Monday, December 09, 2019

The Resurrection of President Trump

 This is Monday December 9, 2019 and they are holding impeachment hearings once more on the networks.   They began at six.  It doesn’t look very good for the impeachment crowd because they were pummeled with all manner of objections from the minority party calling the entire procedings a “sham”.  The word “sham” has been used countless times by the Republicans if you put all of the tape clips together.  I would liken this whole impeachment trial thing to the trial of Jesus Christ for alledged threats to public safety or whatever against Rome.  But there is no evidence per se except for one asked and answered question.  “Are you the son of God” and Jesus said “Yes, I am”.   Basically as the Republicans see it there is a fig leaf of a charged based on the content of one phone call July 25th of this past year.  None of the other conduct of the President seems to matter, either to the democrats or the republicans.  There are no witnesses showing up for President Trump.  The president doesn’t want them, any more than Jesus wanted witnesses to testify on his behalf denying that he was the son of God.  Such witnesses would ruin all of his plans.  For Trump the crucifixion is likened to his being impeached by the house and that the Senate symbolized his resurrection with the voters of America.  We can’t have any thing intervene to ruin his plans.  He needs to die quickly so he can go on and be resurrected so he can then gain power over the Church and thus rule the world.  This is what Trump wants; he wants to rule the world.   Some of the charges of Republicans are silly saying he wants to “overturn the vote of 63 million Americans”.  The last time I checked we were some three years into a Trump presidency.  The Republicans so on further to state that without this impeachment trial that the Democrats have no change of winning next year’s election despite the fact that in virtually every poll the democratic candidates ALL beat the President.  None the less with people like Patty you can hear her now saying “What a shame it is that the democrats are causing all this trouble.

I got up at four thirty to go down and get coffee in the dining room.  Today they were back doing coffee.  I made it there by a quarter to five.  I had two cups then and one more cup an hour or so later.  Joe was playing guitar music during the morning but then left.  I turned on the hearings.  Breakfast featured Rice Krispies and scrambled eggs and a crescent with butter and jelly.  I had one more cup of coffee.  I saw Moocher cat outside.  He follows Phyllis wherever she goes.  They are still doing the hearings and I’ll listen to that now.   It must be stated that Vladimir Putin was the source of all of this “Ukraine supported Hillary in 2016” charges.  There is no factual support for this except the words of Putin, which takes the heat off of Russia itself.  There were rumors that Trump was about to throw Giuliani under the bus soon and disown his meetings with Russia on Trump’s behalf.  Giuliani has to report on last week’s visit to Ukraine. 

The Sixty Minute first segment was a crazy mad scientist thing on DNA research. The whole thing seemed unreal.  If we are really that advanced then nothing is impossible, even bring back extinct species or reversing the ravages of aging or immunity from ALL virus in future generations.  The second segment was on a city built by the Palestinians.  But Netanyahoo didn’t want to turn on the water at first.  If you’re Palestinian, you have to learn to crawl to the Israelis.  This has to be humiliating but they’re lucky to get ANY support at all from Netanyahoo.  Then it was “God Friended Me”.   The question is how much you’re willing to “sacrifice to the cause”.  Do you dedicate your whole life to the cause and sacrifice your private love life just because “The God account” wants you to?   Just as a generic reference, you “sacrifice” to maintain things you love.  But who says that I “Love” God?   There was no reference to loving God in my latest blog.   Doing favors is wonderful and Miles has performed valuable services.  But I would only remark that, “Is God so short handed that he only gets a willing servant every five years?” 

The following two paragraphs were typed Friday December 6th.
Paul talked about Jesus presenting the atoning blood to God in heaven as to why Mary couldn’t touch him.  Chuck has another theory.  They were doing “swamp watch” while I was on the phone.  On Days of our Lives, J J pulled a gun in Christin right in the church and she was preparing to renew her vows to be a nun.  Lani prayed for a sign from God and she got one.  Elijah showed up right in the same room, for her to confess to.  If she confesses, Gabriel’s world will fall apart overnight, not to mention their romance.  

This is after dinner and it had almost stopped raining.  They finally have lights on the Christmas tree.  They are starting to put up decorations inside and every table has a Christmas tree.  They’re actually quite late this year.  The guitar music is still playing.  We had grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with a cucumber and onion salad.  We had tapioca pudding for dessert.  I’ll rename this file when I’m convinced Word won’t flip-out entirely.   I need to go to the store for cigarettes.  I’m out because I smokes so many in the morning. 

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