Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trump Issues Executive Order Against Free Speech

Congress had a marathon session last evening but failed to arrive at a vote.  They had the vote at seven o clock in the morning during breakfast.  The vote was 23 ayes to 17 no’s.  This number was repeated throughout the morning just in case I got it wrong.  The republicans were arguing about having the vote this morning but I don’t know why.  Last night was bad for labor in the parliamentary elections in England.  The conservative party won big so that Boris Johnson will easily get reelected.  This is a bad thing and I’m not sure why it happened.  The pro Trump forces are strong in the world now just like they are in Brazil and other places.  I’d have been even more pessimistic in my latest posting if I knew that apparently Trump is leading all democrats in the key electoral states of Wisconsin, Michigan,  Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Trump is leading by ten points after being down to Biden by three points just a few weeks back.  I don’t know what the hell is going on but the Republicans are crowing like roosters over the prospect of winning a big acquittal in the Senate next month and being able to garner votes from it.  At some point I turned on Bill Handel on the news and had this Thomas guy on at nine who talked about the democratic candidates.  There is still no front runner.  There are still no votes cast.

I had heard the Christmas party was at eleven thirty.  At a quarter to eleven I heard from Phyllis that Joe just bought marijuana from Chewy and is probably high on it right now.  I would have liked to have smoked some.  I had these fears somehow with all of these Calvary pastors at the party that Trump’s name would come up and we’d all have to take loyalty oaths or something.  Patty said the room was filling up already at five to eleven and there was a lot of noise emanating from the upper room though I didn’t go down then.  But Paul called at ten after eleven and I asked, “Where are you?”  I was surprised to hear he was still at home and that he wasn’t ready yet.  I went in and reserved a seat for Paul.  Larry came over and sat two seats away from me and Paul and Larry got into a conversation.  The microphone needed EQ   because the treble was so shrieky both in feedback and vocal quality it would have been better, as Paul says, just not to use a microphone and shout louder.  We had roast beef austensively with brandy sauce, except my beef didn’t have any sauce on it.  There was gravy on the potato and the string bean casserole was good.  Actually Paul gave me his plate because I wasn’t served one when she made the rounds though she had others.  We had a dinner roll without butter.  We had carrot cake with icing for dessert.  Paul gave me half of his piece and Tao gave me about half of his also.  We had interesting punch, and coffee.  I was able to get seconds on coffee.  The Catholic lady spoke.  Then we had two guitars playing separately and the second one had a strange flute like thing.  Paul had to be at another party.  It wasn’t too far past twelve thirty when they were already clearing off the tables.  During this period Paul and I were up for charades.  I missed all of  the clues that Paul gave except for “Silent Night” an answer to the wrong clue.  Paul talked with one of the guitar players from Calvary West Gate or something in Garden Grove.  I introduced Paul to Brother Bart and he in turn bragged about our pathetic little group that attends the Bible study.  Soon Paul had to leave.  I was in the smoking area but hadn’t lit up yet because I knew Paul would be passing by, which he was.  Chris’s girlfriend is named Rosy.  I haven’t known many Roses in my life.  Most of them are in song.  Sylvia’s friend was named Rose.  The conversation meant nothing and I’ve had meaningless conversations with her before.  I watched Days of our Lives and Joe had JACK radio on the full time.  Eric and Sarah are going to Boston to get away from Zander, I suppose.  I can’t figure out her motive in dumping Zander so quickly.  

Donald Trump has issued an executive order saying that Jewishness is a nationality.  As such you can’t say anything bad about Israel or the government will cut off the funding to your university.  Liberal Jews are for free speech, even speech they disagree with.  So both the guest and the host were against this change in the 1964 civil rights bill, which said that no organization was entitled to funding if it practiced racial discrimination.  It’s ironic that Trump tolerates anti-Semites on so many other occasions, but he will come down hard on it in this case.    Certain news can be good news for us economically but bad news for us democrats and such an event occurred on Friday that I haven’t mentioned yet.  Yesterday it was announced that a deal was struck between the US and China not to raise terriffs on products imported from China this Sunday as planned.  What this means is that there will be no big boost in prices that might have stymied the economy and made it easier for Democrats to attack the president on the basis of economic news.  There is talk about negotiating things that China agrees to buy from us and also there is talk about doing something about theft of intellectual property done by China.   This is all good news.  One might say Trump has come to his senses on economic relations with China and maybe some of the terrifs already imposed on Chinese goods may be recinded.

We had a horrible burrito for dinner.  Fortunately the ample salsa covered up the flavor of it so you didn’t notice the pasty tastelessness of it so much.  We also had guacamole and an apple pie for dessert on the same plate.  Joe had CD number one of the “Blue Albium” that he was playing before dinner.  I left for dinner during “Hey Jude”.  I went to the store for cigarettes. 

I would like to mention the mystery of the four dots.  Picture four dots out in space in a realm where there is no gravity.  Now one of the dots is not “co plainier” meaning it is not lined up with the others.   But WHICH dot is it.  There is no way to tell because it all depends on how you “define the plain”.   Three points “define” a plane.  You know that.  Whichever way the plane goes is the dot that is odd man out.  And it could be any one of the four dots.  This is a true case of “relative morality” or acceptability or whatever other word you want to use.   Four points define a Volume.  But what if one of the four dots is not in our three-dimensional reality as we know it?  What if one of the dots is somewhere else in the fifth dimension?  This is just a mind blowing exercise because I hope to present a bunch of other material for you involving the hope of travel AT light speed and using “warp” power, vastly exceeding light speed.  One is definitely more possible than the other.  If you have one of those points in “unformatted space” a lot of things become possible that weren’t before.  But it may be scientifically impossible for us to ever get to “unformatted space”.  (Selah)  This space is also known as zero dimensional space or the space between the Universes created in the Big Bang.  There were a vast number of universes created in the big bang, but the number is definitely finite and not infinite, and a big enough computer could count them.  So there are unformatted spaces between the lines.  (Selah) 

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