Thursday, July 08, 2010

"I use my body like a car
It takes me both near and far"

You know, physical appearance has its place but you’d never know it from most of the snail mailings I did to the media or else my blogs. In my blogs I don’t think I have once stopped to describe the physical appearance of aliens I encounter. Some people in that film said that perhaps those creatures an eye witness saw at Roswell were chimpanzees wearing space suits and the federal government had actually been doing early experiments with animals for testing. I have stated in my posting that the beings were Pikes, from a star system in Pisces, and that Pikes were considered weird even by other space aliens. That’s not entirely true. For instance Federation people are usually fully dressed in long sleeves and all, and are obviously wearing some sort of heavy make-up and that without their make-up they look pinkish with obvious blood vessels running through their skin like humanoids with radiation damage. With the Andromadans it is worse. Andromeda D is the most powerful of the three planets, and there the population lives in what we would call a poisonous atmosphere with an incandescent sky of kind of a pinkish-orange. The being themselves are squid like things but they have human thoughts and actions and even tastes in food just like we do. They got their name Andromeda, from the Romulans and the word means “Hidden”. Unlike the shorter word Ramada, which means an inanimate thing being hidden, the word Andromeda refers to a living creature hiding himself. The Andromedans used to be noted for sending out propaganda to show how human they were. This was thousands of years ago but the name stuck. On Andromeda E, this is a thing like Sirius “0” where the planet is a long distance from the sun, which even in the day time looks like a bright star. These creatures are noted for spending a lot of time hanging out in bars. And the natives look like one of the creatures in the bar scene in Star Wars. I’d have to look at the film again. Actually they look rather Klingonish, without the long hair. On Andromeda F, these people do look humanoid. These propaganda pictures make this planet look like the pre Civil War South or something with white mansions and colorful vines growing up through the white picket fences. When it comes to the Reigellians, they come in different races and languages, of course, but they all have that greenish Reigelian look to them, kind of vaguely like the Valcan features on Star Trek. The Seveners are racially speaking half Romulan and half Bajoran, just so you know. All of the Phil Specter group guardian angels (Sylvia Brown would say “guides”) wanted to be sponsored by the Neir Reigellians along with Leslie Gore, The Chiffons, Dianne Rene, Andy Williams, Dion Warwick, and of course the infamous Four Seasons, and don’t forget Frank Ifield. But they never seemed to make the grade. The Romulans themselves have a rather “Roman” look about then, but look pretty humanoid otherwise. Also humanoid are the Alcion people, although in this case they look Oriental, or one could say Mongoloid.

Physical appearance has its place. You would like to know what kind of houses aliens live in. Do they read books? Do they play the Stereo? Of course as you know that Dr. Martin Luther King said “Longevity has its place” in sort of a diminutive fashion, as if to downgrade its importance. But some people are disinclined to send photographs because they don’t want to be identified. And you know what kind of electronic technology they have today. My fear is I’ll be pegged as something. I don’t want a “non essential trait blinding people to the message. People say you’re too Black, or too nerdy, or in my case I don’t like the shape of my head. It’s too round. Of course you know what they say about baldness, “grass doesn’t grow on a busy street”. That’s good because I can’t use that other saying, “Just because there’s snow on the roof doesn’t mean there isn’t a fire in the fireplace”. My roof doesn’t have “show”. It’s bare. Bill Gunderson can be more easily identified than I can. He has a distinctive voice. I’d like to say for radio, but more for cartoons. People have asked him if he did voice overs in cartoons. He has a big, gray Afro and is given to wearing retro clothes like Hawaiian shirts. He’s the nut. Physical appearance has its place. But if you watch all this Afghanistan stuff now and you see these VA hospitals with so many people with limbs missing or in other ways disfigured. It’s not the first thing I would not put out about myself in a dating service. On the other hand perhaps it’s best to grab the bull by the horns and be done with the issue once and for all. In a world of pure thought, we can make the world whatever we want. That is we can radiate to others what we want seen (at least hopefully) and they can radiate to us what they want seen of them. Perhaps in this way the world will be more pleasant. On the other hand, perhaps not. I know of no alien with angel’s wings or a halo. People in Sirius B have black, metallic skin with a greenish sheen. You know, some artists are really talented at drawing their impressions of demons. I wouldn’t mind being in a room full of them. I just hope they let me take my camera if I have to go to Hell. On the other hand I hope I have a better camera by then. People say that Christ appears under the “Accident” of the bread and the wine. Bob Dylan wrote, “somebody got lucky, but was an accident”, meaning that it actually happened, and anything that actually happens in this life is called an Accident. For Deborah Harry to say “Accidents never happen in a perfect world” is not to know the definition of the word. Life, it could be said, is one big accident. This four-dimensional universe construct is an accident. It’s something that “just happened” out of so many possible things that could and do “just happen”. Capish?

One motivation in doing another blog today is that I want to see if I have to jump through that maze hoop thing like I did this morning. We’ll find out right now. I’ll join you on the other side. OK I wasn't asked to go through that line-up again. Now we'll pick out a photo for the occasion.

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