Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Debt Ceiling Deal Appears to be In the Works

I wouldn't break out the champaign just yet but it appears as if a deal will be struck to end the debt ceiling crisis and keep the government going for a few more months.  But the Senate won't even vote till after dinner, their time, and then the House gets the bill.  The big thing that has changed is that now John Boehner says that he will push the bill through and allow a vote on it by the entire membership of the House.  If we are lucky, the President will be signing the bill in the wee hours of tomorrow morning.  So how did we get here?  The senate worked out their bill at the beginning of the week.  Harry Reid and Mitch Mc Conell- - reached an accord where they are at least talking to each other now.  Johnny Wendell pointed out that US Senators can do this because Harry Reed represents the ENTIRE state of Nevada and Mitch Mc Conell represents the ENTIRE state of Kentucky.  That is that urban liberal votes and conservative rural votes and all the other interests must be given consideration.   Johnny Wendell points out that in the House they have Jerrymandered districts.  In the "special election" of fall 2005 I voted to keep jerrymandered districts here in California, and I was in the minority and that's not how we do things in California any more.  It seems that anything- - and especially Race- - is taken heavily into consideration in drawing districts to the advantage of the party in power.  So you may have Black districts that are 75 or 80 percent democratic, whereas in the rural districts they spread those out so that a fifty five percent majority will keep them afloat election after election.  As you know, invoking the 'What goes around, comes around' rule- - that if you speculate in high oil prices, it cam come back to bite you in the ass when the marked collapses.  In like manner- - with even a relatively small change in public oppinion you'll be able to "turn" a lot more red districts blue, than would otherwise be the case.  The powers that Be seem comfortable with this risk.  This senate bill extends the debt ceiling through to February 7th "so as not to interfere with Valentines Day" and it keeps the government fiscally afloat untill the middle of January of next year.  Some of these tea party members have said fantastic things.  On the Randy Rhodes show- - I heard this one lady respond to the question of "Do you love the United States less than you HATE Obama Care" and the lady goes on and on about what an unfair question that is, and then engaged in a torrent of lies and personal attacks.  I'd come back with "OK it's a stupid question.  Make me feel Stupid and answer the damn question- - and put me in my place".   As for John Boehner the sad truth is that his Bite is worse than his Bark.  He sounds reasonable, and then votes like a Fanatic.  This was not a good day for Rush Limbaugh this morning.  Rush carried on and on about how unfair it all was and how the republicans are conspiring with the media and the Obama socialists, and the Islamist extremists and God knows what else- - and the people are too dumb to realize that Rush Limbaugh is the only person where you can get the truth, about what the rest of the Media refuses to tell you.  Clearly Rush Limbaugh is not happy with the idea that this crisis could be resolved really soon.  This is in contrast to how he was a week before the debt crisis of 2011 when he was on Cloud Nine.  But it's not a case of "scoring points" just so that you don't have a shut-out.  But there is still a danger that against the quarterback's best intensions, John Boehner might still throw an interception.  It is not yet time to celebrate.   John Boehner claims "This is not some kind of game" but I think the Tea Party caucus views it entirely differently.  To them it's a case of "saving face" and as such- - as they see it- - nobody will love them any more if they ever lose a battle.  I think this despair is misplaced in that- - these tea baggers are such die-hards, reality has little to do with their perception of the world anyhow.  They've lost before- - many times, and it hasn't phased them a bit.  (Selah)

I got up fairly early about quarter after five [on Tuesday] and smoked my final cigarette.  I had Bill Press and Stephanie Miller on.  At nine it was Monique Marvez.  I am tiring of her endless examples about failed romantic relationships in her life.  If it isn’t her parent’s divorce and disparaging things she says about that, it one of her three ex husbands, and she isn’t all that old.  I think it’s an old wives myth that ex husbands and wives can’t have an aimiable divorce and actually be friends afterward, as long as they aren’t married to each other.  I agree with Monique about one thing, however.  I don’t think it’s a good idea to go off and get a tattoo or something s some sign of rebellion.  Soon I’d had enough and turned on ‘Let’s Make a Deal”.  They broke soon for one commercial and had a very few minutes more of the game, and broke for another longer series of commercials and I drew the line and just turned it off.  If they are going to have that many commercials BEFORE the half hour break, what will they do when they actually hit it?  I listened to Rush Limbaugh- - who once again was a more gratifying program than KTLK, which is becoming a trend for the nine o clock hours.  What Rush was saying was of course complete nonsense, but at least there is some sort of documentation of the crazy positions he has officially taken on issues.  Rush says “I really highly regard Ted Cruise and Sarah Palin if for no other reason than the Media hates them”.   Many have told lies about the democratic senate proposal saying they are attempting to “negotiate away the Sequester” when no such thing has been proposed in anything I’ve heard.  Rush also hates the “rank and file of the Republican party” now- - and he believes a compromise will be shoved down our throat.

There are other more personal reflections I have on this topic.  If you're wondering Cosmically what all the powers that Be are saying about this whole shut down debt crisis- - very little.  However yesterday - - Tuesday afternoon there was a sign from Alcyonne things were changing, and as you know Alcyonne is "The decider".  They write the script, and basically any changes go through them.  You may ask me "You are a determinist, so you aren't saying that the future can actually be Altered, can you?  That's an interesting subject.   There are relations with two different people (who hang out with each other all the time)  There was a "break in the ice" first with one of them, and then with the other, which was even a bigger fear.  And I'm asking myself Cosmically what is going on?  Because Chris Little or Jim Ward or one of those was saying that a settlement was "never going to happen" and I was inclined to believe him.   Even as late as this morning I was mulling over my mind while taking my morning shower, what I as President would say to Speaker Boehner in any face to face meeting.  I was thinking in terms of "Think of what your wife and kids would say and think about you as "Oh, your daddy is the one who economically wrecked America".   And frankly I would have played the race card saying things like "you and I both know darn well that none of this would be happening if I wasn't Black".  We all know what Nicole did today in an act of desperation.  Some may say she used the 'Nuclear option" to nuke the marriage of Christine Di Mira and Brady Black, but actually for you dunces out there- - she was strictly following Church Law.  And I was thinking of just what a "Horrible mistake' was made in the summer of 2011- - making that terrorist concession then and setting a President that would come back to bite me, as well as any future President in the ass.  I'm saying more than I intended.  And if the President had made me promise "I'll sign - but only if you solemly promise that this won't be held against me or any other Republican in the 2014 campaign".  And of course I would break my word as soon as the ink was dry on my Presidential signature.  And I would tell John Boehner to his face that I would have promised Speaker Boehner the moon- - or anything- - just to get him to Sign, because the soundness of the United States is more important in breaking a promise I made to someone under duress.  But back to our little question- - we know that Stephano prayed to God and made promises if God would spare the life of his son, who was in fact flat-lining on the opperation table at the moment.  Even the doctor who opperated on him said "It wasn't my genious- - some other Force wanted him to live".  I guess "The powers that Be" have decided that the October 17th won't be the day the United States goes bankrupt.  But that's not to say it can't happen another day four months from now, when we face this same crisis all over again.  Because we have gained nothing.  Yes it's a time to Rejoice - at least a little- - but we are still back to a month or so ago when Speaker Boehner promised Harry Reed that if the sequester was kept intact that Boehner would see to it that the debt ceiling was raised.  But returning to our question about the Future being Changed - - I talked to Stewart about it this afternoon.  He said "Yes there is an explanation as to how the future could be "Changed" and yet Determanistic Law be kept intact.  I think you know what the explanation is- - but if you tried to explain it to anybody you'd sound like a mad man".

In terms of baseball the Federation is routing for the red teams- - the Red Sox against the Tigers and the Cardinals against the Dodgers.  Of course as you know from 1982 that Federation Star Ships are called "Red Birds".   So the Cardinals are our team.  Detroit is ruled by what the Romulans often call "The White Horse group" and that doesn't refer to a brand of Scotch.   We told you that Mal Evans has "major issues" with the Taccomans - - overlords of the Dodgers now.  You want to know a really early Taccoman group, the group that made "I Love How You Love Me" in 1961, and also the Fleetwoods are also Taccomans.  I saw the former on an open montage of Phil Specter's Greatest Hits.  Johnny Wendell was talking about which group should be inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame, and I vote for "Deep Purple" if they aren't already there.  Johny Wendell talked about "gritty" rock.  Well the bands on Denelus II have for many decades now been described as "Grungy" rock, the adjitive form.  You have a lot of very early semilal groups that went on to be other things such as the Turtles (fresh from the Swamp) the Grass Roots, the Rascles,  and as you know many people left the M 51 Planet and emigrated to Denelus II including the Troggs and the Syndicate of Sound.  Status Quo thought of migrating but stayed on M 51 at least while they had their one hit.  And what they refer to as "The Stevie Wonder Band" at least as far up as "Yester You Yester Me Yesterday" is Romulan.  Stevie Wonder is NOT a Romulan but the Band was- - so in essence as a part of all those recordings He was.  But starting as early as "Sign, Sealed and Delivered" (the date is unclear) Stevie Wonder reverted to his native self with no overlordship.  In terms of rock groups- - I would like to add two groups to the ranks of the "Berliners" or "Berlin group", as we have defined them.  "Men Without Hats" doing the Safety Dance- - and Billy Idol.   And of course the Cars are Arkturians, if we didn't say.  And I'd like to add one more group to the "Negrons" and actually they are more often called "Necrons", which is a better non racial choice.  That group is the "Five Man Electrical Band".   As you know this group has all of the Chicago clones, as I call them but NOT Chicago.  And also you know the drill on other groups such as the 'Undisputed Truth", the Occasions, Al Wilson, Al Green, the OJ's ect. Oh, and there is another "Shining Star" in the Federation firmlement.  Earth Wind and Fire are proprietary Federation.  Their guardian angels today wanted to make sure I didn't think they were "One of those Necrons".  But I never did think they were.  I vote "Shining Star" as song of the day, and now with this government crisis passed, perhaps we can all Shine a little.

In personal news- - someone in this Building was targeted by the "Crestorians" last Saturday, I believe.  And as you may or may not know- - the Crestorians aren't too careful about "collateral damage".  They consider it just a "natural consequence of war".   Just don't do anything to piss them off and you generally won't have a problem.   They tend to be big on avenging "affairs of Honor".  The problem is a lot of us are suffering from the act of what I'd call a "directed cosmic hit".   In other news- - I haven't talked to my Mom in a month and a half, in fact since I last saw her right around the end of August (31st?)  One brother is seeing her on Saturday and apparently I'm not invited, and if I were to be I'm uncertain but what that won't be the day the World Series starts.  In case you are wondering I've still been pretty much able to avoid conversation with Judy in matters of government.

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