Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I'm not entirely happy about the Obama Administration suing over a popular state law, which other states like Florida want to emulate. It sends the wrong message - and an unnecessarily combative message to the Republican party. And it also sends the wrong message to the prospective illegal aliens out there. The "Allan Greenspan" factor can be useful here. We need to create a fear factor among prospective Illegals not to do what they are contemplating because the Arizona authorities are gunning for them. I know the rationalization for the move. There is an unwritten rule that certain laws are the perogative of the Federal Government alone. Among these seem to be immigration policy, and drug policy, and in the case of admitting Utah as a state, marriage. The Feds wouldn't admit Utah till they agreed to give up polygamy. I am not an expect in this field but I have to defer to others who know more that there is an unwritten "supreme law of the land" doctrine in Federal laws. My view is different. I believe there are only a few areas where Congress has leave to make laws and in other areas they are tress-passing on State's Rights. In old 1930's news reels, there was talk about how the growing marijuana problem could not be dealt with by the Feds because the constitution would not allow that kind of law to be passed. Evidently they changed their minds. As to the Arizona law, Nicole Sandler had an Arizona highway patrol guy on her show. He says the law only allows cops to stop for the normal reasons like erratic driving ect. and only then can they ask for ID, as cops routinely do. And you give your registration and driverse license. Only then if the people in the car appear nervous does the officer investigate further, like are they drug running or are they illegals. Nicole Sandler said for her to get her last job she had to produce her passport. I don't think I have ever been asked for my passport to get a job. I don't even have a passport, and if I did it might not be up to date. Nicole wonders why employers don't crack down on statutes already on the books and demand ID of suspect illegals. I don't know. I do know that the LAPD has a policy of not pursuing illegal aliens. I assume they have their reasons for not doing so. To me the Arizona law (suck in a breath) seems perfectly reasonable to me. It's certainly not worth making a fuss about at the Justice Department. I can think of a lot better things for our Justice Department to file a law suit over. Nicole picked up on a caller's idea that Social Security cards should not be so easy to counterfeit. If they had them laminated and water marked with other coding incryption like they do with our money now, then you could feel more secure about the identity of who was handing you one. Nicole seems to not mind if we had a "National Identity Card". This ruffles the fur of both extreme ends of the political spectrum. I have tended to be against a National Identity Card myself our of my religious background as a forerunner of the Antichrist or something. Perhaps I need to grow up a little.


All of the roomers of a double dip recession now seem to have sprouted legs and are gaining substance as new economic numbers reveal troubling trends. We know about the recent unemployment numbers revealing net job losses. But retail sales are down. New automobile sales are down. And housing sales are down. Nicole wanted to buy out her sisters share in a real estate inheritance. I figure she wanted to leave her high and dry in case of an extended real estate boom. But now the tables are turned and Nicole feels cheated. If i were Dr. Laura counseling her I would say "You knew well what you were getting into. You agreed to pay a mortgage rate at a certain interest rate and certain amount per month. And that is just what you are paying. You have nothing to cry about. If you are "underwater" just wait for the economy to turn around. That seems the obvious thing to do. Hey, you still own the property. The house is still there. It wasn't destroyed by a hurricane, was it? Now there is talk how certain bankers have been "holding off in foreclosing property" out of some hope. But now they are tired of waiting and they fear a round of foreclosures will hit big. People ask me if this is the time to sell stocks. Thom Hartman says the time to fear is right after the November elections. It could be the government is priming the numbers now, and will wait till after November to let the bottom fall out. So right now I would plan to sell around November first. I have often wondered what if there is some "critical mass" that develops in an economic downturn like the 1930's where you get this deflationary spiral and there is less and less money to buy or spend on anything, and the more people constrict their wallets (as the conservitives want them to) then the worse the problem gets in a self-defeating cycle. Clearly this will turn out to be the longest recession in over seventy years. People are saying we might not be out of it in five years. Just think of all the earning power and commerce that will be lost in that time.

In my personal life, it looks like I really am going to have to get a new TV. I just talked to the shop today and the repair man still can't locate a part, and now says that nobody owns my brand and if they did they sold it, and all the stores that carried Olivia TV sets are out of business. In terms of the weather it's over a hundred in the east, but we had rain this morning and the weather is almost chilly, for early July. It looks as if I might get some minor job involving yard maintenance, but it doesn't pay well, and the guy who has the job now is emotionally attached to his work, but is going in for back surgery. When you think about it- - things always need to be done. Work suddenly doesn't stop because we're in a recession. People still have needs out there. With all the jobs that need doing in this nation it seems there should be scads of "green jobs" out there just begging to be filled. At least one would think so.

On a quazi religious note here's an example. If the head waiter at a resturant told you that your dinner tab had already been paid by another, would you believe him? I would. But how many prospective Christians out there when told "Christ died for your sins" view the words with skepticism. Something is either a fact or it isn't. If somebody in your dinner party keeps nagging you on the way home about the bill, just tell them to fuck off. In another example, Neil Savedra encountered the question of "If heaven is a perfect place how come certain Angels rebelled?" Yet Neil states that "Once we make a decision for Jesus, our choice is locked in for eternity". I fail to see the distinction why one standard for us and another for angels. There are roomers of a massive Castration job done on angels by God that may have instilled fear in the others. Something "happened" after Lucifer's rebellion that prevented subsequent rebellions. We know this. To me, this is the question that needs probing into.

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