Saturday, July 03, 2010


You know, the Buddha taught that when you look into an apple and bite into it, you are experiancing an illusion. I will not contest this statement. However I would like to define "Illusion" is something which in this four-dimensional construct we call reality is measurable and provable in our own reality. Illusions come in varied types. For instance if you consult and enter "apple" I would imagine that you would get an analysis of water and sugar and cellulose content, molicule by molicule. Because the molicules are real, are we to infer that the whole of an apple as we know and experiance it in every day life is not real? No. Yet some web sites will say that "scientists are not objectivists, simply because they do not believe "what you see is what Reality is" but rather will say that certain things are under the guise of an illusion. This morning I was reading my own writings from July of 2005 in there was an exchange between me and an unnamed Federation source, and among the statements made were "If you have the faith to accept it, Detroit really won the NBA final over San Antonio", even though we know they didn't. This was an allusion to fifth dimensional reality, which Mal Evans refers to as "that fifth dimensional shit". The difference here from the first example of an apple, if we'll play along for the moment, is that this "Illusion" (of San Antonio winning) is an example of a physical manifestation- - that not only has an "other" or "scientific" sub-context you need to be aware of, but in this case an appeal to an alltogether (seemingly) imaginary reality of Detroit beating San Antonio. In other words the thing behind the illusion itself seems (unlike the example of the molicules) to have no backing in science. In the file itself ("intrigue") I pose the notion of the writings of St. Paul who claims "We are seated together in heavenly places with Christ". So St. Paul is calling this life we live as some veil of Life - -but also a veil of Illusion that, were it for its removal, we could clearly "see" that we ARE seated together with Christ. It's what might be called an appeal to the "analog detour". This is a thing on my TV where if you used to enter "Add Station" it would first find the analog TV station and then Stop because it found a station. So it would never get around to even looking further for the digital station. Unlike the apple there is no foundation in science. And unlike the example of Detroit even, there is not even an example of some parrellel universe one could appeal to where it could be argued such and such a truth is true in THAT universe but not this one. On the contrary it appeals to a notion called "Heaven" which is utterly undefined and may not exist as we know it in ANY Universe. Theologians will tell you one thing- - and this is particularly true if they are "allerting you to the dangers of Eastern cults- - and that is that God created the Universe out of no part of himself. Nothing of God's essence is IN that Universe but all of what God is and ever will be remains in himself. Wayne Dyer speaks of belief in your mind actually altering what IS reality by the power of that belief. I've said this many times but if I had THAT kind of belief I'd be "running for position of God. Dyer states that belief is the key apart from any action spawned by that belief. For instance these people cease upon the story about a man who crossed Niagara falls on a rope with a wheel barrel and the question is could he cross it with a man inside. And the crowd says "I think he could" (perhaps secretly yearning for a disaster) Were a man to get in the wheel barrel he would be acting on that belief. If the man subsequently falls and drowns, these people like Fred Price and Wayne Dyer would say "well, the man's belief just wasn't strong enough". Do you see my point? I think you do. It has near nothing to, for instance looking for an oppertunity and taking a gamble that might or might not pay off. People do this and succeed every day. Now we come to the statement that stuck in my craw, this line about "If you have the Faith to accept it". This is one of those escape clauses you could drive a Mac Truck through. "If you have the faith to believe it, Adolph Hitler died for your sins and rose again". But this is how Christians define faith. We normal people define faith as "something we aren't certain of but have a lot of evidence to support". It's one of those inferencial things like a slugger batting a baseball and you know he hit it hard- - and now guessing where the ball is going to land. Fred Price once "put it to his congragation squarely "How many of you believe the earth revolves around the sun". People raise their hands. Fred Price scolds then, "You don't BELIEVE this - you KNOW it. And so I say what's the use of Belief?" If Fred Price were to ask "Do you believe Jesus is the son of God" and everybody said "Yes" then Fred would praise them for their confession of Faith. I'd like to expose this phrase of "If you have the Faith to believe it". Christians occasionally appeal to Socrates' alligory of the cave. This is where you are kept bound in chains and you see shadows on the wall and think the shadows are the real objects. Here we have a third type of illusion. In this case the BEST way to experiance the objects if to unchain yourself and venture into the sunlight and see the objects. But the action of unchaining yourself and getting up from your seat and venturing out is something real. It would be silly for a person while still in the cave to say "If you have the faith to believe it - - these shadows aren't the real thing" and just continue to sit there and do nothing. But some Christians would consider it some high blasphamy to dare to try and take the chains off, the same way that Christians consider it blasphamy to "Investigate" God. Never ask questions like "HOW did God create the Universe" or "How can you come up with a prayer to make you rich?" Christians like to talk, and Neil Savedra is a prime example - but the notion of acting as if God meant anything he said in the Bible to him is called pure presumption. So don't get healed and stay poor. God planned you that way. We have covered at least three types of illusion. Optical illusions and mirages are other types. Don't confuse the words Illusion and Delusion. They are two different things. There is nothing inherently false about an Illusion. And a lot of times, as we have shown, Illusions are the most real thing we have. We define real by what is provable in this Universe and I restrict that now to the four dimensional universe of the Scientists. Actually I'm a fan of the dimension pyramid or the "three - two - one" principle. Leo Le Port says that you should have Three copies of any computer file and it should be in Two different media (medums) and One copy off sight. In my pyramid I believe in three dimensions of space, two dimensions of time, and one dimension of "Intelligent energy" for lack of a better term, the psychic dimension. This dimension is one I refer to that is in the Telestial realm, as opposed to the "celestial realm", which escapes the Universe entirely. We deists say that God created this Universe and every event in it. God cannot intervene in what already is Tellios, to use a Greek word, to mean "Completed". Theologians should study Greek once in a while. If you are talking about a Telliological Argument, at least know what the word is. Like if you're going to talk about atomic weapons, at least know how to pronounce "Nuclear". Gene Scott used to refer to "God moving people around like chess men". You see that I can do this with a chess set. But in the process I don't turn into a piece of carved wood. I remain Me. But for God to enter into Time- - he would have to enter his own Creation which theologians remind us is "apart from Himself". It could better be stated thussly. "You can't intervene in something if you aren't a part of it". I think one person used the picture of teenagers hassling and mocking each other and chasing each other around. But if a business man steps out of a taxi cab and walks to the office past the teenagers, they aren't going to hassle him because they and him have no comon intercourse that they are both a part of. So it is with God and the universe, as He plainly says in scripture "My ways are not your ways". So let the people who want a God they worship who can never be investigated. I'm happy and they are happy. My view of the Fifth Dimension is based as you know upon the statement that "anything that CAN happen WILL happen, so in some dimension whatever you can congure up HAS happened. So if it HAS happened somewhere, no psychic who believes in the fifth dimension and teaches it can ever be wrong. Scientists tell us there used to be eleven dimensions and we lost seven of them. I teach we have six dimensions and one of them appears to be Missing. Having a strong psychic impression of something that never came to pass might be called "fifth dimensional cross talk" but this is a convienience of verbiage. Many will say, "You show an apalling lack of concern for men's souls". I am not even sure we HAVE a soul. We ARE a soul but do we HAVE one?? And if we do does it dissolve upon death and be dispursed into the cosmic winds. Or do we as the Buddhists teach -Keep our souls intact from Life Illusion to Life Illusion, only to be dissolved upon entering Nirvana? And is this a good or a bad thing?

I’m not going to do a blog until Tuesday for the mere fact that everybody is on a July 4th holiday now. My current posting is about the Fourth of July so we’ll leave it at that. There is all this talk about who has the power in Afghanistan. They have no planes or satellites and yet we can’t defeat them after eight years. I’ve heard this “Dr. Phil” argument often called “raising the price of Poker” where the losing side “Doubles down” in a last ditch effort to win before giving up completely. So death rates on our side are up but never fear “peace is at hand”. However the Colon Powell doctrine says to come in with “overwhelming power” to defeat a foe, and Obama was incapable of doing that but instead holds out this fig leaf of a deadline for people like Hartman to get excited about when in reality he may withdraw a hundred men and say “see, the withdrawal has begun”. If we aren’t going to take the ten years it will take to win there, let’s leave now.

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