Sunday, June 03, 2012

Uncertain Future Looms in Egypt

In the two sides of my Universe, O's are the realm of the defensive and territorial, and the objective and logical deduction.  The X's are the Ego with the desire to "spread out" and "fill up" and Influence - but a warning:  He who is ruled by the Ego is ruled by the Subjective, and the Sins of the Subjective, and all the bad karma those sins entail.  (Selah)

"How do you personally feel about being Physically Fit?"
"Well, if I were an animal living in a kisher slaughter house- - the idea would be decidedly unappealing"

"Me, my brother, and parents were riding in a car in New Mexico at dawn - - "  Ooopse! Chris, you handed me the wrong tape!  Here's the Right one!  "I just remember this time which was obviously the month of June- - and I was in front of this white building with pillars at the front, like the enterance to a giant discount store.  And this was at a time when I never went outside the hospital because the muscles in my legs were so weak due to mal nutrition and alcoholism- - and I was just pacing around and thinking "This is not my life.  What happened to my life?  And I thought "Perhaps this is just a dream".  So I walked over and felt the concrete of the pillars and I said "No, these are real enough.  This is really happening"  But also I don't remember it being any where near my birthday coming up, as it would have been in early June.  I think my birthday was in May.

The future is uncertain in Egypt after the strange reaction of the Egyptian people protesting the fact that Mubarek only gets life in prison and not the death penalty for his crimes.  Also six of his aids were found not guilty by a jury in conspiring to kill protestors during last year’s demonstrations.  The prosecutor will be appealing the entire case, which apparently is required under Egyptian law.  People like Pat Buchannon have long said that perhsps it was a mistake to get rid of Mubarek because this Moslem Brotherhood government they have in there now appears every bit as bad as the old Mubarek regeime, and this current government is not at all friendly tword the US as was the Mubarek government.  Egypt is a big country and a major player in the Arab world and what goes on there holds a lot of sway.  I didn’t know much about the Moslem Brotherhood before.  All the liberals would say about it was that it was one of these “democratic reform groups that wanted a piece of the power in government”.  There were pro American candidates running in this recent election in Egypt but I really wonder whether their votes were counted.  Egypt will be a problem for whoever is President next year.
This guy on KFI before six was talking about thoughts and energy and can mental thoughts control inanimate objects such as computers “randomly generating” numbers.  My answer is a big negatori to that.  Perhaps this KFI host is a little ignorant as to just how computers work.  Because the “algorithms” that generate random number on computer work not by chance but a very exacting and proven formula.  I have any number of programs in BASIC that rely on random number randomizations and guess what?  They run with the same exactitude no matter how many times you run them.  If you want real randomization in a program tell the user to pick the number himself like “pick a number between one and 500”.  I also read in some Time-Life book long ago that things like probabilities perform with amazing exactitude and consistency- - given enough time.  And just how much time and the degree of agrigate anomally to be expected- - is also subject to a mathematical formula.  This is why when the global warming people say the earth is actually getting warmer- - - they sure as hell DO know what they are talking about.  I know that sometimes certain people seem to be able to ‘get appliances to work” when others seem to be jinxes around appliances.  My ex housemate Frank, was a guy whom “The appliances of the house just didn’t like” and any time there was a break-down in some appliance it always seemed to be when Frank was using it.  If this were true that quote – unquote ‘The Mind” was able to control external events it would explain a whole lot of events such as why the tea party was able to “mysteriously” control all the voters in 2010 who put them into power.  It would make our job a whole lot easier because all we would have to do would be was to “think positive thoughts” all day long, and we wouldn’t have to sign petetions, or go to party caucuses or city council meetings or man the phone banks to bring out democratic voters or what have you?   In terms of “losing guardian angels in 1986 I’d had all year since my birthday when I turned 35” - - - perhaps August was a month for that rather than late September as I said in that other piece.  Or perhaps it was a “gradual withdrawal process” like our government from South Viet Nam.  There were four books I bought in the summer of 1986 and they were all a little downer.  They were “The Kennedy Imrisonment”, “The Last Days of Patton” “At Mother’s Request” and then there was “IT”.  Numerically the word IT is a 29 which means “crossing the great water” in China, which would allude to Death.  Perhaps the reason why I was so - - “restless” in mid September of 1986 is because already my mental subcontious was filling up with negativity.  And so in the spirit of “Man in the Mirror” I decided to “Make that Change” and get back into some kind of fellowship group.  So I went to screwy Louie’s Sunday Night Bible study.  The evening did not go at all well and confirmed the validity of a prior very negative encounter I’d had with screwy Louie in February at the Bosc house at what was supposed to be a Valentine’s Day party or something.  This was the evening I think I’ve told you about when me and Frank were outside the class rooms staring off into the dark, and there were these squeeling high pitched sounds.  Frank said they were bats.  I thought they sounded like Swifts, to be more exact.  Oddly, I did go a lot of places with Frank in those days and we had a lot of talks.  However the relationship would deteriate remarkably during the next year as basically every demon in Hell seem to be unleashed in the Bosc House starting about the first of October.  Just to get back to that KFI program - - - the guy is an ignoramus and is as green as a bell pepper on so many areas.  If we are thinking of Good or Bad - - - remember I told you about the theory of the “Super Self” that has Already LIVED the Future, if we could just tap into it.  If you see the future with an ontological existence as sure as our own, you begin to see things a lot differently- - - and some of this mental power hocus pocus stuff goes out the window.
The LA Kings once again beat the NJ Devils in overtime with seven minutes to go scoring an unexpected goal.  They won that game two to one and also lead the series two – zip, and they said it’s the first time the LA Kings have ever won two finals games in a row.  They had local KNBC coverage after the network coverage had ended that lasted for some time.  I hung around outside.  I think I re-heated the coffee grounds.  Two crapped out and Four wasn’t having anything, and eleven had baseball.  Finally at nine CBS got their act together and showed an NCIS episode.  I retired at ten, but Bill had already nodded off before the hour was up.  I slept fairly well with no disturbing dreams or anything.  The Kings victory might be something to blog post about but I imagine so many others have beaten me to it - - it would be redundant.
I woke up around four and my gums on my lower right were sore by that tooth so I got up and brushed my teeth and finally- - opened that ‘new” bottle of Vitamin C and took two.  Then I went back to bed and got up just after five and took a leisurely shower.  I listened to that UFO nut on KFI.  He was like a little kid in expressing his ideas.  All of his ideas, like they “all” are, were half baked and his thoughts were rambling and dis-jointed.  When I first woke up though two things flashed into my memory.  One was the scene when Bithia told Moses that “You didn’t doubt me when you were a toddler taking his first steps, or when you fell down and made a boo-boo and I kissed it and wiped away your tears, or when you went off for your first day of kindergarten” or the Egyptian equivalent.  You realize that is you have a real parent and child relationship it is a precious thing.  The other thing was the line from I Love You Because” by Elvis that goes “I love you because you never doubt me- - every single thing I try to do”.  I thought of doing a thing called “Love is Trust” or “Love means never having to doubt”.  And the one gem from that KFI show is the axiom “Perfect Love casteth out all Fear” and it’s coralary of “Perfect Fear casts out all Love”.  And also the bit about “Toxic Thoughts” I now place more importance than I used to as far as keeping both physical and psychic poisons out of your body.  The line fits from Rubber Soul of “In the beginning I misunderstood- - but now I’ve got it; the Word is Good”.  Then we had Jesus Christ at six on “spiritual fitness”.  Yeah right.  You and that bottle of Insure in the refrigerator, keeping me from enjoy the foods I really like.
After this I had the Today show on.  Then it was KNBC news and I did not leave the room till ten after seven.  But that did not prevent us from having to wait a long time till we were served.  We got corn flakes for breakfast.  It was a protracted wait and it was ten to eight before we were served.  We got scrambled eggs and toast with nothing on it.  The Oriental lady gave me her eggs and also some of her coffee that I shared a bit of with the black John.  I did not get back for “Meet the Press” till the program has been running a few minutes.  It was a discussion on economics.  It silly to put down people for playing “The Blame Game”.  That’s an over-worked phrase.  The point is to find a problem and identify what you need to do, and find out who’s support you have to enlist in getting the job done.  In President Obama’s case he did his job and showed the initiative last September as we talked about.  So it’s obviously this republican congress that is preventing needed measures to be taken.  Therefore they deserve to get the blame.  

More "Hemispheres" meditation

In Chinese as well as Classic Greek Culture - - Fire is seen as feminine
Water, or the Apolonian therefore must be masculine.  In some Federation loore - - Apolonian sometimes symbolizes a round moon, which is a circle.  Fire is seen as a pointed triangle

Earth's symbolic metaphores are reversed in that the triangle is 'Play" but Play mode is seen as the reflective, Apolonian mode and the circle on earth for record - - Record mode is seen as the dynamic or Dionecian mode.  Fire is associated with the East and Water with the West.  Many of these "directional" attributes are based on the bias of southern california geography

Heaven is north and the Earth is South in Reigelian mythology (Portland Reigelian theology)  The Portland Reigelians live in the northern hemisphere where the cooler temperatures are in the north where the weather is generally a lot more pleasent than in the "south".

The Lake is apolonian and the Mountain is dionecian in my reckening.  The Lake is seen as the northeast and the mountain is seen as the southwest.  (Consult Mark Campbells' writings for background here)

Lightning opposes the tree or wood.  Lightning is seen here as the dionecian and the tree is apolonian.  The lightning is associated with the southeast and the tree with the northwest.

Chinese base their tragrams on the position of the Single line within the three line field.  All triagrams with a single solid line are masculine and all with a single broken line are feminine.  These genders get confused a bit in our versions.  

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