Saturday, June 02, 2012

Tax-Mageddon - "Bring It On!"

I was just listening to the Republican response on KNX 1070 and I blurted out a bunch of stuff without thinking and Bill, my roommate readily agreed with me.  This guy was talking about the rise in capital gains tax and the Bush tax cuts expiring and some of these undisclosed "new taxes" because of coming Obama Care.  And he said "All of these taxes will have the effect of bringing our weak economic recovery to a grinding half and throw us back into recession".  So I'm thinking "Well, how many times did President Obama go to congress late last year with this or that jobs stimulus bill and even after breaking down the thing into "bite size portions" the tea party refused to pass ANY of it.  The recovery we've had so far would have been a whole lot more dramatic had the Obama jobs package first broached last September before congress, had been passed.  So I responded "Well, why should the President go out of his way to make President elect Romney look better by doing his job for him and allowing congress to "fix" all the tax laws?  After all "When I needed help they wouldn't lift a finger but now they think I'm not going to play their same game and be obstructionist now.  I have the power to keep this congress from passing anything- - and you think I'm not going to use that power?"  That's how I would reason were I President Obama.  For the millionth time I just might add that if you hike capital gains the very things they fear will NOT happen but the Opposite will.  Rather than Discourage investment and saving, hiking the Capital Gains tax will actually Encourage people into thinking "with the tax situation the way it is now, I better hold on to my money, at least untilll the tea party gets back into power, and then I'll think about withdrawing my Capital from this economy".

Now the blueberry guy is on, with all those other purple berries like black cherry, cranberries and boysenberries and the whole shabang.  Judy was saying that GNLD products are way better than Purity's products because they use higher standards and "blueberries alone" won't do it.  Pete Richards said "Well I have some frozen blueberries in the refrigerator.  Maybe I'd better get them out now".  Of course they say you need "seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day".  Blueberry de-tox sounds like a cure all for a whole lot of ailments, but all Purity products sound like cure-alls for whatever ails you.  And they also throw in fiber to clean out the bowels and keep cholesterol from forming in your arteries.  I was saying in the dining room the other day to John Powell that maybe cholesterol is dangerous but now they are saying that ordenary margerine is dangerous because the trans-fats give you "fatty blood".  But fatty blood is not cholesterol if it hasn't hardened into plaque that obstructs blood vessles to the heart and brain.

I think Larry Cramer uses the Nook.  They say you used to have a delema as to whether to use a monochrome screen that is fine reading in the sun on the beach but you can't see in the dark.  Or used an L C D screen that works fine in all indoor environs but is useless in bright sunlight.  Now they have a Nook that is lit up like some of these light up watch dials that only light up when you push a button to save bettery power.  Of course Larry reads a predigious ammount of reading material, more so than he uses computers for anything else.  Of course my Dad said his older brother regularly read two whole novels a week, and he liked to read a lot of mysteries.  This is another fact I learned about my Uncle after he died where I learned a lot of other stuff about him I was completely ignorant of.  That's the way it goes, I guess, when you die.

This paragraph can be called one big mental Suduko game.  First of all the birthday of that "other life" guy in San Barnadino- - must have close to the identical birth day to the year of Bobby Hayden's daughter.  I hadn't thought of that.  You astrologers can do an approximate horoscope now.  Of course after the fact I thought of all the song lyrics you could use to butress the "narriitive".  I'll just give you the album names.  It's up to you to isolate the lyrics.  from BOC we have "Fire of Unknown Oregen" "Revolution by Night" and "Club Ninja".  From Steely Dan we have "Countdown to Exticy and Pretzel Logic" and from the Who we have "Sell-out".  There are possible "Mind Games" allusions.  And of course we have "Led Zeppelin IV".  This is the mystery album that showed up in my parent's record cabinet one day in early 1972 and to this day nobody knows how it got there or who bought it.  But I'd like to talk about who is "Indespensible" as a musician and who is not.  We want you to name the Beatle we said was most important in "Beatling up any song".  And Chris Carter last Sunday said of this Beatle when he was involved on a solo recording by another Beatle, "Now it's a Beatles song".  The song in question is kind of a musical rip off of Claptin's "Bell Bottom Blues" and of solo tracks, released and unreleased over the past forty years, this is the ONLY track I can think of that fills the bill, so maybe you can come up with it.  We said that "In Spite of all the Danger" is NOT really a "Beatle" track because this Beatle I don't think was yet a member of the group when it was recorded.  Perhaps "Danger" would make a good Elvis or Conway Twitty track, but not Beatles.  And don't laugh at Conway Twitty, he's pulled off a couple of fairly good Elvis knock-offs in his time.  We now come to Burt Lombard who was NOT indespensable to David Bowie.  I did not buy my first David Bowie record till January of 1976, which is the month after Howard was killed.  I think there is a connection there because "The song I bought the album for" was played in the radio in the spring of 1974, and in my oppinion makes a number of lyrical allusions to Howard "The gun" Richards.  Bu the way the whole Will Horton thing on "Days" has similaries and also differences with Howard.  For instance I never stabbed Howard in the back or ratted him out or went whimpering to anybody.  Of course I was not subject to the same sort of threats and manipulation that Will Horton was, so I guess the question still remains unanswers as to "What if I had been?"  Also once Howard suggested I carry a revolver and I refused.  He said I would feel safer because of all the danger.  But being a Christian I thought of that Revelation scripture "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword".  So I didn't.  I also liked this song because musically it reminds me of Aqualung - - and rhythmicly it reminds me of the Beatle Anthology version of "I'm Looking Through You".  Now you have those Clues.  Some may say these song lyrics are "far flung and irrational".  Well - - sometimes - - - .   I am tempted to put the epitaf on his grave that Jesse James said in 1881 of Bob Dylan in his incarnation who had just died at the hands of others.  He said 'He was more sinned against than sinner".  I think Elvis Di Mira, with the death of his one time father has now an oppertunity to make a new Life for himself, if he wants it.

Some people agree with you on some things.  Marcia agrees with me on certain things.  By the way I recognized when I talked about the "Marcionite solution" this wasn't a girl's name but a theologian in the 2nd century.  Protestents find Marcion "usefull".  John Knox found him Usefull.  Knox didn't like Irenius because "He had the name Catholic in all of his writings".  John Knox agree that Marcion got a bad rap for "sensoring parts of the Bible that hadn't even been written yet".  Capish?  Many like Marcion because of this very divorce of the moral imperitive from the material world, and as such is useful for refuting people like Tertulian, who connect the two.  Protestents even back then had this idea that "A Mind is something that men should use" and read the Bible trying to figure out what the actual Intent of the particular writer was, and not look just at the words or the theology that has grown up around them.  (like algae)  Thomas Jefferson carried this "higher criticism" so far that he cut out all the passages of the Bible involving Supernatural manifestation.  John Calvin and Luther were both inspired by St Augustine, who was the first to come up with this "Shining City on a Hill" imigry, and for John Calvin that City was Geneva, Switzerland, which he tried to turn into a Eutopia.  Only thing is his Eutopia had burning at the stake for people with whom he disagreed theologically.  I think the early Protestents saw "The Holy Catholic Church" as a "Part of the World" and since the World was evil and going to burn then the Catholic Church would burn, too.  Protestents have always had this romance of being "called out" of the world into the Higher Plane of God's Kingdom.

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