Sunday, February 05, 2012


Well the New York giants won today's game 21 to 17 and I see we are in the same heavy font as I pasted from.  That's trippy.  I wonder if it will stick when published.  Anyhow I thought the Patriots were a sure thing but I wouldn't bet money on it because the possibility of loving money on a game where Newt Gingrich was rooting for the other side would have been too much to take.  I hope Stu didn't lose any money.  A member of the Federation told me that practically all componets of the Federation were backing the Giants but I was not impressed.  I won't bore you with a list.  Apparently the Giants beat the Patriots four years ago also but I don't remember that, and that's exactly the sort of thing I would remember.  It was a hard fought game but to tell you the truth, I thought the Half Time program with Madonna won the day with it's elaborate theatrics.  I found myself constantly mentally distracted with other thoughts during the game.

I wanted to talk about astrology and cosmic realities a little.  My stock market timing has been right on virtually all the time I've been posting these blogs.  Check the record for yourself.  Now I'm predicting we could see 20,000 before the election in November.  There is a Venus cycle with a virtually infallible winning record that says the economy would start on an up spurt starting in early November.  This cycle did not fail, and it will continue several more months.  But the 2012 thing this morning before six is worth noting.  Clearly amazing scientific break throughs and new discoveries are slated for this year and for many years to come that will entirely revolutionize, and I mean on a Cosmic Scale, our way of life and our ways of looking at ourselves and our place in the Universe.  As I elaborate below the December 21st date on the Mayan Calendar for this year is no small thing but is an event that occurs once only in a few centuries and last occurred in the early sixteen hundreds.  In a mailing to a brother today I enumerate about - - I guess it turned out to be fourteen lies and untruths that Newt Gingrich has spoken.  But still the people of South Carolina and pan-handle Florida are in love with him.  This is surely a tribute to their great ignorance, and the ignorance of Chris Matthews or anybody else in the media would be a fan or apologist for Newt.  The only area where Newt is right is this whole abortion issue with the government and Planned Parenthood and the Catholic Church.  In this one area people like Thom Hartman are, shall we say, extrordenarily uninformed about the Truth of the matter.  Everybody knows that Planned Parenthood IS primarily a "family planning "/ abortion outfit.  That's what they do.  That's why they were created, to follow in the hallowed traditions of such people as Margeret Sanger.  The government has no business commenting on who either does or does not donate to planned parenthood.  And the idea that an organization should feel compelled to donate to planned parenthood is one I find repugnent.  I don't see why the President doesn't just wake up on this one issue, and in doing so he would ease a lot of people's minds.  He's abandoned every other progressive issue.  So I fail to see why he's willing to stake losing an election on an issue where he is dead wrong.  And that's my oppinion.

This is Superbowl Sunday, February 5, 2012.  Let’s get the major news out of the way first.  Stewart Sutcliffe is switching sides tonight and will be routing for the Patriots and not the Giants because Gingrich is for the Giants.  Most of the rest of the Federation are for the Giants, I was reminded this morning.  Last night it was Chris Matthews at five and then NBC network news and later on the Mc Laughlin group.  This was followed by Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and then Harry’s Law.  There were twin themes of a woman who committed armed bank robbery where nobody got hurt in protest over the US economy.  The other was a rant against playing football while still in high school.  I retired a bit after nine.
Last night I had a dream where I took two busses over to Mom and Dad’s residence in Laguna Hills from Newport Beach and was pleased with the prompt bus timing.  But it wasn’t their house but some other duplex or something complex where they lived.  I had brought some things over in case they offered me a chance to stay the night but they weren’t sure that was a good idea.  In another dream segment Bob and Bonnie were over at that same house.  Bonnie had let herself go a little with little make-up and straight hair which she combed back and she was wearing a colored T shirt, I don’t remember the color.  But a few minutes after they left I got to talking and I referred to Bob and Bonnie as a couple, and the corrected me saying that Bonnie died ten years ago.  And I thought about it confused for a minute and said “You’re right” and never questioned it again.  I didn’t know whether I was going nuts or they were.  I’m sure there are things I’ve forgotten.
I got up at five and negotiated with Richard his selling me four cigarettes for a cup of coffee that turned out to be just below the line.  It was the remainder of the pot but still quite warm.  But then knocks back and says that Gloria paid him fifty cents so he gave me that knowing I needed it for cigarettes and he took four cigarettes.  But some of his menthols got mixed in.  Gloria said later that she had intented to loan me fifty cents herself later on.  On KFI there was this cosmic guy.  He said that the north magnetic pole has shifted eastward and that now some air strips are readjusting their GPS coordenates to match the new North, but some weren’t.  He also said that “gravity waves heat up the earth’s crust”.  That’s wrong linkage of cause and effect there.  He said that Jesus is like Venus in that it is a bright star that both precedes the day and follows the day after it’s gone, but it’s the same star.  This would be analogus to that Six point Romulan Pyramid model we spoke of where Osirus was both the top and the bottom depending on which side you considered Reality.  Hindus believe cows are Holy because they produce milk, which is the stuff of heaven.  He talked about some mystic union between day and night all religions try and achieve.  He said Islam was the only religion that had a founder who didn’t somehow claim to be directly connected with God somehow.  Then he said that the Mayans worshipped Venus, which was “born” in 31,000 BC, far longer than the civilization was in existence.  He also said that December 21, 2012 will be a day with no signigicance at all.  To this Mal Evans whispered in my ear, “he has to be completely dense not to see it”.  Because the guy had spoken of a major 144,000 days time measurement which this period concludes.  I had estimated this period to have begin around 1592 based on math calculations in my head.  Upon using Calculator, that year moved to 1618.  This is an overall period frought with significance, particularly in astronomy.  Kepler, for one, was doing his most significant math calculations during this period discovering orbital laws we still use today.  And Galileo had invented the telescope around 1609 and in the next decade would make discoveries about the orbiting moons of Jupiter which in time would send the church into a tail-spin.  For a while I was so exact in my calculation I failed to get a non repeating dividend, which caused me to deduce the calculator might be on the fritz.  Then I knocked two decimal points off the devisor and I was good getting .5025479 if memory serves, which is a repeating decimal number pattern, and this reassured me.
At the breakfast I got to thinking of a simpler math problem where I could again test the calculator.  I'll just delete this next sentense or two.  This will be the lead posting for this blog for a while.  I think we are headed to "Wheels of Retrobution" next.  Today turned out to be a fairly warm day after all.  We had corn flakes for breakfast with that hash and potato stuff with a waffle.  Later on Newt Gingrich was on Meet the Press.  He kindly reminded us of areas where Romney is the more desirable of the two candidates.  Romney doesn’t want to abolish capital gains entirely but only eliminate it for people making less than 200,000.  In Gingrich wealth centric view “nobody” would profit from a tax cut at that level.  Newt wants to eliminate the interest and dividend tax.  Newt wants to cut earned income taxes to 15%.  There is still the logistical problem of how any of this is going to help an unemployed person fill his wallet.   I had the Today show on before seven.  Romney won in Nevada 48% to Gingrich 23% - way behind.  Then I guess it was Paul in at 19% and Santorum in at 11%,   Now Newt has a 45 state strategy, modifying it from the previous 46.  So in the loss colum for Newt are Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada.  He’s one state for five so far.  I had “This Week” on a little later”.  I think I’ve seen everything anyway.

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