Monday, October 14, 2013

None Dare Call it Sabotage

I see two possible avenues of action the Justice Department could take.  We still have the old “Sedition” laws passed during World War I don’t we?  I think we can agree that if ever there IS such a case of sedition, it would be to undermine by speech or deeds, the workings of the federal government.  Maybe congress can’t impeach itself but the ‘High crimes and misdomeaners” portion still remains.  Why can’t Sec Eric Holder file charges against John Boehner for “obstruction of government”.  We know you can be impeached after all for “obstruction of justice”.  You can kick jurors out of the jury room for “failure to deliberate with the others”.  It’s rather obvious now that John Boehner is never going to allow an up or down vote on anything that contains provisions the tea party doesn’t like.  What is the world to think of us?  I’m a bit fuzzy on just who they blame in all of this.  China and Japan have spoken of the “De Americanization of world trade”.  Ironically, or perhaps not so ironically- - these people such as WND and the tea party say that it was the President’s goal all along to “crash the economy and create a demand for some radical new government”, and these same people say that ‘Any day now” China will pull all of its financing out of the US economy”.   We have already established that according to the Rolling Stone, this whole plan has been in the formation stage for the better part of this year.  So the Attorney General can add “conspiracy” to his list of charges.  But there is another way the Justice Department can get involved.  I don’t normally say this but I believe they should right now be drawing up charger for crimes that HAVE NOT YET BEEN COMITTED.   That is- - tomorrow morning when the bond market opens- - if the Koch Brothers so desire- - they can do as I proposed yesterday and start issuing a bunch of high interest bonds on a massive scale with a “no escape” clause.  You can’t cash them out early, but of course you’d be free to sell them, at a steep discount.  Because that’s just what will happen when the Koch Brothers give the signal to “end all of this”.  We know it will not end until they issue the order from on high, and then John Boehner will order a House vote on the latest Senate proposal, which sounds reasonable to me.  And we will all share a sign of relief.  But of course it would be a clear case of manipulating the economy on a massive basis, for great monetary gain.

Many people I suspect love to get in “people” occupations because they are in love with their own expertise at bullshitting every one they meet.  One time back in August of 1069 I was in Al Kaders’ group therapy session in Santa Ana- - and I took exception to all the gratuatus insults I was receiving- - and make no mistake about it- - weak willed people love to play follow the leader and if they see a leader insulting someone right and left and raking them over the coals, some self preservation instinct within them  (perhaps it’s a character flaw but I’m telling you it exists) will tend to go along with the flow, and join in the chorus.  I’m not saying these leaders can pull it off all the time, but often they can.  And Al Kaders would day in his defense that “Well when you go into surgery they cut you open and use a knife- - and it can cause pain and you bleed, but it’s a necessary first step in the operation to make you better”.  But of course they never graduate beyond the slice and dice stage- - and you’re left bleeding.  But today of course - - making a big incision with a knife is not a necessary part of every “surgery”.  We have endoscopic surgery now, which is far less invasive.  We also have chiropractic “adjustment” procedures or “treatements” and some with a laying on of hands call it “psychic surgery”.  But now let’s go to Christianity.  When the Greek speaks in ontological terms, the term “First” takes on a significance it normally doesn’t have.  Because the word “First” doesn’t mean “first in a series”.  For instance- - suppose Mary Wells didn’t have a “first” hit with “The one who really loves you”.  She could have her first hit with “Beaten to the punch”.  But there is a way in which the word “First” can be used that it not only means the starting point but “If you do Nothing Else, at least do This”.   We now come to the Christian gospel.  Walter Martin said the First thing you need to do in sharing the “good news” is to inform the person that right Now he is destined to spend an eternity in Hell when he dies”.  It’s important to establish this- - because without this one notion or “belief” about oneself established- - it’s pointless to say anything else because it will have neither meaning nor relevance.  Capish?   As such people may know little else about God and religion but they know they don’t want to go to Hell- - and deep down- - as they say in all these Sci Fi torture movies “We can access the deep and repressed Fear portion of the brain, often containing surpressed memories from childhood.”   People like Neil Sevedra love to taunt people with this "cognitive dissinense" for lack of a better term.  It could be said that Neil Savedra- - at least as he presents himself on his radio show- - doesn’t have a forgiving bone in his body.  Everything he says features the “preeminence of sin” how it can be compounded and grow- - and there is no remedy for it, and those who think they have a remedy or “Healing’ for it, need to be actively surpressed.  Those who would teach forgiveness for sins- - such as in abortions, need to be surpressed.  Neil believes that as a Christian we have no "rights" but heaven forbid that Satan be denied HIS rights, according to Neil.  The whole concept of "forgiveness" as far as Neil will allow for it at all is more in the nature of "cutting your losses and moving on".  This of course violates the very essence of what Jesus taught in the Bible as forgiveness being a "personal reconciliation".  Jesus will not save you from the consequences of your sinful actions.  But of course all this talk of Hell and such- - - is not based on so much as one Eye Witness of anyone actually having Been there themselves.  You gotta admit Christianity puts the worst stock and pyramid scheme hucksters on Wall Street and elsewhere to shame, for their brazenness.  What strikes me as highly disgusting and nausiating that Congress should begin every day with a Prayer, even when it's to conduct such dastardly actions.  But then Neil- - as a 180 degree polar opposite of the Jesus in the Gospels- - teaches this very thing, that prayer is best employed NOT to actually invoke God in some act of supplication- - but merely as a prop to impress your friends with how religious and devout you are.  It's strictly a case of "Hate your next dark [skinned] neighbor, but don't forget to say grace".  And neither should you ever look to God for anything because “You are the decider” in Neil’s world.  If your resolve is just strong enough - - you can literally Will Yourself- - to Believe everything I Believe and tell you to believe, and do whatever I tell you to do”.  That sounds like an oxy moronism but true.  The idea that God or the Holy Spirit has anything to do with all of this is anathema to Neil.  If you try to quote scripture about this he will say “That scripture doesn’t apply”.  In fact Neil has practically come out and said the Holy Spirit was virtually useless.

They say that the vast majority of K 9 biting incidents of suspects- - occurs in south LA and the southeastern “industrial area”.  David Cruise said that one hundred percent of all K 9 biting incidents of suspects have occurred with either Blacks or Latinos.   Dog bits overall among law enforcement is up 30% and among Blacks the figure has risen 33%.  So if anything the racial bias is getting worse.  But Passadena is where the situation is the most biased among that city’s PD.  They say that eleven percent of the city is Black- - but that ninety percent of those who are arrested for whatever- - are Black.  But the ratio is not nine to one.  It’s worse.  Because not only Blacks getting arrested at ten times their share- - White youths are getting arrested at one tenth their share.  If you put these two figures together the inescapable conclusion is that there is a racial bias by a factor of nearly a hundred.  That means that per capita that Blacks are a hundred times nearly more likely to be arrested by the Passadina PD.  Of course when you drive by and see the police detaining youths on the curb you think to yourself “Well there go those minorities again- always getting into trouble”.   But for good news-  holiday sales are predicted to have record gains this year- - if we still have a Country by then.

 We had vanilla ice cream for dessert.  I had seconds on the meatballs and carrots and they were out of rice.  So many sources now say that for Type II diabetes you can cure the condition merely by losing weight- - in a large number of cases.  Some have gone so far as to say you can cure Diabetes II by the surgical operation of an intestinal bypass- - when a healthier diet staying away from processed foods with sugar in it- seems the sensible thing to do.   Cosmically we have spoken of type I and type II White Andromadans.   The type I are the type interspursed with Romulans in sort of a “checkerboard pattern” so I’m told, in Bakersfield.  The type II White Amdromadans are genetically similar except there is some Atlanta Romulan in the mix, complicating the genetic breakdown a little.  The Lucasites of Fresno have this type II White Andromadan in their genetics- - and I’m not going to break all the rest down for you now.  I have been told there is ‘no fundamental change” in Bakersfield.  I was thinking because of all these cop beatings reported out of Bakersfield lately that something fundamentally had changed there lately.  Apparently not.   I gave Bill butts.  I still have that dollar, but Janet has behaved so strangely these past three weeks I am not even sure I could approach her for coffee even on a strictly cash on the line bases.  (trust me on this one)  I’d much rather deal with Glen - - because you can talk to Glen.  I think the moral of Chris Matthews’ book on Reagan and O Neil is that- - “You need to be able to have a working relationship with someone”.

On the soap opera Chad Di Mira was shot, and his survival appears dubious at this point since he’s been flat-lining and a nurse said “We’ve lost him”.  This is right after Stephano said a prayer to God for him.  Mrs Bernardi was actually relatively lucid today and wanted the Di Mira family to pay, since she now blames the Di Mira family rather than Sammy for her husband’s death.  Christine has been acting like an asshole, and Samantha gave an excellent dress-down speech to Stephano.  Daniel Jonas how has possession of the hard drive and has informed Eric.  They are putting antivirus software just in case the drive is booby-trapped. 

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