Thursday, April 27, 2006

Greetings to those in cyber space. I’m glad you found my blog. The name of this blog is “Escape from Egypt” and that’s what I intend to get around to talking about eventually. First let me tell you a little about myself and this blog. This is the eighth posting on this blog, which makes it a little like a Black Sabbath album with eight songs. I intend to make this the most lengthly post of the eight, assuming I include all the little “bits” I was planning. Most of the material in these blog posts has in some way to do with either religious or spirituality or metaphysics. I hope you’re interested in those things. There’s a place for my photo on this blog but the thing is I don’t have a digital photo of myself ready at hand to use, but I don’t have anything to hide. If you’re curious about my age let me put it this way. I became interested in the teachings of the Bible after I graduated high school.. Among the things that got me interested in Christianity were Jehovah’s Witness literature and listening to Garner Ted Armstrong on the radio. At that time, around 1970, I was still too young to vote. If you “My Space” people are wondering what I am wearing today, I have on black leather shoes, dark gray socks, kaki dress slacks, and a red Florida State shirt. Randy Rhodes said on her radio program yesterday that back in Florida she and the girls could always tell which of the young men were down from Washington D C because they always wore kaki slacks.

MATH CORRECTION: On the posting after this one I saw that the angles at the edge of the Pyramid at Giza were 78 degrees. This was based on Gene Scott’s flawed reconing of the height angle at 51 deg. When the correct number is used the angles at the edge of the eight sided pyramid come to approximately 70.5 degrees.

Better Free Your Mind First

John Lennon in the song “Revolution” said the words “Better free your mind instead”. Freeing your mind and spirit comes first before you try and strive for freedom in other ways. The Jews won freedom from slavery in Egypt, only to confront a God who demanded the sacrifice of your son, like Abraham did. King Saul thought he was king of the hill only to confront a God who demanded the complete genocide of the Amalikites. King Saul balked. But some of you may say, “But those Amalikites were bad people; they bullied the seven daughters of Jethro in The Ten Commandments and wouldn’t let them water their flocks!” If you make yourself a mental whore without a moral compass, what will you do next? Some may say that Christianity is about a vicarious sacrifice, or a sacrifice of one’s self covering the sins of another. Let me tell you a story. Once there was a couple named Bo and Hope. They were happily married and had a little four year old boy named Zach. But one night Zach was run down and killed by a hit and run driver. The driver was the husband’s daughter who he didn’t know existed till recently. The daughter had an enormous capacity to self pity because she was an orphan and people blaimed her self-obcessive center of the world mentality on the fact that she had a deprived upbringing. But hope, the step-mother already hated Chelsea because of her spoiled and “delinquent” ways. So it was decided that Chelsea’s mother would take the rap for running down Zack, because Hope hated Chelsea so much this would defuse her anger. Of course it didn’t work. The truth came out. The truth always comes out. What a person wants is not just “anybody” paying for the crime; they want the guilty party paying for the crime. And this is exactly what is wrong with vicarious atonement.

Last night I had a dream. I dreampt I was in a van with other people headed vaguely westward to some school where we were supposed to sign up to take courses. I remember at the time I lived with my parents at home. I couldn’t have been more than twenty. I had wanted to take a shower that morning but things kept happening to prevent me from doing that. Elvis was also in this van. I knew Elvis personally. I knew that Elvis was at the time in prison. He was married but not to Pricilla. He owned a house on the outside but said his goal was to buy a home in Santa Cruz but right now he didn’t have enough money. Elvis was perhaps in his early twenties in this dream. I was thinking “If you don’t have enough money, who does?” The “campus” was more like one of these “Industrial parks” you see around town. Elvis had classes to go to but I was supposed to sign up for something but had no idea what to take. I wandered the outside area. There were some picnic benches there and some woman was surprised to learn that I actually knew Elvis. I said “Sure I do. He appears in all my dreams”. (strange) Someone had brought me some stuff left in the van. It was a bunch of letters in long, business envelopes all addressed to various people. Only someone, and I had a definite suspect in mind, had scrawled all over the envelopes in red felt pen stupid remarks and circled items and such thus rendering them unmailable. Shortly after this I was given a box of long, and very sharp knives to carry somewhere. The box was coming open and the knives, held together with a piece of twine, were coming out and cutting my hands, which was painful but I kept going. Finally, I remember being in some hospital or something with bloody cuts all over my hands. I then remembered that the nurses here had drugged me in the past and now they wanted to inject me with a drug again. I shouted at them in protest calling them stupid and other things but to no avail. They only addressed their remarks to each other such as “Do you have the medication” or they would respond to some woman having difficulties in labor. They ignored everything I said to them and injected me. Finally I remember riding back in the van. I saw that Elvis was again in the van. It suddenly dawned on me that I had absolutely idea where I lived. We came up to the Prison and went through all the security gates and checks. They let us off in this big warehouse type area with bars everywhere. There was a courtyard to the north where the sun shone through and bars separating us from the court yard. I remember there was organ music like a baseball stadium playing in the background. “How curious” I thought.

Someone reading this dream would conclude that I’ve got unresolved psychological conflicts, and no doubt I have. Some times (we aren’t going to get to everything I was planning) there can be a law of unintended consequences. Liberals, like Christians have “good intensions” but things don’t work out like they planned, or we would have reached perfection by now. Christians make grandiose claims for themselves, too. Like the liberal they believe man is basically evil and only “they” know how to “rein him in” so to speak. You know (and I’m going to use a little cryptic code here just like that Supreme Court decision on the Di Vinci code)- - There is an event that occurred 29 years ago in my life to the day and date. We have provided a few clues to help you guess what that event is. I remember the day because it was a classmate’s birthday. Lennon must have thought Paul had sleepless nights. Some may argue that “The Apostle Paul” had a hard time sleeping at night. Some (after reading this blog) may say “The one mistake you made was in your head”. Well, roll these clues around in the stony recesses of your mind and maybe you’ll get a little satisfaction after a while.

But is it always “In your head?” Once there was a little girl in a startrek episode and she was lonely and developed an imaginary friend. But one day this “friend” became real because an alien being had assumer the identity of the little girlfriend. And she would tell the girl to do things she knew she shouldn’t do. Eventually the ship’s psychiatrist got involved. I guess I’m wondering which is worse. Would it be better if the Apostle Paul, who wrote between he and Luke 2/3 of the New Testament- - would it be better if he really “made the whole thing up?” Paul admits to going into “Arabia” in the desert for three years and “There I was taught by the Lord Himself personally”. How could this be? Some soap opera people “Have an encounter with God” and it turns out not to be God at all. Who’s to say the encounter in the desert Paul had was all in his head. Perhaps it was a real person but also, perhaps it was not “The Lord Jesus Christ”, at least as we have come to know him. There will be more “clues” later on in this blog and read posts seven and eight if you’re curious for an identified Name.

I was going to talk about four wonderous animals, the Rat, the Saber Toothed Tiger, the Ape, and the Honey Bee and how they relate to Church people. I think I’ll save that for another blog except for this one example. Do you remember a Startrek Next Generation episode called “The game” where one person brought back this headset game that kind of hooked into your brain and used your mind as the computer screen? The object of this game was to put some ball or other shape in this hole, and when you did you got an electric “buzz high”. That was your “reward”. Soon it seemed everybody aboard ship was playing this game. You would advance to “higher levels”. People would say “After a while the game practically plays itself”. You use your mind power to manipulate the ball to get the “reward” of a mental buzz. Soon this game became disruptive. I think you can see what we have here is nothing more than a conditioned rat. A rat will brave an electric shock grid more powerful than anything to get a brain electrode stimulation of its pleasure centers under circumstances where if it were only food that were being offered the rat would rather starve to death than face the electric shock grid.

John Lennon said on a Live at the BBC recording, “I’m John and I too play a guitar! Sometimes I play the fool”. Once there was a man from Antioch. He was a proud member of the Antioch Baptist Church and was on sabbatical in pursuit of Wisdom. He sailed and came to the port of Heipha. There he met a fish processor. They got to talking about fish and the Jewish man who was the fish processor said to him, “Above all what you need for wisdom is to eat the head of the sucker-fish”. “Are you sure you don’t mean a blow-fish” the man from Antioch said. “No, I mean a sucker fish”. So the fish processor sells the man a whole bag full of fish heads that he might get wisdom. He eagerly hurries home to try out the fish on his family. Everyone turns up their nose in disgust saying “This tastes terrible!”. The man from Antioch angrily goes back down to the fish processor and demands his money back saying indignately, “You cheated me! I took these fish heads home to my family and these things are positively uneatable’ The Jewish fish processor says, “Oy Vee - - - already it’s working!”

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