Friday, July 26, 2013

Analysis Paralysis

A lot of time we have Pastor Mark’s phrase of “Analysis Paralysis”.   We are told by David Cruise that we’ve all got to accept the “new normal” of getting by with Less, as though it’s some profound new truth and that insisting on the rights we had is “living in the past”.  And David has a different take on the Detroit bankruptsey saying that “Those Union people got greedy and wouldn’t make concessions”.  That’s not the story I was told previously.  But people seem trained like seals at a Marine Park not to see the obvious.  Since when was honoring a contract a bad thing or brieching a contract a good thing?  And you see this abuse of the English language in the Trayvon trial.  Juror B 29 said that “I could not say there was proof that George Zimmerman deliberately killed Trayvon”.  Let’s see.  He had the gun and pulled it out and aimed right at his heart and pulled the trigger.  I call that “deliberate”.  What was never established was whether or not Zimmerman was under any immediate threat to his life.  Another caller to Randy’s show pointed out that it was the prosecution that brought in all of Zimmerman’s “testimony”.   Randy said “I thought it was for purposes of refuting it later”.  Here’s an idea.  Put on your witnesses FIRST and then you can debate whether you want to cloud the issue by giving Zimmerman a “free to tell lies’ pass.  Moe Kelly chimed in on juror B 29 and I am not entirely in agreement with what Moe said today.  Hillary Clinton spoke of the “one million cracks in the glass ceiling”.  In this case what Juror B 29 did was of service to our side because now OUR people are armed with her words.  Moe spoke of “money you can’t cash”.  I think he has her mixed up with Christianity.  Because in that case it’s an oxy-moronic truth that “It’s money you can’t cash- - even if your very Salvation depends on it”.  (Selah)  I assure you - - the other side is cowed by her words because as I said before, “Their greatest Fear was that such a thing as this would happen and that one of the jurors would Break”.  It would be as if one or two of the twelve apostles said “OK it’s all a lie- - we made the story of Christ’s resurrection up”.  I’ll give you an example of “money you can’t cash”.  If a surgeon cuts off the wrong leg and the doctor makes a ponthical message about how “mistakes like this happen and it’s nobody’s fault and I sure feel bad about it and wish there was something I could do” but after this he sends a really threatening attorney penned by his Attorney promising that dire things will happen to the plaintiff if they dare to file a law suit.  Moe Kelly’s problem- - like with yesterday is that he likes to carp at things that aren’t the problem but indeed his very carping gives “aid and comfort to the enemy” because now they can take Moe Kelly’s words and play them on their show.  In terms of Rush Limbaugh, I found myself in major agreement with Rush today in his analysis of why and how the Republicans took back the House for the first time in forty years in 1994.  First of all it had been forty years and people were ready for a change.  Then there was Ft Worthless Jim Wright and the Post Office scandal.  Then there was the Contract on America.  And strangely, most unlike now, there was a “national interests” campaign- - where the Party had a unified message to the voters.  But that after the victory because the right still had not infiltrated the media, the Republican House had egg on their face and the people turned against them, during the time of the “government shut-down” in 1995.  Rush continues to speak of “low information voters” as regards to the Affordable Care Act.  Because everybody hates it- - and too many people think a lot of free stuff will be offered when in reality most people’s insurance rates will go up.  And Rush spend a considerable time with one lady caller talking about various expensive kinds of Cuban cigars and aged Scotch, because “my husband needs to learn to relax”.  OK.

Moe and this lady had some stuff about relations between men and women.  It’s men rather than women who have the more “honorable motives”.  Men want to marry women and have them stay just the same as the day they met then.  But apparently women marry men hoping that they can somehow “fix” or “transform” them.  Men see sex and romance as one and the same.  Women see romance is something that you do to “put a man through his paces” like a champion dog at a dog show.  Whereas men just want to have a relationship to brighten their lives and experience a little pleasure.  Men are in the NOW.  Women are fixed on the future.   It seems to be women rather than men who “compartmentalize’ sex and love.  Many women will say “If I want sex I can get it from another woman or get it from myself more satisfactorily than a man.”  Men see sex as an act of sharing.  Women view sex as a marketable commodity to bargain with.  Often in order to get a date- - a man has to- - as in the case of hunting for a job - - put out a lot of feelers and see which of those accepts him.  Then when they are together- - it’s another case of being at the job interview.  Your dress and looks and speech and what you say and don’t say are all scrutinized.  And of course you dare not over-hype yourself, but all the same you better have “future potential”.   All a woman needs to do in the whole arena is to say either “Yes’ or “No”.   So it’s no wonder they view whether to keep their baby as “freedom of choice”, and also whether or not they will work or whatever after married as “their choice”.  Men don’t have “choices” like this.

This is Friday July 26, 2013 and tomorrow morning will mark the sixth Saturday morning in a row that Dr Levy has not shown, tying last year’s record.  There are various Bible principles that people should be aware of.   For instance the Bible version of Shotenfroida, is the tale of the Edomites gloating because Israel was getting pummeled by Assyria, so I guess we’d call that the Edomite principle.  The Gehazi principle is the “no piling on” principle.  That is- if one person gets a cigarette from a guy who has them, it’s wrong to “pile on” and assume he or she will give them to everybody.  Bones a month or so admonished me about the “Messada principle”, which isn’t Biblical, but it ought to be.  That means- - shades of the Mountain fire- - just because the winds are blowing one direction now, doesn’t guarantee that they won’t again turn in your favor very soon.  The saying "Where there is life there is hope" was used by a captive lady in the doomed Jonestown Cult.  The "Samson" or multiple chance principle states that "Just because you weren't done in by the last time you trusted the Wrong person, doesn't mean you won't be done in by them for sure if you continue to trust them".  My brain can finally function because I just got a cigarette and a roll and a cup of coffee from Janet for the favor of taking Stanley’s food down to him.  Usually this job involves going and inquiring what Stanley would like in the way of food or drink and then taking his mug and bringing him the food.  They had the resident’s council meeting today, which is the first one of those I have been to in months.  The dietician was there and as I was telling Tom at the table later, often I’d like to raise my hand and say “I’d like to cancel what that other guy just said”.  I get nervous when people say the food is too crispy.  That’s kind of like saying the Amazon isn’t humid enough.  I complained about the lack of solid content in the recent taco salads, and the perennial of over-cooked broccoli.  Oh yes, and today is Mick Jagger’s 70th birthday.  We had fish for dinner and the dreaded orange Kool-Aid drink, which today for the first time they promised to eliminate from the rotation because nobody likes it.  We had rice and a mixture of corn and carrots.  We had lemon pudding for desert.  I got a John Black from James after that.

It was this noon hour report of Randy where she spelled it out for me what crooks governor Rick Snyder of Michigan.  He’s the same guy whose walked over local rights before.  Judy just loves it when the European banks override a vote of the Greek people and interfere with government sovereignty.  Now we have the same thing where the good people of Detroit vote NOT to allow an increase of powers of this emergency manager- - but the Governor overrides them.  This was the lead paragraph on today’s blog.  Yesterday afternoon I was perhaps intending to post but got bummed out royal by the numbers doing a major nose dive.  Then later on I could not get the initial numbers page at all but only an error message.  But other statistics pages still worked so I looked at them.  I also read “Next Blog” and occasionally you lose that whole ‘Next Blog’ row but you can back up, and then forge ahead and it will pick a different blog for you.  I also read a lot of news stuff I thought was biased in favor of the Michigan governor and the “emergency manager”.  This bummed me out.  There was finally some Video I saw that represented both sides.  But at the time I was thinking, and still am, that “America has really had it.  I don’t see any way out.  What happened in Detroit could happen anywhere.”  Randy Rhodes pointed out that they will privatize all the schools and guess which race will be “de-selected”.  Someone said that Jury selection is really juror “de-selection”.   I think it’s all those Born Again Christians having kids and insilating them from the real world and telling them they are special and sending them to private schools where they get a highly indoctrinational and skewed history of America, and when they turn thirty-five they become congressmen.

It seems like we were just in Sunset but we weren’t, or maybe I’m getting senile or something.  Today is July 24, 2013 and on this day in history in 1967 my teacher in Plane Geometry at Western recommended I not come back to class tomorrow because he said I was day dreaming too much.  As you know this summer session at Western was the last one before they painted the whole campus.  I noticed that.  It was the first time I actually smoked a cigarette on the school premises,  on the north side of the Gymnasium.  It also heralded a worstening of already bad relations between me and Allan.  This is a little after three and there is on radio or TV on in here so I can at least hear my own thoughts.

Congress finally passed that farm bill where there had been so much contention however it only contains aid for big agri-business and nothing in the way of food stamps for the poor.  According to George Washington’s blog, fresh legislation was passed and signed by President Obama to make it even harder to fight against even glairing health problems with genetically modified grains and such, and they went on to list a bunch of diseases.  This blog also said contrary to recent media hype, that President Obama has been more and not less active in taking away our civil liberties than President Bush was.  It was also pointed out in this piece that with all this apperatus of government at his disposal, surely President Obama could gather secret evidence on big bankers by tapping a few phones.  But seemingly- - what either Big Finance does, or Monsanto Corporation does is of no concern to this President, and that’s sad.

 In the morning it was the usual Stephanie Miller.  I went down stairs to get my medication from the guy and mentioned I could use a cigarette.  Marsha M chimed in and said she would give me two as soon as she got her medication.  Actually when I went to her room she opened up her wallet and gave me two dollars and I asked for and got one cigarette.  Richard pointed out that the store was actually open before breakfast but I didn’t go till after, for my usual pack of John Black grape.  We had Raison Bran for breakfast and I’ve switched to white sugar because pink isn’t as healthy.  This morning I weighed myself on an empty stomach and was between 155 and 156 pounds, and that’s encouraging, because it means at any other time I’d way more.  We had scrambled eggs and toast and last minute butter and jelly, and hash browns with catsup on the side.  They have tended the last two mornings to give me two cups of coffee and even extra creamer.  I have Purlita to thank for that.  I need all the coffee I can get.   Some of this talk radio turns into a depressing blur after a while because it’s all so depressing any which way you look.

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