Sunday, January 12, 2014

Basically - Just More of the Same

We then come to Meet the Press where the topics of the day were very similar to last night on the Mc Laughlin Group, which I watched.  Judy had invited me to come over for a home cooked meal and watch that Cambrian Era explosion on DVD I had expressed interest in but I reluctantly declined, but considering the game result, I might decide otherwise today.  It seems that Robert Gates book is being treated with an importance as though it came down from Mt Sinai or something.  But people delight in twisting Gate’s words to put the worst possible light on President Obama.  Gates said that Joe Byden did not have a single good idea.  But I think partitioning the entire Mideast region into Sunni and Shiite is an excellent idea.  Any school leader knows that when you have two boys continually fighting, you separate them.  But since was US Foreign policy about logic?   And the idea that the President’s goal was on “getting us out of two wars” isn’t strange at all.  That’s what he was elected to do in 2008.  So of course the President is going to test the military credibility with hard questions.  At other times Gates praised Obama’s decisions, but people ignore that.   President Obama was very concerned about “mission creep” as he should be.  We’ve been in Afghanistan going on thirteen freeking years already.  Come on!  President Obama distrusted President Karzai.  Well so do I, and it’s always puzzled me that President Bush didn’t.  Another topic of the Mc Laughlin group was this whole unemployment situation and Mort Zuckerman gave a rather empassioned pitch for continued unemployment coverage for the long termers.  Zucherman may be a pessimist, but he’s a concerned pessimist, and says “These people really need help for the sake of keeping this economy going”.  Governor Christie and bridg-gate was the other topic.  Of course there are many similarities to Watergate because both involve “Whether close aids somehow are able to do things behind your back that you never talk about or express the slightest bit of curiosity about.   Both Nixon and Christie have said “I was unaware of these events before X Date, and when I found out I took swift action”.  Nixon claimed to know little of Watergate before John Dean apprised him of the situation on March 21st 1973.  But this Mayor guy of Ft Lee was a major disappointment.  He reminded me of Fred Mc Murry when he was with his two comrades on the way to do a report on Captain Queeg and “Tom” gets cold feet at the last minute.  If your lead man is going to suddenly go soft, and struck with a sudden case of impotence with an “inability to get the job done” then the whole case just might fall apart right there.  I found the Major of Ft Lee’s “testimony” a major disappointment- - and am now mystified just as to why he did not stick to his central complaint that he was threatened.  You see this all the time in ‘Law and Order” episodes where a major witness backs out, and the whole case falls apart.  But then you have Reins Prevus- - who engaged in a major ass kissing exhibition for Governor Christie.  If you think for an instant Governor Christie will do well or even respectably in the Iowa caucuses, you don’t know the people of Iowa at all.  They don’t tolerate shit like this.

Just one little “bit” and I’ll add more not in this file when we get into Blogger.  For instance - - there is that "magic chandlier" in the Bosc dining room there you look and see four candle things just looking at it but if you look in the window reflection, there are five candles.  There's a very simple explanation but it makes a good photograph.  Then you go back to mid March of 1968 where me and Pete Richards are jamming or something and - - - at one point I am playing the guitar part to "Suki Suki" but the thing is when I played the tape back, Pete Richards was singing the words to "Foxy Lady" in a microphone somewhere else.  We'd just invented the first mash-up!  But Paul or somebody said “You know I got turned off on the later Elvis Presley songs, once he stated using things like trombones in his songs”.  Right away I thought of “Hard Hearted Woman” and I was thinking ‘I know what you mean”.  But it’s possible the Beatles may have been referring to the Jail House Rock soundtrack- - and actual trombones playing in that jail band, which I’ve always thought was strange.  But if you’re really into trombones- - one of the five songs listed following is the trombone kind.  Can you pick out the song?  They are “Norman, My Love” - - “By the Time I get to Phoenix” - - “I Am the Adulterous” - - “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls” - - and “Red, Red Wine”.  And you will note a single theme running through these five songs.   "I Tell You There's No Problem, only Selucids".  This is one of my misquotes- - when I talk about the Antichrist coming from the old Selucid Empire in "God's Winepress" in 1980.

I had Chris Matthews on just after nine.  I watched all of Friday’s show, and at least the first long segment of Thursday’s show, and perhaps more.  Christie has used this ‘a subordinate lied to me” line before.   It was some education head in 2010 that was fired for some minor mistake and Christie says “I didn’t fire him because he made minor mistakes but because he lied to me”.  But then the guy produced documentation that he’d been telling the Truth, so we know that Governor Christie lied, when he accused him of being a liar.  I think we have the same case like that.  There is this - - fictional “hour long questioning session of my staff” in December where apparently the line went ‘Tell me about what’s been going on in my government for the past three months”.  It’s ludrcris!   Christie’s middle names are things like “take charge” and “hands on”.  The idea that such a massive conspiracy among the whole staff could go on for three months is insane.  Christie invented this “story” about some “traffic study”.  But now that story was falling apart and the media was getting suspicious.  He had to face the media in a couple hours so he invents this “session with his staff” I don’t think ever happened.   We haven’t heard from Brigette Kelly at all.  Any more than we got to hear Trayvon Martin’s side of that murder case.  But it’s ludicris that the Port Authority would believe the word of an Aid.  But further the order was given by an E mail of “Time to cause traffic programs in Ft Lee”, and the next minute- - an E mail is sent “Message understood.  We’re on it” type of thing.  You tell me that – such a major order was complied to THAT quickly?  No.  The message of “traffic problems” was clearly the “signal” that the parties had agreed upon previously.  Lindsey Graham came out and said that Gov Christie wasn’t credible.  I skipped the ten o clock coffee outing.   Then it was Melinda Lee on the virtues of pre soaking your pinto beans before you crock-pot them.   We had chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce for lunch, and potato salad, with soup, and a banana for desert.  Dora provided two more nuggets and potato salad for seconds.

The first football game of Saturday was really good, the second – not so much.  Seattle got off to a sixteen to nothing half time lead at the half, but alas that score was unchanged throughout the whole third quarter.  New Orleans began scoring.  Bill had it on EWN just after dinner (and yes, Blog readers, we do eat that early) and I promptly turned it back.  It seems that New Orleans was attempting an onside kick with 26 seconds left to play with the score at 23 to 15.  So the Saints needed to run the entire field and score and then go for two, just for the chance of a win in overtime.  Well the guy practically drop kicked the ball into the hands of a Saints player.  But a brilliant play was then followed by a very stupid decision.  The Saint player rather than go out of bounds- went for an illegal forward pass.  The referee announced “by rule we are running ten seconds off the clock; the same is over”.   Yippee!  The Sea Hawks beat the Saints 23 to 15.  But in the evening game New England just over-powered the Indy Colts.  The closest score was at about 21 to 12 Patriots over Colts, and then the Patriots went wild and began scoring a lot, and the final score was 43 to 22 Patriots.  The game ended at eight thirty, when Bill asked me for the time.  We then watched the final half hour of “Burn Notice” and I let it roll on to the next episode but I was tired from not enough coffee- and when Bill went out for a smoke, I decided to go to bed.  I slept well last night.  No dreams, no nothing.  I guess I got up a while after six.  I had debated going to the store and using a debit card for coffee but didn’t.  I went for my medication before breakfast.  It’s been a good morning.  I got seconds on oatmeal.  And Loretta gave me a whole second cup of coffee.  We got two whole pieces of French toast with ample syrup- - and Teresa gave me her bacon - - and we had generous bacon this day

This is Saturday January 11th coming up on 1:20 and FOX is previewing all of the football games this weekend.  I’m a little ticked off with Leo Le Port.  Today it was the occasion of his annual trashing of the Las Vegas Electronics Show.  He calls it “The Hostess Twinkies of Electronics Shows” and every year he belittles it and calls it irrelivent.  Of course it’s the biggest Electronics show of the whole year and the media is sent out to cover it.   I think Leo gave his guy with the back-up software some bum advice.  The caller complained that nothing was backed up when he ran the program last week- - of a later date than 2010.  Leo says “Well those are probably the dates that the files were created” and then changes that.  “Well, if you ran the program and copied them, they’re there.  You just haven’t found them”.   I’m thinking of Google Desktop where “with the information the program has” I’ve written nothing since 2012 even after the passage of a whole year.  I think we have a case of the same thing right here.

Actually "Here we go again" is an interesting song.  It's the first piece John Lennon wrote after he and I got our "final divorce" in late 1973.  There was never another Lennon song that had any of "My" influence on it from that point on. OK Chris Carter!  Right NOW you're playing my Second favorite Ringo drumming record of all time.  Can you guess my Number One song- - of Ringo's drumming?  You might play that one.

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