Thursday, July 25, 2013

- - - Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

A funny thought just hit me.  You know that Viagara commercial about “You haven’t gotten as old as you are now by giving up”.   Get this.  Brian Jones is incarnated as a fifty year old woman, and she’s doing all of these classic Brian Jones licks on guitar and they say this slogan, and the woman slips viagara into her boyfriend’s coffee.  Just a thought.  Let’s talk about that train in Spain that crashed.  Sure it was going 110 in a fifty mph zone, but it’s partially a design error.  The should have banked the turn when they built the track.  Of course on Roller Coasters they get all the engineers out there with their slide rules and design each and every turn the coaster makes based on the speed it’s going.  One other fact that you might find comforting.  You may think you are turning so sharply the car will topple off the track but I imagine those cars are really heavy- - and therefore as long as the center of gravity is within bounds, you can think you are being thrown hard to the side- - but considering the weight of the car, you’re in no real danger.  There is one more math tid bit.  That drop on the Arlington coaster was really streep.  If you’re in the front of the train of cars- - the car will travel more slowly than YOU do- - because it’s being pulled back by the rest of the train.  It’s kind of a modification of the “escaping lobster” principle.  Next time get in the back car and you won’t have this problem, assuming you love to HAVE a “next time”.  

According to James Fisher- - Edward Snowden was granted official Assylum in Russia for real this time, so the man finally gets to leave the airport and no longer if like “Charlie” with the MTA blues.  Speaking of transit.  Los Angeles wants to Jew this land owner out of his land near Union station that’s been in the family since 1888 or something but aren’t willing to pay a fair price for it.  Also the LA City council is finally voting to abolish this “get cheated by a broken meter” thing.  They claim only a cintillianth of the meters in the City are actually in ill repair.  I’d like to take a poll of people looking for parking places on a crowded day and see what they think.

We had “carnitas” for dinner but like other times it was just chunks of pork I mixed with the rice, which was decently fluffed.  I used Tom’s hot sauce on it.  Tom is not letting other tables borrow the catsup any more because they don’t return it.  We had yellow cake for desert- which I’m sure has more than 238 calories.  ( - )  I was thinking of all the times I’d prayed to God and not gotten an answer.  God must have had his receiver on today because less than a minute later Richard gave me a cigarette despite his saying he wouldn’t give me any more.  I was just finishing up that cigarette when Marsha was at the door with a ten dollar bill for me.  She wanted me to buy a half gallon of low fat milk and a pack of Phillies, and the rest of my money was at my disposal apparently.  I went to the store and got the milk, and a Coke, which was a lot colder than the one the other day, and the Phillies and John Black grape.  The other time I returned the unused money to Marsha but I got the hint that at least for now I was free to spend the money not used.  I paid James a quarter I owe him- - and have money for another cold Coke, with a quarter to perhaps negotiate a spoon of instant coffee from Glen, thinking ahead.

Juror B 29 dropped a real A bomb on the hopes of those southerners who had hopes no juror would ever have recrimination about their votes.  She says she believes before God, so to speak, that Zimmerman is guilty and will have to answer in the hereafter for his crimes, but is still clinging to the fig leaf of “The Law”.  Of course in the Les Miserables movie they revived an old French saying of “The law is an ass”.   Right now it’s Jeopardy.  Juror B 29 se llama “Mattie”.   I pictured some old lady with some pea thick Hispanic accent.  She was actually young and attractive and well spoken.  But let’s face it, just about any woman looks “young and attractive” considering the women in here.   Joe says he’s only had sex once in the past ten years.  I think I remember the might because I heard them.  Joe surprised me with his remarks about Southerners.  If one were to overhear our conversation, you’d think it was he and not me, who was the flaming liberal.  I guess it’s that Dylan legasy kicking in.  Joe is the John Mc Cain of the group- - sometimes you think he’s allright- - but then drops a conservative bomb on you.

Moe Kelly is another guy who is occasionally brilliant but then really steps in it – sometimes minutes apart.  He began trashing “Smiley Tavis” and also this Dr West black author and sociological researcher.  He says he respects his writing but he disagrees when the remarks both made about  President Obama.  Let’s talk about President Obama using my words.  Obama is a moral coward and too often tends to be all cat and no cattle, and let’s down his base.  I’ve thought about it.  The way I would have handled the Jeremiah Wright thing is to say “Don’t judge a man on one sentence of one sermon over a twenty plus carrier.  That’s silly”.  I would have invited Rev Wright to come with me at campaigns and speak highly of him- - and get reporters to accept the fact that he was a part of my world.  But this President always cedes half the field before a single shot has been fired.  He has this near pathological obsession to make concession after concession to the tea party right, only to be called more names than before.  It never occurs to him that nothing he does will ever make them happy, so why even try.  Jennifer has this same ailment when it comes to appeasing her son.  If President Obama can’t stand up to the tea party how can he possibly negotiate skillfully with foreign powers if America’s prestige were ever on the line.  This president is devoid of real moral character or conviction that isn’t for sale.  He “leads from behind”.   Tavis had it right when he said that “The President didn’t initiate a trip out to that platform to make that speech because he wanted to - - he was pushed.  And when he was done he had said nothing, and so nothing will get done.   You know in the Bible there is a portion that says that Lot, Abraham’s nephew, was so desperate to please the maurading sodomizers outside the door that he said to them, “I have two unmarried daughters.  I will send the out to you and you can do what you will with them”.  God neither praises nor comdemns this utterance but lets us decide for ourselves.  President Obama once said “I would no longer betray Jeremiah Wright than I would my own White grandmother”.   But the thing with Moe Kelly is that his loyalties are divided- with KFI vying for his affections.  I guess he feels he dare not offend them.  You know Hewey Newton in the book Revolutionary Suicide once condemned someone for “Approving of bigoted cups who abuse their powers- - if those cops happened to be Black”.  Newton condemned this “My race right or wrong” doctrine.  It gives me no comfort to hear someone say “Well it looks like Zimmerman is guilty but if you just had “The Black Experience” everything would look different to you”.   Like I say I have personal reasons in my own life for backing way off from logic like this.  What Zimmerman did was a criminal felony and what the court and jury did were gross brieches of ANY known legal decorum in any US Court.  Why the President doesn’t have the cajones to just come out and say it- - I’ll never know.   And as I said at the dinner table, isn’t it strange that while J Edger Hoover was vilified by many, the FBI under his leadership did a hell of a lot more for Civil Rights advancement than the Obama administration ever did.   And not to rub it in or anything but Barock Obama has prosecuted way fewer (if any) Wall Street offenders than George W Bush did.

Last night during the ABC game shows - - I went down to the west patio and Lisha was there and she said I could come to her room for a cigarette.  I came in there and I learned that Silva was her roommate now.  I didn’t know that.  Elizabeth was also in there and greeted me.  LIsha seemed to strike an almost deliberate sexual pose on the bed there.  But my mind was on nicotine ingestion more than sex.  Later on I tuned in Mike Meloy on computer but the station kept blacking out and rebuffering or something and then wouldn’t work at all.  I played a few other little favorites in I Tunes.  The Middle was on- - but then off the computer now I turned it to chef Ramsey.  They had eliminations on the red vs the blue team.  It was some mushroom dish.  Then at nine they were out in the desert wilderness and one time had rabbit to prepare over an open flame and the other had pidgions, I hope aren’t germ carriers.  I’d thinking if I had my choice I’d go with the rabit for dinner fare.   I slept well because I’m not getting much coffee now.

On the soap opera it wasn’t a real eventful day but Raphael Hernandez has finally come around and asked for Kate who came to his bed side.  So he remembers that they were having an affair, hopefully, fondly.  Funny thing about Kate.  When I first saw her in that series twenty years ago she looked nearly ten years older than I do.  Now she looks nearly tenyears younger than I do.  How did that happen?  Of course like Clark Kent and Superman, you never see Will Horton and Father Eric in the same room, let alone actually have a conversation with each other.  In termf of coffee break, I went to the courtyard after two and had one cup, and of course I went in the morning and had one cup.  Then Janet brought out a bottle of Coke and poured cups for a bunch of us, and gave us a piece of Danish, and also some fancy chocolate cookies, and a cigarette.   James Fisher on his own let me have a good cigarette- - and I was able to pay him back the quarter.

I had Stephanie Miller on in the morning.  I took my medication early.  We had Cheerios for breakfast and then we had a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly, and Purlita poured me an extra half cup of coffee after I had drunk it down some.  And now you are just about caught up unless I see something else in my notes.   We had kind of a hybred cheeseburger – patty melt for lunch, and a potato chip and six grapes.  The soup was also of varied texture and worth seconds, which didn’t come.  Wheel of Fortune is on now.  Nora came in to dust and polish.  I still have a considerable number of coffee filters from way back when.  Someone said that coffee makers are running over a hundred dollars for a good one.  It’s a good thing I live in a different world.  The only other person I’ve talked to about the Trayvon Martin case was Sarah yesterday when she brought it up and asked me first my opinion, and then she said that she believes Zimmerman is guilty.

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