Monday, January 13, 2014

The Parils of the Proposed - Trans Pacific Partnership

This whole Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is a real peril to every American citizen who doesn’t want to give up United States sovereignty.  The President is tone deaf in this area and there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between either of the President Bushes and Bill Clinton and President Obama on this one.  Of course certain words should be banished from our lexicon such as “Trade War” or “Protectionism”.   Of course we in America value our own industry over the industries of other nations.  This agreement will be like NAFTA on steroids and impact an enormous number of nations.  This agreement will help “Wall Street’ apparently and the big pharmasuticals. But we know in China they put things like melamine in pet food and other poisonous substances.  You remember that whole scandal, and Judy has talked about it how shoddy, as well as unsafe that products from China and other places are, and of course Bones among my cosmic friends has raised the same issue.  The Republicans have a big point about how it’s inherently unfair for the United States to have strict environmental laws, and yet we will willingly do business with nations like China where cities like Beijing have routine smog days that are several times than our worst ever smog alerts here.  Environmental laws are out the window and people in Viet Nam could sue to suspend all US environmental laws as “restraint of trade”.  In Mexico apparently we are forced to allow tuna fisherman to kill Dolphins because of NAFTA and we can’t do anything about it.  They want to “fast track” this agreement, which means no amendments and a limitation to twenty hours of total debate.  I think the Republicans have a basic to complain that at times Harry Reed has disallowed amendments on certain bills.  But here is a bill where it’s essential that we scrutinize it.  However even the information is classified.  Even a congressman might be able to look at it, but no notes, nobody in the room while you’re viewing it, and you are forbidden to discuss what you’ve seen.  Changing the subject, this Chicago station is touting the virtues of “tall grass beef” which is richer in certain fatty acids such as Omega 3 and other nutrients not normally found in grain fed beef.  It’s something to consider for your family.

There are more problems with Governor Christie.  Now he redirected federal funding for hurricane relief of the disposed, into a campaign promotion for Christie to encourage tourism in New Jersey and it featured his family.  Today Governor Christie is in Florida raising money for Governor Rock Scott, which are birds of a feather since Scott was convicted of hospital funding fraud and got elected anyhow.  There are a whole lot more committees looking into Christie now.  But meanwhile there are people who still haven’t gotten hurricane relief in New Jersey who have been waiting patiently.  Of course there was that special Election held in New Jersey strictly for political purposes- - that costs the people of New Jersey millions of dollars.  Rudy Guiliani defended Christie but Ed points out that no republican “with skin in the game” has said word one about the Christie scandal.  Ed says “It’s only party leaders with nothing to lose, who can be replaced anyway- - are the ones who are speaking”.  Christie has blocked the minimum wage and suspended new gun laws.  One Union guy at the Port Authority says all he needed to do is go right upstairs to the Port guy in the same building, and he didn’t do it.  Christie let the old contract expire with the Union and the dock workers- - and denied them any pay raise, because he didn’t want to appear “soft on labor”.  But the biggest thing is calling Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York to “lay off of this investigation” in December.  No E mails but he called a Governor and said “Hands off of this case.  Don’t investigate it any further”.  This doesn’t square to all of this “Glastnose” we’ve been hearing about.  Stephanie Miller talked about contradictory body language that was “stiff” and dead when he was expressing all of this apologetic “compassion”.  They said “It was very much unlike Governor Christie”

Iran is going to limit their uranium enrichment and open up their plants for inspections in exchanged for relaxed trade sanctions.  I don’t have a whole lot of Faith in that happening, myself.  We should have destroyed their facility years ago in partnership with Israel and we wouldn’t even have this issue to worry about now.   I am not convinced that mere economic incentive will balance out a nation’s drive to get the Nuclear Bomb with the big boys.  I think my biggest fear as President would be to get caught making a deal with some nation I can’t trust, and then having to go before the American People and explain why I was so gullible.   Many take exception to Robert Gates writing his book while the person he worked for is still in office, but personally, in the interests of moral consistency, I don’t have a problem with that.   My problem isn’t really with the book but the way that the right wing is portraying it to the masses.

The Free Speech TV channel is finally carrying the Stephanie Miller show live wit pictures.  They weren’t doing that last week, at least on my computer.  I admit I was a little irritated with the site last week.  Sometimes FS TV would run ahead of the Chicago radio station and at other times Chicago would run ahead of FS TV.  The sound quality is better on the Chicago station.  Also the sound on the Chicago station is better than on the Monterey station, perhaps due to the fact that in the big city they can afford better electronic equipment.

Last night like I say – I wasn’t thinking about the Golden Globe Awards.  But I was on the patio and saw the TV on through the glass and since it was not yet eight o clock figured maybe they were broadcast live, for both coasts.  “Twelve Years a Slave’ won for best drama and “American Hustle” won for best Comedy-Musical.  The star of “The Wolf of Wall Street” got an award.  As far as I know “Gravity” was just left – hanging.  “The Butler” with Oprah Winfrey wasn’t even nominated as you know.  They say they had already met their quota for Blacks.  If it was live, I don’t know if it was rebroadcast for the Pacific Time Zone.  By process of elimination it had to have been on NBC because all of the other media networks are accounted for.   This is being typed just before noon on Monday and I’m going to post this before even checking out Randy Rhode on Free Speech TV, and maybe when I do if Randy is good enough maybe I’ll have a whole new posting later today.  There is more material on the cosmic origens of various rock groups that I’ve been saving, for fear of boring people to death.

Randy Rhodes was talking about the dresses worn at the Golden Globes that were too obscene, or just in bad taste, to be worn in public.  Now Elizabeth New Jersey is having problems with the DMV and Christie.  Also Christie “shut down a lot of scheduled meetings” and the stuff will continue to come out- - like an enema whether you want it or not.  Hoboken NJ had their grant for a Flood Zone sharply reduced.  Some would say "The problem is that our society is too Faminized and that when we see a really macho, manly man like Christie, they get themselves into trouble when they speak" as though Christie's whole society is that the rest of us are a lot of mincing Maryanne's out there.  Really!  Tom Hartman on Free Speech TV was talking about industrial toxins.  When you hear Republicans talk they are so tone deaf on this whole issue of dangerous industrial pollutants that- - to them it’s not even an abstract Possibility that you could ever have a problem in this area.  I’ll tell you why people are and are not inclined to forgive another.  They forgive if they honestly feel that “They aren’t that person any more”.  And by the way forgiveness is NOT an entitlement.  I don’t know about you but it's really hard to find a story in the whole Bible about a guy who refused to forgive another who insisted “I am repentant” and God condemned the guy for not forgiving him merely on his word.  However there are any number of stories of people who fake repentence but God sees through and exposes their continuing evil nature.  Speak of this as you may.  A word to the wise is sufficient.  And by the way - - hypothetically - - if I’m working for someone and screw up in a minor way, the last thing I would want would be my boss instantly throwing me to the wolves.  Because if my boss is a man of conscience, he knows that “The buck stops here” is not just an expression, and you can’t just kiss someone off like yesterday’s garbage and act like you never knew them.  No a loyal boss will work with you and get you a good legal defense and say “Well just do your best and try to get as low of a sentence as possible.  And now for another of our Famous “Can you find the song that doesn’t fit in with the others, cosmically”.   Here are your choices:  “The Stroll”, “Lavender Blue”, “Let There Be Drums”, “Out Of Limits”, and “Jack the Ripper”.  The correct answer of course is ‘Out of Limits”, which is Bajoran, in fact is about the last hit Bajor ever had out there.  Of course ‘Jack the Ripper” is not the Judas Priest song, but rather another instrumental by Link Rey.  One song whose cosmic identity remains a mystery is “Penetration” by the Pyramids.  Some are saying “Oh, it’s the Colorado group” but others doubt that.

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