Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Greetings to all the blog-ees out there. I am the blog-er so you all must be the blog-ees. I hope you like our new color. I am still new at this this being only my second day of blogging. Today we are going to talk about the early Christian Church and speculate what got it going. In case you are wondering I did used to be a devout Christian and just earlier this evening I "played the part of the holy roller" to an individual with whom I didn't want to appear "back-slidden". You know if you've read my previous posts I really don't believe prayer in the form of petetion to an all powerful and all-caring Diety works. I believe at times people can have a "positive feeling" about something that can turn out to be accurate. Some speculate that somewhere in the cells or our brain we are plugged into the primal Universe since we are all products of the Big Bang and part of that primal explosion, which is Creation, is in all of us. One of these days I hope to talk about a rather fictional realm of mine called the Orion Federation, which borrows heavily from Star Trek, Star Wars, and "Dune". The constellation of Orion has two primary stars that people know and those are Betelguese and Reigel. (That's how I spell it) The Catholic Church once saw itself, and still may, see itself as the repository of all knowledge, both physical and spiritual. I think it's time we investigate the "Catholic" or Universal church. The tag of "Universal" was applied to the Bishop of Rome quite early, by the end of the first century. They claim to trace their Popes back to St. Peter but I'm not buying that. I don't believe St. Peter ever went to Rome. I don't believe he wrote either of the Epistles of Peter. In fact after not that long of a period I believe he died in obscurety, being no longer relivant to Christianity, that role being taken over by St. Paul and "John of Ephesus". The word "Catholic" or "Universal" dates so far back in history we can pretty much state that the origion of the Christian church and Christianity is the origion of the Catholic Church. Let's now take a look at some of the secrets of the church and who holds them and what their relivance is.
OPUS DEI: If you have internet or TV access you know by now that this is Latin for "work of God" and there are various layers to the organization. Many are bound to celebacy but some live normal lives, except that they need "permission" (from who?) to leave the house and that their mail is routinely monitered and one may presume, censored. The organization was founded by a Mexican priest in 1922 merely as a way of showing love and devotion to God. You also may know that the Jesuits are suspicious of Opus Dei. Basically I class Opus Dei kind of in the same catigory as the Skull and Bones fraternity. There "really isn't much to find out" about them aside from that which they want to tell us. If they are secretive, they are doing a good job of guarding their secrets. It is also known they wear a spike thing on their thy, and also that they routinely whip themselves in pennance. The Di Vinci code says they are involved in murder or something but I haven't read the book, and after all it is fiction.

THE NIGHTS TEMPLAR: This is a group that knows where all the bodies are burried. They were formed in the middle ages in order to fight the crusades. After the war they brought home the spoils and became very rich, such that the Catholic Church became afraid of them. This organization is known to guard the secrets of the Holy Grail. As you may know from the Di Vinci codes, there is no challice or cup in Leonardo's painting of "The Last Supper". This is said to send a message that the "secret of the grail" lay elsewhere, other than an object. People look at things like the effimate face of John and conclude it's a woman and see other things like an "M" for married in the painting. Of course Leonardo may have been suspected of dabbling in the black arts because it's said he used a magnifying glass to focus an image on the canvas. I was quite disappointed with the presention of the Knights Templar Good Morning American did last week. It seemed to me they were going out of their way not to tell us anything.

THE MASONS: It is said this group appeared originally in the middle ages and that it is stone masons and not brick masons as I might have presumed. Many of their secrets are Methematical. There are many "things" a construction worker or stone cutter should know involving math. I am fascenated with math. There is the 3 x 4 x 5 Pythagerean triangle, where all the sides are whole intigers. There is also a 12 x 13 x 5 triangle, and an even more stretched out narrow one with dimensions in the low twenties. They say the ancient Egyptians knew about the pythagerean therum. This involves adding up the two short sides to get the long side. This is useful in construction to confirm that an object is at true right angles. Another mystory number is the golden mean, which is 1.618034. There is a way of figuring this number in the BASIC or other programming language where this number gets repeated about ten times being "refined" in a number formula involving adding the last two numbers in a progressive searies together such as 2 ,3 ,5 ,8 ,13, ect. and then you divide to get a ratio. The Golden Mean was used in a dimension in Greek Temples and has interesting properties in other ways being a number that increases by exactly "one" when squared. There are other numbers. The number for dividing a rectangular block of wood exactly in half so that each piece has the exact same perportions, ie. shape as the old one is the ratio 1 to the square root of 2. If you want to divide the rectangle in thirds it ia 1 to the square root of 3, ect. No doubt shapes are important. There is such a thing as a tetraheden in chemistry involving the carbon atom that is a perfectly cubic four sided triangle. The pyramid is another shape, which has eight sides, if you count the part under the ground. The angle from all sides of a "perfect pyramid" is roughly 78 degrees. The proper angle for the height of a pyramid is 54.735 degrees. A pyramid of this exact shape is believed to have mystic properties. There is a duo-decahedren, which has twelve sides and is a perfect "cubic pentagon", with angles of 72 degrees. The highest perfectly symetrical figure is a six sided figure. My guess it would have 24 sides. Six is the highest number where you can have a perfectly symetrical figure thus making six some sort of mystic number. 33 is a numerological six and Masons seem attracted to it. The masons have no bizzare beliefs. On the other hand many of our nations founders were Masons.

JUSTIN MARTYR: This is a martyr who lived around AD 140. Before him, all Christian history is like some giant black hole. It's burried so deep that information cant overcome the "escape volosity" of the Black Hole or get past the "event horrison" as astronomers call it. Since Justin lived in AD 140 he was much closser to the Event Horison and thus would be able to see farther into the dark and murky church past. If we could uncover more of his works than we have, particularly his treaties on Marcion, a heritick, we might learn a lot. What Marcion did was resurrect the minestry of St. Paul via his letters to the early church. In Paul's letters we get insight to the early church we'd never have before. In them St. Paul said his goal is not to "Know Jesus Christ after the flesh". In other words St. Paul had no use for "the historical Jesus" but rather some other "Jesus" we'll come to later. I also believe Marcion knew "where a lot of the bodies were burried". Marcion preached that the OT God was not the Christian god of love in peace but rather is the one who created this evil Universe. This in Gnostic thought is called the "demi-urge" if I'm not mistaken, the urge to create material matter. This is a doctrine a lot of the Gnostics have. They are very dualistic believing in a complete separation of flesh and spirit. Hence they didn't regard carnal sin as a real problem because it was only a sin of the flesh, and not the spirit. It's a shame Justin's treaties on Marcion is lost today. As to the Catholic church they hated gnostics because they and they alone posess the "Knowledge" of truth. Any other "Knowledge" is heretical and dangerous. It's plain to me that Gnosticisum is not an evil since the Greek word only means "knowledge" and not "esoteric- - knowledge, as Gnosticisum's detractors claim. Gnosticisum has nothing to do with a drug induced trance.


I hope I spelled his name right. This Italian who says Jesus never existed has his own web site. I would like to conclude this post talking about Luige, because this post is running rather long. Among the things he states is that Judas of Galilee had a son named John. Judas of Galilee was a famous rebel who fought in the "Cencus Wars" of AD 6. At this time Jesus was either Just being born or about age eleven, if you believe Biblical sources. Judas had a son named John and John had four brothers named Simon, James, Joseph, and Thaddeus. These just also happen to be the brothers of Jesus listed in the Bible. Like Jesus John lived by the lake of Galilee. In fact he lived in a town by a cliff on the lake. This same "cliff" is described in Luke as being the city of Nazareth, even though Nazareth lies in a valley and nowhere near a cliff. There are many other events described in the Gospell historians don't seem to remember. There was no total ecclipse causing three hours of darkness at the crusifiction anybody can remember. There was no massive earthquake Easter morning. Jesus was not seen rising to heaven standing on the Mount of Olives for the whole town of Jesusalem to see. If Jesus died in 30 AD he could not have known about the "blood of Galileans that were mixed with the sacrifices". Pilate slaughtered Galileans in 35 AD or five years after Jesus was supposidly alive to talk about it in the gospells. The author of Acts does not know that Thaddeus (or however it's spelled) lived in 44 AD and spawned a rebellion and this was after and not before Judas of Galilee, as Luke falsely states in the book of Acts. Also there was a priest named Zachariah who was murdered in the tample while making a Sacrifice in AD 62 that Jesus talks about on the Mount of Olives in 30 AD to his desciples. Jesus predicted that the Abomination of Desolation, or Antichrist would come into the tample and the Jews would see it. This never happened and the temple was destroyed. Luige Cascioli raises many mystories we've gone into in other blogs.

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