Friday, October 19, 2018

The Week's Events

.  I was thinking of typing a thesis on moral even-handedness and moral consistency in the Church.  I don’t see how Pat Robertson can engage in this Saudi Arabia cover-up of that reporter.  What’s in it for him to tout the Trump line.  What was in it for Chuck Smith while he was still alive to tout the most extreme of anti-Obama rhetoric.  Why does Terry Hill back up Justice Kavanaugh?   These are all mysteries.  Something is driving today’s Christianity that isn’t theological in nature.  It’s like this cult of Trump-ism is devouring everything it comes in contact with.   This is Friday October 19th and the following is material from events earlier this week.  I hope to type more on current events today or tomorrow.   

I had Stephanie Miller on.  At ten to nine Bill called up and wanted me to go buy him a pack of Time cigarettes for eight dollars out of my bank account and send them along with whoever is going to pick him up.  People I’ve asked about it say not to do it if I don’t want to.  I checked the lunch and dinner menus and I guess the meals are passable.  I came in from out back and Sarah told me Terry was at the front desk.  He had a big long box filled with individually wrapped thick slices of pumpkin bread.  And it’s nice and fresh.  Millie says that Cathy took seven or eight slices.  I wondered why the box went down so fast.  People came around when Terry was passing them out to people.  Then we went up to my room.  Terry is a Justice Kavanaugh freak and called his hearing a “witch hunt”.  That’s right out of FOX news.  He talked of political candidates calling him up and Terry wants to know where they stand on the moral issues and one of the moral issues was “political correctness”.
Yesterday I don’t know if I went for morning snacks or not.  We had – - two big tacos with shells but no hot sauce for lunch and fruit cocktail for desert.  I had Gary and Shannon on.  I watched Days of our Lives.  At two I went out for snacks and got two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.  Nora came just as I was leaving and I was out of the room till two thirty.  Then I got on the computer for something.  I looked at my E mail and then wrote Paul a badly written letter about my illnesses.  But then I watched Eye Witness news at three.  I dozed off during the three thirty news and woke with just enough time at ten to four to go out for a smoke.  I only got a single decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  That didn’t fill me up.  Sarah said I should have asked for a triple decker if I wanted two layers of filling.  We had applesauce for dessert inside a container, and not apple crisp. Then I went with two dollars and bought a pack of Vanilla clippers.  Now President Trump says it’s “rogue elements” inside Saudi Arabia that abducted and hacked to death that Washington Post reporter.   The evening was usual.  I was awake for watching the ABC network news.  Elizabeth Warren does have Cherokee DNA in her genes.  But President Trump is not going to pay the million dollars he promised    I got my iron pill from Jan just before dinner.  There was a line at seven thirty.  But Jan didn’t give me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  It was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  Then it was “The Resident” at eight.  I had the TV on after nine but don’t remember the program.  I had an interesting dream the night before last about being able to regress and change time and play a “what if” situation. 
It's twenty minutes to three on Wednesday October 17, 2018 and the fifth Brewers and Dodgers game is being played right now at Dodger stadium.  I don’t know if it’s on FOX.  The Brewers won Monday night’s game and the Dodgers won the match last night that went thirteen inning and they won two to one.  There were a lot of surprises yesterday and today.  Yesterday morning I think I got morning snacks.  I was sitting out back intending to type some more when Sarah met me in the hall and said that someone was waiting for me at the front desk.  It was Terry.  He had a long box with him like curtain rods or something which he hadn’t opened up yet.  He said it was for me and Bill.  It was individually wrapped thick pumpkin bread slices.  I see I’ve already reported on that so I guess I typed after he had left.  I didn’t want to talk about Justice Kavanaugh with him.  For lunch we had a turkey toasted open faced sandwich with white gravy which Millie didn’t like.  I don’t remember the dessert.  I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  I never went to the store for Bill as he had requested.  I was getting my usual attack of noon drowsiness.  I decided to shave but did not use after shave.  I watched Days of our Lives.  Nora was about to come in this room when I departed to do stuff.  I didn’t try for the snack line. 
In the lobby in the med line to see Dr Saran Bill was already there just after two and he had picked a number just ahead of me to see the doctor.  He said Kathy cut in line without a number.  I saw Dr Saran.  He had my blood test results from several months ago.  Everything looked good (as of them).  I immediately began telling Dr Saran about all my symptoms.  I told him of the fever in the head and reduced appetite and tightness in the stomach.  I told him I had been sick since September 21st.  I told him about my morning backaches.  Dr Saran kept urging me to get a flu shot as he was giving out this time.  He said I’d get even sicker if I didn’t have one.  Finally he was talked into putting that off till next month.  He prescribed more cough syrup and anti-biotics.  My temperature was 97.9 and it would have been more believable if it had been 99.7.  My blood pressure was 124 over 64, which was back down to normal.   Then I got in the money draw line.  I never heard money draw announced.  The line wasn’t too long this time and one guy let me go in ahead of him.  I was behind John Kip.  I got in and took a piece of candy she had.  I had eleven dollars in my account, and I took all of that.  I went to get a pack of strawberry cigarettes.  Later on in the day I came back to get a 12 oz can of Coke.  I also bought a green lighter this day.  I gave Judy Dr Saran’s phone number because she wanted it.
I was watching the ABC nertwork news when Augustine finally came by to fix the sink and the toilet.  He put in a new sink trap and he plunged the toilet.  Both work fine now and Bill is satisfied.  I had four pieces of pumpkin bread this day and gave Bill the other three, which he ate.  We had ravioli for dinner with tomato sauce and a green salad.  I think we had fruit cocktail for dessert.  The evening was relatively normal I guess   Jan said I was late in getting my iron pill at five.  I spent a lot of time outside.  It was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  I went down for the medication line at seven thirty and there was a short line.  I didn’t then get cough medicine but I came back just after nine o clock and got cough syrup because I was agitated and coughing.  Bill wanted the window open complaining it was hot in the room.  I got cold in the room after three thirty in the morning.  Bill woke me up then making a lot of stirring around noises. 
      I got up and showered at ten before five.  I unwrapped the regular vitamins and have been taking them along with the C.   I had Bill Press and Stephanie Miller.  Bill was out of the room a lot.  I got medication just after five thirty and John gave me cough medicine.  I had eaten all of the pumpkin bread.  We had Rice Krispies for breakfast.  This was followed by a bagel and cream cheese and a sausage link and a hard boiled egg.  Larry had food on his plate and I ate some of that and taken some out to feed the cat with.  Dorthey was holding the cat at length once before breakfast and once afterwards.  I gave the cat the egg and the sausage.  Then I lay back down on the bed and relaxed a little.  Bill convinced me to turn on the KNXT news and I ended up dozing off a little.  “Let’s Make a Deal” came on at nine and “The Price is Right” was on at ten.  All the while Bill was sleeping.  I did not go out for morning snacks. 
Nora finally made it by at twenty to eleven after I had prepared the room.  I spent time out back with Millie and Dorthey.   We had sweet and sour pork and those oriental noodle things and broccoli.  I didn’t get seconds.  We had mandarin oranges for dessert.   I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  I was sitting out back when Dr Levy showed up in his marroon car.  He still has my records in his garage Days of our Lives was a revealing day.  Gabriel is going from bad to worse in terms of her personal ethics.  Ben and Sierra have a relation based on honesty and now Claire wants to undermine that with her cramming her own ideas down Ben’s throat.  In the afternoon I got two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.   I came back up here to make a phone call to Judy asking her how her conversation with Dr Saran went today.  She couldn’t get through.  Now Bill has turned on Eye Witness news and wants me to exchange a cigarette lighter for him. 

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