Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Welcome to my blog. We are here to discuss the six dimensional Universe and how was it created and what are its properties. First of all I’d like to thank all the people who have dialed into this blog. I realize we’re probably hard to find. We’re like a new pop song that is no. 98 on the Billboard 100 and is looking to get a little air play. I realize at the time of the writing of this blog it will be the first one you see on the roster, but that fact will be short lived. I hope to make these blog posts intelligent and enlightened. Right now I’m in word because I had problems with the computer last night and I need to do multiple saves in order that I not lose material.

First of all people’s conception of Creation is wrong. I know mine was. They think of a time when there was no Matter in the Universe and envision only vast quantities of time and space in blackness. Neither was the case. For some of you who’ve read science books this may be old hat but bear with me. Space itself was created by God. This, of course, is what is known as The Big Bang. This occurred in our perspective about twelve Billion years ago in the past. But this is not so from God’s perspective. It would be just as accurate to say God created the universe yesterday, or today or even at some moment in the future, because time doesn’t exist with God. It didn’t exist until he created it. In a philosophical sense you could say that Time has an “accidental being”, meaning it wasn’t always here and is not a necessary part of “What is”, for lack of a better term. Time is the fourth dimension besides the three space dimensions we all perceive. Scientists tell us that events in the future are just as real as events in the past. After all they were only “created” to occur at a time not yet.

Scientists believe time and space were both “predestined” and are part of a whole that exists in God’s perspective all at once. There is no real “creation” or “destruction” because these facts are fate accomple already. Scientists are people you have to have faith in if you value people more intelligent than ourselves. Albert Einstein was trying to reduce the whole universe to one mathmetical formula when he died, which would encompass the past, the future, and the whole thing. The reality of predestination has shall we way certain theological implications. What it means is that God is incapable of change because everything was predestined from the Big Bang onward, and that includes God. It follows that one cannot, as they say, petition the Lord with prayer. Prayer is a little pointless if you expect it to change “what is”. God cannot “intervene in human affairs in order to change things because the way things will be is the way things already are. It follows that God cannot do miracles in the sense of “altering the rules” that have been set into motion since the dawn of time. There are a few Bible stories we’ll have to throw out. Mostly these are stories in Genesis where God appeared to “change his mind” or “regret” something or hadn’t decided what he was going to do. These stories include the sacrifice of Abraham’s son, Isaac, the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, and the story of Noah and the Ark. Also in 2nd. Peter where it says that “God has delayed the second coming in order that more people be saved, God not wanting any to perish”, also has to be laid aside. That said – predestination “works” for the rest of the Bible.

I said the universe had six dimensions but first let’s talk about the life and death cycle of the Universe. The three dimensional universe can be likened to the surface of a soap bubble. As you blow it it gets bigger and bigger, and it eventually bursts. This is how it is with the universe. In three dimensional perception the universe is the surface of the soap bubble, not the whole sphere. The universe grew very quickly in the first few seconds. After a time the universe, as it expands will lose its molecular integrity and it will finally just burst! In Peter this is described as “the heavenly bodies melting and passing away with a shrill noise”, perhaps like the air being let out of a balloon. It so happens that the Universe is expanding at a rate faster than scientists were expecting and many are troubled by the ever accelerating rate. This just drives home the point that as there was a beginning to the Universe, so shall there be a final end. Some may ask what happens after this. The answer is there is no “after this”. You have to get it through your head there is literally absolutely nothing. There is no time; there is no space. (Selah)

Some may wonder about dimensions five and six. The “fifth dimension” as I call it is the dimension of “non reality”. You may ask “how can something be created and not real? Mathemeticians say that it can. Supposidly there even “imaginary numbers” that are routinely used in math, though I can’t imagine how. So the un real dimensions were just as “created by God” as the real dimensions were. So the question exists, “Just what is the fifth dimension?” The TV show “Sliders” has talked about it. This is the dimension that “might have been” were things different. Rather than a parallel universe, try and think in terms of an oblique universe. (Selah) To put it in simpler terms, it is a Universe that intersects at one point in time, but both the past and the future are different from ours but there are also a lot of similarities, particularly around the point in time of the intersection. It can be speculated whether people can “slide” from one Universe to the other, or rather “slide on a fifth dimensional plane”. It is further an obscure possibility that when people talk of many futures at a point of decision- - all the futures actually exist, but they exist in alternate fifth dimensional realities. I’m not sure how you would ever prove the existence of the fifth dimension because in order to prove something it first has to be real- - and the fifth dimension exists in “unreality” On a Star Trek episode officer Warf had lived in “alternate fifth dimensional realities” so there were multiple Piccards as well as multiple star ships with alternate versions of “what the reality was”. The show “Sliders” also explores this phenomenon.

The sixth dimension is the psychic dimension. Perhaps you have heard of quirks. Quirks are sub atomic particles that don’t behave according to the laws of normal physics. Hence they behave in a “quirky” manner. But they also move in symmetrical patterns to some other quirk off in the distance but you as it were have to be looking at the molecule from the distance, as if observing a half time show, to see what quirks do.

Perhaps you have heard of the term synchronicity. This is seemingly unrelated items being intimately related but they are at a distance. It may be possible that “thoughts” themselves have their own reality as the Greeks suppose. If so these thoughts may have relations to other thoughts in other people’s minds. Perhaps the thoughts and ideas of dead people have some “reality” out there in the ether somewhere. I use the term “ether” to describe a seemingly non existent medium for psychic “waves” to travel in. But you shouldn’t think in terms of waves but rather of- - events mysteriously interacting with other events. Perhaps two people will have the same thought separated by distance and in some way it is the same thought that both people had at once. Some of this can be called coincidence, but not all of it. Some game shows on TV can be called quirky because they don’t appear to obey mathematical odds. Mr. Spock would consider the actions of people on “Deal or No Deal” highly illogical because in reality the price of the suitcase should go down just as often as it goes up. But it never does. Somehow the contestants are psychically or by some other means able to eliminate all the cheap amounts on the left side of the board and avoid the high amounts on the right side of the board, thus raising the bid price of the suitcase with the unknown amount in it. It is said that the sinking of the Titanic was predicted in advance by an author of a novel who wrote about a ship called “The Titan” that sank with many of the same attributes of the real Titanic which sank. People who’ve investigated say it’s beyond guess work.

There may even be a real of consciousness where people or at least ideas “exist” and perceive this sixth dimension more plainly. Some may call it heaven or the after-life, though there is no indication of such a real in the Bible that is “out of time”. In this theorized psychic realm- - time and space would have no reality. The only things of any important would be various ideas and the “patterns’ they form in the fabric of the Universe. Right now we have pushed the Frontiers about as far as we can push them.

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