Thursday, October 04, 2018

Our Utterly Corrupt Society

I tuned in Thom Hartman this morning at nine and he announced that the FBI had cleared Kavanaugh of any wrong doing.  But at the same time he announced there was a massive rise in the polls over the past two weeks of Kavanaugh’s popularity among Americans and that in key congressional races the Republicans are gaining.  Thom explains that this sudden rise in popularity in the Republicans  is due to mass advertising in other parts of the country.  It certainly hasn’t been around here.  This is all despite the fact that the FBI never questioned either Kavanaugh or Ford and basically they announced their investigation was over two days ago after only a day or two of questioning of witnesses.  Of course they wouldn’t question anybody that reported that Kavanaugh was a drunk or that he abused women, so I don’t know what the FBI’s game is.  Apparently the FBI overnight has gone from being an independent organization to being a rubber stamp for anything that President Trump wants them to say.  I bet when the FBI was investigating King back in the sixties they took a lot longer than two days.  Back then they were bent on coming up with evidence against King.  So it would seem that the full vote of the Senate will be tomorrow or Saturday and this whole thing will be wrapped up this week.   Of course this is despite evidence that Kavanaugh used the term “Alumnus” to describe women that he’s had sex with or that he rented out a place on the beach in Easter of 1983, which would be his senior year in High School.   He said that there would be a lot of drinking and puking and there was some concern that there would be enough beds to lay all the women.  Of course there are various other letters that Kavanaugh sent.  He would put four F’s for “find ‘em, feel ‘em, fuck ‘em and forget them” referring to his rape victims.  And of course he was in a fraternity at Yale with a bad reputation for abusing women.  And of course they would line the fraternity brothers up at the door to have them all have sex with the same woman.  I guess that was part of an initiation or something.  Who would guess that so called good Christians- - Catholics no less- - - would have such a record of moral debauchery.  I don’t know.  How do the Koch Brothers craft an ad on TV that would make such a person appealing as a Supreme Court justice?  People keep saying that the walls are closing in on President Trump, yet the evils of this administration keep going on and on and even at this date I can’t really say that there is light at the end of the tunnel.   

There are two other news items about Trump.  One is the NAFTA rewrite.  It seems that the new NAFTA treaty has some better provisions that help labor and get rid of unfair competetion and keep more US jobs here.  But also other provisions were thrown in to help the drug companies maintain prohibitively high prices by extending patents and also helping out the oil companies.  The other news are Trump's finances.  We all knew Trump was a crook and now we know for sure.  Gone at last is the myth that Trump got started with just a one million dollar loan from his father.  Now they say that by age eight Donald Trump was already a millionaire.  Also that in today's dollars Trump got over four hundred million from his father.  But they also said that the brothers got over a billion dollars from his father's estate when he died.  And of course there is massive tax fraud and we never got to see Donald Trump's tax returns.  In personal news my health has been poor the last two thirds of the month of September and I'm not really sure how it is now.  The flu has struck early around here and I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about it in the news yet.  

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