Friday, February 03, 2012


Well the bad news just keeps on coming for the Republicans.  After so many "bad news" items on the economic front, meaning the economy is getting better.  Unemployment fell.2% to 8.3% and 243,000 jobs were added in January.  John Boehner and Mitt Romney say "Well this is all well and good, but the recovery would have occurred even faster under a republican.  The unemployment rate now stands at the same point it was ten days after the President took office.  But it gets "worse".  The stock market was up 150 points today to 12700 or something, which is the highest the D J I has been since before the whole Real Estate scndal broke in September 2008.  So what is John Mc Cain going to say now about the fundamentals of the economy being sound?  I suggest that these republicans reread the story of the Little Red Hen, assuming they aren't too dense to get the point.  In my writings from late January of 2009 I wrote at one point that "it may take most of the President's first term for this economy to recover".  The length of this recession should not be a surprise to anybody.  All four candidates are campaigning for president right now in Nevada but since we know Romney will win, there is no suspense there.

Leon Peneta announced on Wednesday that the US would be pulling all our troops out of Afghanistan a year early, that is at the end of 2013 instead of the end of 2014.  Of course we have no reason at all now to even still be there.  There are persistent roomers that Israel is getting really close to lunching their long anticipated attack against Iran's nuclear facilities.  I don't know how this might impact the Presidential campaign.  We do know that the Republicans want escalation of wars, even wars we aren't in any more, or that haven't started yet.  President Reagan managed to get through eight whole years without launching any major wars, and ditto with President Clinton.  These republicans will have to adjust to the fact that being in a state of War is an abnormal state of affairs, and not the normal one.  Certainly that's a lot of government revenue that will NOT be spent, and that' s a good thing.

Dr Oz, that quack, had now come up with what he calls a "Cheating Fatterday".  If I didn't know better better I'd think the whole thing was a bad joke.  But it's an "off your diet" day where you adhere to a strict schedule and are strictly limited in ways you can cheat.  And this whole suggested splurge diet runs - - allright, hold on to your hats fourteen hundred calories.  Yes, I said "hundred".  Normal for an adult is around two thousand and more of you are a muscular man.  So what are these "indulgences"?  You get to have turkey bacon for protien at breakfast and for your salt cravings- - not a bag of potato chips of pretzels or anything logical, but rather a piece of goat cheese.  For lunch you get to have a small whole wheat veggie pizza.  And to satisfy that sugar craving in the afternoon you can have a ONE small thing of fruit yogurt.  And for dinner you can have "vegie fries" that are baked and not fried.  And for desert you have your choice of chili flavored chocolate or else- - get this "green tea flavored ice cream".  That's the worst diet since Laural and Hardy were stranded on that boat with the gun wielding criminal.  They used such untraditional features such as using soap flakes for cheese on spaghetti sauce.

People who say that they aren't "legalists" are the ones that are.  In fact the use of this word follows almost perportionately to how "legalistic" you are.  It's kind of a dumb word to begin with.  It's like saying you believe in gravity.  But people like Chuck Swendoll are the most vehiment in condemning the very thing that they are the most guilty of.  Some pastors like to "punt" to use football lingo, and deliver a sermon on complaining and use the children of Israel as exhibit A.  At best this is an argument from the greater to the lesser.  Kind of like Samantha Brady.  She is comparing her own sexual sin to her mother's but there are so many differences between the circumstances of both indescretions, it would take half a phone book to enumerate them.  Marlena didn't have sex with a sworn enemy but a man she'd been previously married to for five years, and has now been married to for about fifteen years, something Samantha STILL hasn't accepted.  Also Marlena didn't ditch out in the middle crisis involving her son, of all people, and turn off her cell phone so no one could contact her.  It's like that diet thing.  Rather than call it something like "Faterday", what's wrong with calling it Diet Freedom Day, or "go fuck yourself, Dr. Oz" day?  That's too obvious.  It's amazing how people will go to elaborate lengths to deny the obvious.  (Selah)

I'm finally getting cough medicine here.  I never got one bit of either cough medicine or antibiotics for that three week flu-cold I suffered through in early November.  Now I have both.  But if you each time get only about a half or third of the dose you know you need and instead of taking it every three hours you take it every twelve hours, then it's nearly useless anyhow.  It's like this economy.  We are in recovery but we would have recovered a whole lot more vigerously had the Republicans not tried to block all jobs legislation and now are seeking to hold the payroll tax cut hostage to Canadian oil.  By the way, somebody suggested that instead of transporting oil through the country, why not build high speed rain and transport people.  That's far more productive.  And too obvious for these people to see.

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