Monday, October 21, 2013

The Perils of Dick Chaney's Pacemaker

 Before we cover what I regard as the biggest story of the past couple of days let’s talk about this Canadian with a British accent, Mark Stein, who we all presumed must be a Londoner by his polished accent.  I mean it must have taken a staff of fifteen comedy writers fifteen hours to come up with a speech that took fifteen minutes to deliver.  And we learn all of these marvelous things we didn’t know, such as the NY Daily News is one of the most famous ‘Liberal’ news outlets in New York.  I’ve heard the NY daily news described as many things but hardly “liberal”.  And apparently there hasn’t been so much as one person to sign up on the state run New York Obama care site, now known as the ACA, as if we needed another acronym.  Of course we in California pass all these gun regulations and so if you are a member of the NRA you won’t find a welcome home here.  NRA stands for “Nuts, Racists, and Anarchists”.  We are what the rest of America is dreading becoming in terms of progressivism.  And the thing is we’re going to drag all the rest of you eventually with us in the march tword Progressive disaster, apparently.  And to accomplish our goals we have relied on such dangerous weapons as State’s rights and the Popular will of the people.  But I see others are echoing my little veiled threat that Jerrymandered districts could come back to bite them in the ass when they elect democrats next year in those districts everybody thought “safe”.   Apparently there was this guy named Jerry that was as slippery as a salamander or something.  Maybe it’s the “salamander” in the Mc Cartney song.  I remember the Sheffield girls next door would talk about all of the “solomanders” in our back yard, meaning Olianders.  Of course these districts are long and lanky like a solomander.  I’m thinking of closing that window right next to me because a sudden chill breeze is wafting its way in here.  Must be the cold right wing winds blowing in from Heartland America, or what Rush calls “flyover country”.   But the President was on the air this morning doing kind of a political pep rally for the Affordable care act.  People are writing the Stephanie Miller show saying “Please pick our town for an upcoming Sexy Liberal tour appearance”.  But I am becoming convinced that the Republicans are indeed cleving in two, like one of these layer cakes one kid baked on the Chef Ramsey show last Friday.  Once you’ve experienced the empassioned frenzy of a tea party rally you need a “cooling off period” or else dire things happen.  So now even Jeb Bush has joined the ranks of those who think the Republicans have gone nuts.  And Mike Huckibee- - et tu Mike Huckibee- - whom born again people must regard as a Judas among them- because he too, can no longer subscribe to the tea party madness.   Like I say there is that Bill Buckley point-  -like with the snit semites in the ‘fifties, you have to conduct that long overdue political purge of your party to get all the slag out of the pig iron if you’re ever going to “Steel yourself” to try and win another election.  Of course some people would have you believe that I come up with my stuff in mere minutes what it takes a whole staff of comedy writers hours or days to produce otherwise, and who am I to dispel such an illusion?  

We now come to the pies de resantance of the morning- - the Dick Chaney story.  When I first heard a promo for the Sixty Minutes piece last night- - I had it pegged as something that would go in an entirely other direction.  When I heard Dick Chaney had written out a resignation letter to President Bush to resign as of March 31st 2001 I figured perhaps it’s because Bush considered him such a whacko that he knew he was “toast” and a liability to the Bush administration.  Chaney made no bones about how he’s the guy that came up with the whole enhanced interrogation thing and turning the NSA into some police state operation here, domestically, and then there were those other POW abuses in Iraq.  So the story of Dick Chaney and his pacemaker is that it was intended to have wireless capabilities so that you could issue it orders from a far away location.  Lord knows why you’d want that.  But his doctor says “perhaps we better disable this feature because some terrorist could hack into your pacemaker and give you a heart attack just like in that movie a few years back.  Chaney admits he’s lucky to be alive now that he has a new heart.  And he plans to take care of it- - unlike these Hollywood celebreties that get a new liver and go on binge drinking just as before.  Chaney says it almost a magical thing to be able to wake up each morning and feel young again and dare to do the things he’d never thought he’d be able to do any more.  Except he doesn’t ski but that’s because of bad knees, and not his heart.  Dick Chaney has been playing footsy with death since his days in the Ford administration.  He had about five major heart attacks- - and one was during the 2000 presidential campaign- - and he’s had stints and angioplasty and all sorts of things done.  But though his heart was bloated to double its normal size, the blood vessles were almost non existant - - and blood pumping efficiency was minimal.  So ol’ Darth Vader still has a lot of good years left in him.  They just called “coffee time” so maybe I’ll go down right now.

What struck me last Saturday with Paul and Judy was the extent to which people still really do see God as kind of this “old man in the sky” who is sitting there taking notes, in preparation of Judging planet earth very soon.  I pointed out that “In the last two thousand years, there is very little written about in Bible prophecy and it’s all extrapolation, except perhaps for the reformation of the nation of Israel and the greening of the area.  Judy and Paul maintain “There are a lot of secrets in the Bible that will be revealed and made manifest to us as the Last Days approach”.   So we are to believe that headenism and homosexuality are in the forefront of the “signs of the impending wrath of God”.  But when you look through history it is liberals rather than conservatives who have been in the forefront of Moral causes that weren’t always popular at the time.  Take even the right to trial by jury in England, or the abolition of Slavery, or the prevention of disease - - or treatment of the mentally ill, or the Marshal plan, or the formation of the UN- - or the move tword nuclear disarlement.  (The Peace symbol is semaphore for N and D for Nuclear Disarmment”.   But how about marriages that are no longer pre arranged but rather based on true love?  This is a conception of Liberals.  How about raping your own wife or wife beating- - or selling your daughter to be the wife of some rich foreigner with a lot of money?  How about food and health safety standards or OSHA - - or how about our energy and ecology laws.  Our air now is a whole lot more breathable than it used to be.  Of course there are still groups like Green Peace that still turn to unconventional or even violent measures- - such as the group that attacks Japanese whaling ships, where they are violating International Law to begin with.  This whole concept of “saving the planet” means thinking of someone besides yourself, and is the polar opposite of Ayan Rand’s philosophy which is the deification of Self.  It is Ayan Rand – rather than the Bible that is the guiding star of the Tea Party philosophy.  The Bible teaches that Wealth too - - can become an “addiction” I darkly suspect, a lot more than being a latent homosexual can.  Because they indeed want “more and more’ and are never satisfied but are driven to make increasingly outrageous demands.  Indeed they violate Sol Allinsky’s prime directive that goes “If you’re going to make a Demand- - it must be in the Other Side’s capacity to fulfill it”.  (Selah)  Do you remember the little story Nathan told King David about the rich man who had flocks and herds but for dinner to impress a guess, he slaughtered his poor neighbor’s pet ewe lamb- and served That to his guests.  You can talk about inheriting money.  But I have learned the follies of “chasing after money- - and things that can’t come true” - - a la the Grass Roots song.  I think what Dennis Wilson learned about the way Charles Manson ripped him off was that “It’s only money” and he was lucky to have escaped with his Life.  (Selah)

This paragraph is going to be posted out of sequence.  Everybody already knows how utterly corrupt all of Congress has become.  In the words of the Bible “There is not one of you who does good - - no not one”.  They are ALL on the take- - even Maxine Waters, which I find exceedingly disappointing.  There is one thing that Unites flaming liberal and tea bagger alike and that is that Nobody wants to pass any “Campaign financing reform laws”.  But they now have something called “leadership pacts”, where none of the campaign rules apply anyhow.  And get this- - they loan their “Pact” money to their “Campaign fund” at eighteen percent interest- - that they are diligent to collect.  So they actually end up paying themselves for money they pretty much stole to begin with.  Not only are any and all personal expenses OK- - I mean they involve the most extravagant trips to far away locations like Edinborough Scottland for a wedding- - and they pay lobbyists and lobbyists pay them.  Nepotism is rampant in ways that would never be condoned by a Corporation in the private sector.  Indeed during the government shut-down their own lifestyle wasn’t infringed upon in the least.  They see themselves as having this “lifestyle entitlement” because of these “leadership pacts”, which is an old fashioned political slush fund, and old fashioned bribing for political favors also rages unabaited.  They love to wind and dine anybody and everybody, and they are downright self righteous about it, too, as “necessary”.  Of course Sixty Minutes said that half of congressmen leave to become Lobbyists full time, anyhow.  So as I say, serving in congress is like an apprenticeship for them.

It’s funny how you develop RADAR about certain sounds- - like an animal of prey out on the Savanna or something.  If you miss your cue you’re dead.  I was getting coffee in the courtyard and I heard the rumble of the floor mopping thing, which turned out to be in the far hall on the second floor.  I also got lemon Jell-O but they had no spoon to eat it with so I had to come back up here.  There was some left over stuff from the last paragraph of our last posting I can bore you with now.  For instance- - the word “valcon” also spelled “falcon” and sometimes I’d spelled with an upside down B- - the word means stalker or hunter- - but is most used to denote the occupation of being a government Agent in Romulan.  Also the word “Rincon” means “Rendezvous” a shade different meaning from Spanish.  The word “Esquina” generally means “market place” or town square or whatever- - however it can refer to either having a corner office in a high rise- - or else a prime corner location to draw business.  The word tends to mean “prominent” or “on the point”.   There is a “bird” group- - which the Flamingos, who made “I Only Have Eyes for You” are from.  The guitarist of that song is Bejoran, by the way.  Bejorans love to point that out.  I’m not sure if it’s the Pheonix constellation- - but in their own tongue they call themselves either “The Firebirds” or the “Thunderbirds”.  More information needed.

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