Friday, June 01, 2012

U S Jobs Picture Called "Bleak"

The national unemployment figures that were reported today are adverse.  Only 69,000 jobs were added last month.  But we are still adding them- - but that won’t matter to Mitt Romney.  The actually rate increased from 8.1% to 8.2%.Bill Clinton spoke in Wisconsin reviewing the basic economic facts of the Obama administration.  We need more cucumber heads like Clinton because he never gets flustered making his points the way the President often does.  The President himself will be in California yet again going once more to that perverbial golden goose, the Hollywood community, as long as they keep laying the golden eggs at his door.  Meanwhile Mitt Romney, I'm sure is delighted with today's unemployment figures.  It's even "rosier" than last months.  Mitt Romney has been in California and last night was raising money in Riverside and tonight will be at a fund raiser in Newport Beach and this weekend he will be fund raising in San Diego.  He can spend time at his grandious house in La Jolla and have great fun giving his car a ride in the elevator in his garage.  People speak of people like Romney as one of those "creepy nerd" kids, who had the most disgusting habbits and repelled people that he met.  And they grow up to be soul-less people like Stephano Di Mira.
This Florida judge ordered George Zimmerman back to jail just today because Zimmerman lied about his means of making bail, so back to jail he goes.  Zimmerman has been given 48 yours.  Trayvon's parents are naturally gratified by the news. This is poetic justice for you.  He’s where he belongs.  The Judge called it a “material falsehood” and his wife lied for him too, because all of these people have been secretly sending him money.  On April 9th before his bail hearing Zimmerman's wife funneled him some two hundred thousand dollars, and apparently there was a secret web site set up to raise money.  And in prison Zimmerman and his wife, Shelly, would use cryptic termanology to talk about it, thinking that the cops were too dumb to figure it out. Also in the same state - - It seems that Florida governor Rick Scott, that real sleazeball, is now in trouble with Attorney General Holden and the Justice department for overt violation of the 1965 voting rights laws.   He has just been purging too many people from the rolls personally when all he said was “that he’s going to investigate the matter to see whether voters need to be purged”.  
  This is just after three on Friday June first.  And of course it's what used to be the official start of Hurricane Season.  In the Federation this is unofficially “Highway 61 day” because it’s a 6/1.  Of course June first is the infamous eleventh anniversary of my collapsing in the street just after nine o clock in the morning on the way to the liquor store.  So It’s kind of an apocraliptic day there. It's kind of a period many place where there is a sort of "changing of the guard" and people can look forward to four months of summer heat. As to that "other life" the "San Barnatino incarnation" we have news about him from a Federation rep.  First of all they are telling me that in late September in my "UFO abduction" I was aboard an Idumian vessle to the planet Real- - - and this particular vessle had changed hands a lot for "interesting" reasons, I'm told.  On Real- - I was informed that I could be guarendeed a stay there is as much as several months.  But it was depentent on the 'luck of the lottery" whether I was involentarily incarnated into a disaster of a life. But from what they said that I was "sensing correctly" that they weren't being entirely honest with me and the adverse incarnation was almost certain.  I had inhereted the guardian angels of that Dead Hollywood Celebrety but was told these would be leaving me if I remained on earth but 'You just did not believe them".  These were Sirius 0 angels that had surrounded this Celebrety's life but obviously were unable to protect him from an Alcyonne curse, that also did in Elvis in the end.  This new life had only bee conceived a couple of weeks before, which would mid September of 1986 meaning this guy has his 25th birthday coming up in mid month this year. The Celebrety was "stripped of his Sirius 0 heritage" much as Jerry Leiber was when he died. He's now and has continually lived on Aldeberan VIII.   Burt Lombard hasn't mentioned him in some months, and the concencus is that Burt regards him as "too paranoid and just plain weirded out to deal with".  There is talk of his trying to socialize more and has gotten some positive response from girls but due to his lack of dating skills he manages to blow it and has too much of that "Bad Ronald" aura.  This guy whose name we believe to be Richard, first hit a "crisis" in his life with some major family conflict in November of 2000 when he was thirteen and in the eighth grade, such that he seriously considered suicide.  He seems to have started attending a lot of State Colleges about including San Diego State College - not the one in La Jolla but the other one, and even lived with other students on campus (which is something I sure never did)  One semester someone recommended Cerritos Collegs to him for some course.  (I have no idea where Cerritos College even is)  Of course it's believed (by me) that he tried to do a "hostile aquisition" of my soul in his life.  It was pointed out by somebody that a famous celebrety died suddenly months before the same time that "Richard" was conceived, and there is talk of some guardian angel transfer from Sirius 0 at least briefly.  In some ways his life was "my life on steroids" in terms of family ties and joining groups to "try and prove to others you really fit in, but don't. But information is still very sparse, but since the initial posting we have gleaned a little more of it.
 Today’s Days of our Lives episode was really strange concluding with the “closing music interlude” of some famous dramatic Italian opera.  All of the major players tried and backed off of shooting Di Mira.  First it was Abe, and then Hope and then John, and then Bo, Will, and Kate Di Mira together.  Kate is pissed off because her divorce petition was denied and Ian seemed to want to make sure she read it. (?)  Then Marlena, dressed in red, showed up.  But she had no intent to kill him but just give him a mocking lecture.  But finally an unidentified gunshot was fired at Stephano as he sat with his back to the door with basically only his head exposed.  If he is indeed dead there will be unbelievable celebration at his funeral, even if sons Elvis and Chad want to give him one.  It almost seemed to me that Stephano was so dispondent about his life he almost wishes one of those assailents actually had the nerve to take his life.
The gay incursion into our lives continues.  June is official - - gay, lezbian, by- and trans-sexuals month.  And now D C Comics has apparently decided to make the Green Lantern gay.  This while "gay" thing is gaining acceptance into areas it never used to before like magazine ads.  California is now anticipating the legalization of gay marriages by declaring that the Clergy of church retains the right NOT to be compelled to marry gay couples as the tennants of their denomination forbids it.  Well, they better make THAT exemption, I tell you!  And now they are meddeling in local politics by banning these traffic light cameras is their purpose is not "public safety" but to raise tax revenue, which of course it is.  To me this is state encroachment into local affairs.  I don't know - - the California legislature seems on an alltogether different planet from the rest of the nation.
I would like to talk a bit on the subject of "circumstances".  By the way readership of this blog spiked yesterday and is back down today, so far.  So, which of the three postings did the people most read?  I have as much as said the "not only to circumstances Matter- - they are Everything.  They are all you have.  And to say that "they don't matter" is playing the Fool.  But I also told you people that I finally "reconsiled with Calvinism" with what I refer to as the "Marcionite solution".  This is a complete divorce of the physical, created world- - - from the karmic world of morality and virtue.  In the Bible Paul wrote that we should thank God IN our circumstances, but not FOR our circumstances.  Tell that to these TV evangelists who judge their own moral capital not by what they have done for God, but what God has done for THEM.  It also says in the Bible- again Marcionite Paul speaking- - "But I have learned in whatever state I am to be content".  The word "therewith" is NOT in the original translation.  Even Neil Savedra will drop little barbs like "God is trying to get your attention".  No, he's not.  This is as old a psychological ploy as the drapes fluttering during a seance and someone says "That's a sign they are here".  Capish?  People go through Life with the hand they are dealt and make the best of it.  I believe that's what is karmicly expected of us- - no more - - no less.  And again- - some people are region centric or nation centric or even Planet Earth centric.  I am "Universe" centric"".  That is- we share the common ether, which according to Star Trek has a "unique molecular signature for this 4 D time space continuoum".  I have been unable to get outside confirmation on this.  We owe this Universe, but we do not owe another.  So it follows that if we find outselves NOT in THIS universe after we are married and then die- - - we don't owe our spouse anything.  She will not only no longer exist- - but it will be as if she Never Existed, as disturbing a thought as that is.  There is a possability (reading between the lines) that our Memories cannot survive OUTSIDE of this time-space continuoum because of that incompatable Ether thing, like picking up the wrong remote controle by mistake.  And this Universe is held together with Ether- - which also carries astrolgical "impitus" if you will. (see previous postings)  According to Jeopardy tonight as late as 1935 Einstein had his doubts about the whole field of "quantom mechanics" as taught at least at that time.  By his writings on the subject he "seems" to be a fan of it but I am not "a wine conosour of quanton mechanics writings- so I wouldn't know the difference anyhow.  Einstein has certainly never heard of the Astronomy Cafe web site.  That's for sure.  Here is a little exercise for you to prove the Ether theory - and this will be my closing example.  Does a paper clip take up maybe a half inch of square space?  Perhaps more than that?  A whole inch and a half maybe? OK.  Then how come the last time you put a paper clip on the scale it didn't weigh 22 pounds, like it should because that's how much pressure the atnosphere exerts.  We regard "creative intelligence" as a mysterious force devoid of mass and substance.  Could it well be that in the other (concave space) universe that they regard what we call Mass some kind of a strainge alien force illusive to them??

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