Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Epidemic of Unintelligent Inarticulateness

A big part of today’s problem with people on the radio is they are inarticulate and not conceise and bore people to death.  Rush Limbaugh is the only person who can get away with total incompetence from his loud rustling of papers- - to spending five minutes talking about all he had was stuff about Wierner on his show- and then ten minutes later he admitted he lied about that.  My guess is that Rush was lying to us when he said he really didn’t WANT to do that interview on FOX television.  With someone as rich as Rush, if they don’t want to do something then nothing can make them do it.   But this misuse of language extends to our side such as the expression that “cigarette companies manipulate the amount of Nicotine in their product”.  A much more accurate term would be either “regulate” or “control”.  Because “manipulate” is one of those red flag words that is meant to appeal to people’s “condition reflex” response to certain words- - like a Pavlov dog.  And then there was the story about President Obama having a new jobs bill where he revived a plan from a year ago to lower the tax rates on corporations in exchange for other pro job consideration.  The headline it’s an Obama “ploy” to help drum up support for his economic plans.  They know darned well the word “ploy” is a buzz word and it’s all many people will hear without listening to the rest of the sentence.  They we have Monique taking seemingly a whole hour to discuss this FBI bust of pimps and prostitutes nation wide.  While it’s a commendable effort it by no means merits a whole hour of prime time.  Of course people today are in love with anything new.  For instance people say that “The Fabulus Forum” of Inglewood is old news.  So why did the Kings and the Lakers leave?  I happen to like the architecture of the Forum, and music goers say the place has superior sound acoustics to the Staples Center.  People seem in love with junking what they label as “old”.  People like me used to be knows as conservatives.   I don’t think the government or congress should dump two hundred plus years of tradition in favor of God knows what goes on there now.  Republicans engage in this massive blame shifting campaign against Obama on the economy- - as if more than a tiny percentage of the President’s economic policies were ever implemented.  All the average mule headed jackass out there in television land hears is “This is Obama’s fifth year in office- - therefore he is responsible for everything that’s wrong with the economy”.   There is such a major epidemic of simple-mindedness of the mentally retarded variety out there.  I think even calling the tea party right ‘retarded” is an insult to the real retards out there.  Because at least a real Retard eventually “gets it’ some of the time.  These tea party people like the ones who watch FOX news NEVER get it.  Sometimes in my blogs I repeat stories.  Like many ideas in the long first paragraph of that last posting- - originated a whole year & a half ago, which I know is an eternity in politics.  But you know we get new readers all the time.  So I go against my own dislike of repeating myself just to do a short economic recap like I did yesterday.

Last night it was the ABC game shows and then it was “Law and Order”.  I have the same bias as that woman who felt a kinship to the little girl “Ashley”.  Because I too have a think against rich people who think they are a law unto themselves, with seemingly their own security staffs.  Not only can they call out their own children “protecting’ them from people who see that they are in danger and in clear need of psychological help (and this little girl’s emotional condition was deteriorating literally by the minute) but they even get court injunctions against cops because they have “bought” judges, just like Stephano Di Mira on the soap opera.  Personally I have never had any particular respect, much less awe, for the “entertainment industry”.  It’s of no fascination for me to find out that they are sinners and morally inferior to most Americans.  I just say “That’s just the way they are.  They are a bunch of privileged jerks who are too full of themselves”.  The other story on “Law and Order” was a real George Zimmerman case before its time.  It was about a vigilante “Neighborhood Watch” guy- - - and people get out of prison serving time for a rape crime- - and now need police protection themselves.  If I were a store manager- - no I wouldn’t want to be known as a place where former rapists hang out.  But his money’s just as good as anyone elses and a buck is a buck.  And someone who fires into a window from across the street is kind of “out of control” anyhow because they are as interested in sheer terror not caring what innocent people may be hit- - then they are about ‘keeping the streets of America clean”.  I’ve watched this show a lot and there are of course endless deals and moral compromises- - about which cases have precedence over others.  And unfortunately when a law enforcement system becomes too lax, and that line may be different for each community- - then people lose confidence in the system all together.

Bradley Manning was convicted on all crimes, in addition to the ones he's already pled guilty to- - today except for the worst crime - - actual Treason and 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy'.  You have to prove intent for that one.  But instead all he did was give the info to Wikkileaks.com.  So it's in the judge's discretion now exactly how long the sentense will be or whether you will make them consecutive or comcurrent terms.  Randy Rhodes points out that Solitary Confinement isn't ordenary time.  Randy is also curious how an Army Private got a hold of these elite government documents, and perhaps someone Else fell down doing their job.  On Sunday I watched “Face the Nation” and I think I hit all the relevant points.  Then I watched two different things from that Oregon guy Wyker or something- - who is concerned about the NSA violating our civil liberties.  There was an administration guy though, who seemed to say there was no problem with the way things are now, so I don’t know whose right and whose wrong.  Rush Limbaugh seemed concerned that the government could pretty well piece together our lives just making deductions from the phone calls we made to various people – where, when, and for how long.  The House is not happy about the encroachment- - and a vote to end a lot of this surveillance almost passed the House.

Janet needed someone to help unload her groceries.  Jim Spencer took her.  I took one case of Diet Coke and three bags on the first load and did likewise on the second load.  Going up the stairs was tiresome on my legs more than my arms.  For my trouble I got two Time cigarettes and a cinnamon roll and a cup of really hot coffee.  Tropical storm Flossie is about to hit the Hawaiian islands hitting about Molichai- - or pretty much dead center through the eight of the main islands.  I’m siding with the gun owners as far as the banning of lead bullets is concerned for all of California.  I believe the move is unwise and the Condors don’t need that much protection.  A whole swath of California is already reserved for the Condors and if they are branching out into other areas, then they are not that endangered.  Besides I’m enough of a chemical structure person to know that there is no good replacement for lead bullets.

We in the past have done 'My remembrances as Elvis".  But we didn't do the very last ones.  We skip from late July of 1955 all the way through to about mid spring of 1957 when Jail House Rock was being filmed.  I remember that incident when the other guys I was with refused to sing gospel songs with me, and got annoyed when someone told me "They were instructed not to sing with you because you're taking up too much studio time".  I remember reading the script and thinking the Colonel or someone was playing mind games with me.  I didn't like the smugness of my character once he got rich and particularly was offended that my character was a regular social drinker of alcoholic beverages and in one scene I offer "To fix someone a blast", which I guess is a drink.  Of course we won't even talk about wardrobe.  I remember complaining to Shelly Winters- - who was a nice older woman - - and was the only one who seemed to understand when I said "I don't like this production business- - I don't like the script and I don't like the Colonel" and all my mother could say when I talked to her was "Do whatever the Colonel tells you to do".   In terms of writing letters to Anita (Wood) from Germany - - one time I said "I haven't seen a single girl", when soon after I met some brunette named Elizabeth.  I paced outside her house a long time before working up the nerve to knock on the door.  (someone had apparently mentioned her)  I think we went out to some smelly theater with a lot of winos or something in the audience watching a black and white picture.  Apparently at this time - - I remember it being dark a lot- - I was stationed near the Chech border- - near barbed wire fences and stuff- - and I had to do a lot of gun practice, which was loud.  As to my memories of Anita I'm inclined to believe that she was much more prominent in Elvis' life than most books give her credit for.  There was one photo of Elvis and Anita on this "tilt o whirl" ride- - though there was no "tilting" involved.  It was one of these rides like they used to have at POP that was strictly horizontal where a big thing spins- and little things from that shoot off and spin, and you ride in the car and get kind of a zig zag effect.  There was a "new" studio in Nashville I recorded at in June of 1958 where I did songs such as "I Need Your Love Tonight" , "I Got Stung", and 'A Big uh Hunk of Love" which features deliberate imotating of Jerry Lee Lewis.  I was there also in March or so of 1960.   "Make Me Know It' is a song I was attracted to because in third grade there was this older sixth grader who claimed that Abraham Lincoln had said "I believe all of what I see but only a small part of what I hear", so the song lyric is "Hearing's deceiving- - seeing's believing".  At the time I guess I thought this would be my come-back single.  As to "Such a Night" it was just a case of me getting confused and losing track of where to come in.  I usually don't do that.  So finally I tell the band- - I'll raise my hand where I'm going to come in so you'll know".  Then we have "Fever".  I was puzzled by the lyrics of this song because they seemed to me like women's lyrics especially the line "I'm his mussus".  Then someone said to me "This line is just quoting Pocahantus".   Then I go "Well what about this line- - chicks were born to give you fever".   Someone said "Oh- - do you want to change that".  And the first thing that popped into my head was "Cats were born to give chicks fever" and whoever said "OK then, we'll go with that".  As for "Reconsider Baby" obviously I was channeling Roy Orbeson.  I don't know if it came out on the record but I said "The tempo is dragging a little".  I wanted the band to speed up - - but they never did.  On this song I play "lead rhythm" guitar, akin to the part Brian Jones played on "Paint It Black".

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