Thursday, October 11, 2018

D J I Drops 835 Points Yesterday

.  They spent the first fifteen minutes of the ABC network news doing Hurricane Michael.  Hurricane Michael is the third lowest barometric pressure of all time behind Camille and that hurricane that hit in 1935.  This puts it past Andrew and Katrina.  It hit in Panama City, Florida but the path of the hurricane is curving to the right swinging past Atlanta and then headed to North Carolina and points to the north and east.  They say it’s the first hurricane to hit so deep into Georgia. In late news today the hurricane has moved eastward back toward the Atlantic Ocean and now they are predicting a US exit via the Atlantic after it hits the middle Atlantic states.  

The markets were down over eight hundred points on the D J I.  This signals real trouble because if interest rates are really headed upward for the first time in ten years, it could signal not just a one day flook but the first day of the new bear market.  Time will tell.  If the numbers keep dropping and dropping a lot every day, day after day, it may weigh on the voter who reads their newspapers every day.  It could help the democrats.  But if I were a democrat running for congress I'd say, and would have said before yesterday, that the economy will crash or at least go down sometime before 2020 because the Federal Reserve has deemed it time to raise interest rates.  Inflation is now at 2.8% and even the government admits that much.  Social Security will be increasing by that ammount.  In reality we know inflation is and has been Much higher than that.

KFI interrupted Leo for the senate vote on Kavanaugh.  There were a lot of protestors and the sound system was strange with noises you couldn’t make out.  I thought there were a lot more “Aye” votes than there turned out to be.  The final vote was 50 to 48.  But Lisa Marcusky canceled her “no” vote so that someone else could register their eye vote who couldn’t make it because they were at a wedding.  I guess it was really 51 to 49 or just what everyone thought.  The early game ended a little after one and then it was Miami and Florida State.  Rhapsody in Black wasn’t on.  I went out for two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.  

Even a two degree C rise in the temperature of planet earth will be an unacceptable figure with widespread damage to coastal cities.  People say that 2030 could be the danger point where it may already be too late to do anything about it.  If the polar ice caps melt, there's no getting them back.  They are the things that reflect the sun's heat.  I know I haven't been blogging much and this is all I have for you today.  

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