Friday, February 03, 2012

This is just another of those ingenious images that looks like an artistic masterpiece if done a hundred years ago.


Some of this material should have been posted two days ago.  As you know the US has had a very mild winter this year with much less snow.  Temperatures in Chicago have been in the fifties.  In the past day or so temperatures have temporarily returned to normal.  But they remind us that in general most of the warmest years of all time have been in the past decade or two.  But now in Europe they are having a major ice age there with cold and snow in the south of France and Italy and in the Balkins near Greece.  And apparently places in Russia not even that far north are seeing temperatures of fifty below zero.  One might wonder what would cause both things but the answer is simple.  Polar ice has been melting in Greenland.  Of course when the ice beaks off it cools the water around out and all of this cold water "shuts down" the gulf stream so that Europe doesn't have their principle temperature modification system, for being that far north and temperatures not that cold.

Donald Trump endourced Mitt Romney in Las Vegas yesterday in a ceremony that took a total of four minutes.  Trump has said all sorts of bad stuff about Romney and just hours earlier the associated press put out a story saying Donald Trump would endorse Gingrich.  Of course Donald Trump has reminded us that Romney's own state that he was governor of was 47th out of fifty in job creation.  Also Trump referred to Romney as a "small time hedge fund manager".  That's a strange designation.  He point out that Romney hasn't created jobs but more often destroyed jobs or sent jobs off shore, and that Romney hasn't actually "produced" or built anything but only raided ongoing businesses.  All of this is true.  But now Trump says that "Once I got to know Romney personally it was a different story."  We'll have to take him at his word.  Of course it is argued that whoever Donald Trump endorsed was the kiss of death because any Trump endorsement would have a negative effect on any candidate.  I am not bothered by all this stuff about being concerned about that the middle class and not the rich or the poor, which have a safety net.  Romney went on to explain that if there are "holes" in that net, he would fix it.  Before you judge Romney for these remarks remember the things Judy said to me personally, which are unimaginably worse.  Also remarks Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich have made far worse remarks than this.  Of course this only goes to show that the arena of discussion has shifted now, and once again people ARE actually concerned about the poor.

About three days ago there was unmistakable evidence that Freddy Mac has rigged the real estate crisis.  It seems that mortgage holders were not allowed to re-finance at interest rates which more reflected the current market.  Because Freddy Mac made more money from having the mortgage holder default.  I'm inferring that some sort of charges were actually filed the other day.  We all know that Newt was in bed with Freddy Mac up till 2008 but doesn't want to come clean about it, just as he doesn't want to come clean about anything, including what Nancy Pelosi may or may not have on him.  I think Newt is a fool not to come clean about some issue out there where Nancy is just waiting for the right time to dump it into the news cycle.  Romney apparently beat Newt by 14% in the final Florida tally, with Nevada coming up tomorrow, which will be the first Western state.  As I wrote my brother the other day- some democrats want Newt to stay in the race as long as possible.  But from where I stand, Newt is like some deadly infectious virus on the political fabric and the longer he is out there even as a possability, we are all in danger.  Somebody has to deliver the knock-out punch once and for all to get him out of the race.  Because it's sociopaths like Newt who have caught on in other parts of the world- - and they have just enough charisma to be dangerous.

Here is a four pack of stories.  They now say there is "no safe level for tanning beds".  So as I take it ANY can you get from tanning beds is potentially dangerous.  That's silly.  They are trying to get national laws passed that nobody under eighteen in the entire nation can visit a tanning bed.  That's federal government over-reach.  Contrast this with the Staten drugs like Vitorum, or Crestor or Lipitor.  These drugs are inherently dangerous and cause liver damage and cause nerve damage and brain damage.  And yet doctors are hyping them like candy for "everybody" to take.  When a drug nobody ever heard of twenty years catches on like wild fire like this, you have to wonder what is going on.  A decade or two we will look back at this era and see our folly.  There was a small leak in the San Onofre nuclear reactor.  Some of the rods or whatever were prematurely warn and trintium has leaked into the air.  Trintium is of course a radioactive substance.  And now we have all these stories about women who immigrate to this country and get deported and their children are taken from them because they are declared "unfit" because they came here illegally, and these children are now sent to foster homes, which, we all know are famous for their abuses and contributing to the emotional instability of the child.

You have that one grammar school teacher who did unspeakable things to kids, sexually and otherwise between the ages of six and ten.  He'd been doing it for eighteen years and fifteen years ago due to one girl's complaint the police were brought into the case but they dropped the charges with no explanation.  Now we are informed that a second teacher has been fired on similar grounds.  It was a grand total of 23 kids in all who were affected over a period of eighteen years.  Naturally in cases like this certain people, maybe even me, wonder is measures should be taken to prevent homosexuals from being hired as teachers because even barring the child molestation thing, homosexuals just have a naturally corrupting influence upon the youth.

Don Cornilius the founder of Soul Train comitted suicide a couple days ago at age 75 apparently on health related issues.  He founded the show in Chicago in 1970 and one year later the show was nationally syndicated and ran 35 years, till 2006.  As far as the Federation's take on all this is concerned, they said that Cornilius was a "Del Phi", usually written as two words but sometimes one.  Needless to say this group (planet, civilization) was responsible for a number of big groups that hit mostly from about early 1968 to about 1972.

I think I already covered the story about how Twitter got co-opted and now the Arab Spring is something that can never happen again because Arab Spring was brought to you by Twitter but now they, like so many other internet venues have decided that cowardess was the better part of valor or whatever.  Now Thom Hartman is wondering why we never evolved into a Jetson's society where all George did all day long was prop his feet up on the desk and press a start button occasionally.  We never evolved into that sort of a leisure society thanks to the intervention of Ronald Reagan and songs from social retrogressives like Bob Dylan who wrote "Sundown on the Union", one of the most classic union bashing songs of all time.  As to the Superbowl- - everybody is expecting the Patriots to win, and I see no reason why they won't.

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