.   The punishment for the vast majority of sins is temporal or temporary.  This is not what people are used to hearing.  What they assume that the penalty for sin no matter how slight, such as throwing a lit cigarette in the gutter- - - results in death because they point to the scripture “The wages of sin is death”.  I believe this is a poetic over-statement.  Punishments can run their course and then you have “paid” for your transgression.  But the Churchmen don’t want you to ever be free of the sin.  And they aren’t satisfied with mere death but have to introduce torture into their line of punishment saying you burn forever in the lake of fire.  Even Jesus said “Hell was made for the devil and his angels”.  If this is so why not just take him at his word.  Jesus wanted us to see that he had the power to forgive sins.  One of the flashiest ways of demonstrating that one is forgiven is to heal chronic illnesses because illness is the result of bad past karma.  People are plagued by bad karma in different ways.  For some it’s being unlucky in love.  For others it’s illness.  For other it’s an addiction.  I think it’s pretty much an inexerable teaching of the Bible that sin has some “manifestation” in this world.   People aren’t destined for leadership in this world without the permission of the Lord of this world.  You may be jinxed in your feelings of personal failure.  This is the result of bad karma.  It is my belief that you can’t “pray bad karma away”.  Consider yourself lucky if you are told what your bad karma is and what its manifestations are.   Don’t make the mistake of Baalem.  He’s the guy with the talking ass.  The message is “Don’t judge people cosmically because they appear to be getting away with transgressions”.  If God  isn’t “bothered” by these sins, then you shouldn’t be.  You can pray to “level their karma” but expect such prayers to fall flat and not be fulfilled.  Some are dreaming of a happy 2021.  We can hope for a new president.  But don’t count in it.  It all depends on how God is feeling at the time.  As Abraham Lincoln said long ago “It isn’t whether God is on our side” that relivant, but rather, are we on God’s side.  (Selah) 

This whole FBI investigation thing was a big disappointment for President Trump.  They did their report and found no political bias in going after Trump in 2016 by the FBI.  So the charges of the republicans are groundless.  There are some forty areas where the FBI needs to correct details in their FISA procedings.  The Republicans continue to repeat the accusation of the “deep state” that comprises the military, the CIA and the FBI.  If we didn’t know better we’d say these were accusations of some left-wing organization in the sixties.  Attorney General Barr wants to do another investigation of the FBI but I also hear that one is falling flat.  I thank God the media has finally come around to being on our side.   The right wing probably regards the national media as part of the “Deep State” also.  The first time I heard the phrase “Deep State” it was in Washington’s blog.  This is when I thought Washington’s Blog was left wing.  I soon got education on the subject and realize that the “Deep State” is the one thing that’s keeping us sane. 

Bob Dylan, who used to be a wise man, once said, "The high wire is for gamblers- - better use your sense.  Take what you have gathered from coincidence".   People guilty of wishful thinking love to see "patterns" in things that will somehow "bail them out" in the future.  It's a way of trying to overcome circumstances beyond your control.  In "The Fourth Turning" there is such a pattern described in eighty year cycles where every eighty years we have a major economic and social revolution in this country.  The last revolution was in 1933.  The problem is the previous era of "greed and rule by the economic giants" lasted between nine and thirteen years.  That's all.  This one has lasted since 1981 under Ronald Reagan.  That was nearly forty years ago.  Furthermore we are now some ninety years from 1929 with the last stock crash that brought down the rich.  I think we consider the whole premise of the book pretty much invalid at this point.  

I went down around nine o clock expecting to be taken to the doctor.  Joselyn finally got around to that at ten or more minutes after nine.  We looped around at Euclid and then doubled back to the building on Romnia.   I got there at 9:28.  It was less of a wait than usual.  Usually it’s 45 minutes.  Today I was in the examining room by about seven to ten.  My weight was identical to last time.  My blood pressure is still rather high as it is for this place at 140 over 87.  It’s still way better than last time.  I asked about my chest X ray and they said they wouldn’t have that because it isn’t a gastro-intestinal problem.   Dr Saran didn’t show up today.   I walked to that lady with a Swedish accent for an extended time as she thumbed through my files.  I gave her a summary of my health concerns for the past three months.  They want me to take another blood test because of my liver.  They will see me again in three months.  Dr Amin finally showed up and suggested again that I get a colonoscopy.  He also asked if I consulted a surgeon to have my gallbladder removed as was suggested last time.  I declined that suggestion once more.  I mentioned my cough but the response was “It’s the weather”.  Then they called Joselyn on her cell phone as I went first out for a cigarette and then spent time in the waiting room.  There was this one older woman in a wheel chair that howled like a dog.  I would rather have the dog.  Joselyn didn’t show up for 25 minutes or about twenty to eleven.

REMEDIAL MATH - Remember a while back when we talked about the geometry of four, five or six dimensional objects.  Perhaps some of you have doubts as to the voracity of my formula.  For you people hung up on that dimensional face stuff here is the key.  If you take four numbers like on an elevator arranged like a square and you connect all of the buttons you will have six combinations of two numbers each.  So how do we get eighteen?   Well, each of these basic combos has not one but two “opposites” to represent the two remaining dimensions not used in the first combos.  3 times 6 equals 18.  It’s just that simple.   For a four dimensional substance there would be four combinations or “volumes” of three dimensional spaces.  This would reflect which number you want to leave out.  I say this because for a six dimensional world were you to subdivide the space into three dimensional spaces it would comprise a lot more than just two volumes.  Triangulation is a big thing used in two dimensional “faces”.  There is a short form of this formula that goes the number you want to triangulate times one number higher, and then devide the answer by two.  It works every time.  The other way would be the way you do it in BASIC.   That would be A = 1 and X = 1 and then A = A + 1 and then X equals X plus A.   These commands have to be in the right sequence or you really get messed up.  The "God" show makes reference to the Golden Mean.  A figure used in art.  The number has some interesting mathematical properties. This is NOT dividing a rectangle and having the two halves be the same shape as the original.  That one is based on the square root of two.  You can use the square root of three or five to get more oblong shapes.  The square root of five is very close to the shape of a Wide Screen.  The Golden Mean is 1.618034 as defined as the default of BASIC.  The formula for the Golden Mean is A = B and B =  C and then C = A + B, and this also has to be in the right sequence.   “Choose 3” as a Google command is the “pyramidization” of numbers, which is a step beyond triangulation because it involves stacked cans like a pyramid in the store.  There was other math I was going to present but I sense in the psychic waves I’m beginning to bore you.  Math shouldn’t be boring.  One thing about math and algebra is that it’s a whole lot easier to do if you’re on the right track to begin with.  (Think about it)  Think logically.  

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