Sunday, October 20, 2013

Just A Review of What We've Learned

People think that may I’m pigeon holing the tea party and Christians trying to put them in a cliché mold that might be months or years out of date.  Not so, as yesterday with Paul and Judy indicates.  So right now I want to separate out all of the political stuff and devote a paragraph just for that.  First of all the charge is made that “President Obama needs to exercise leadership”.  Of course when the right says this they mean “Roll over and do whatever we want him to”.  It’s really pretty silly.  It would be as if- - instead of Judas repenting and going to the authorities and saying ‘I have betrayed innocent blood” and throwing down the money- - that instead perhaps seeing Jesus and Jesus says “Judas, what have you done”, and Judas goes into this long rant about how “Jesus brought all this down on himself because he failed to exercise leadership in leading an armed rebellion against the government”.  This next one – is something I’ll throw in as an extra.  Walter Martin says he believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible.  But then if you quote Martin a verse that contradicts his theology he will say “I’m not a letterist” as though there even were such a word as “letterist” as distinct from “Literal”.   As to this argument that cutting taxes is always good- - well lets liken it to an athlete.  Suppose an athlete used to regularly bench press 180 pounds and jog twenty miles and swim twenty laps and all that - -every day.  Then he noticed that this routine was making him “tired”.  So he cut back.  He cut back on everything from the pressing to the jogging to the swimming.  He felt better for a while but soon noticed he “began feeling tired again”.  He continued to cut back his routine till eventually he was exhausted from a mere walk around the block.  Nobody thought to remark to this athlete that perhaps his physical health is in question and he’s headed downhill unless he gets checked out.  So it is with taxes.  We had one of the most phenomenal growth economies of all time in the fifties- - and almost as good- - in the sixties.  But somehow since then such sustained growth has eluded us- - all except for the Clinton years.  As to Aztezanten and Resveritrol-- - these were the two shows I watched all or parts of- - mostly parts- - on KTLK on Saturday morning.  Aztezanten as I suspected- - is a carrotenoid- one of many, that burns fat and turns it into energy and all that.  Resveritrol is a poly phenol found in red wine, but the trouble is that they synthesize it from some really strange plants now- - and not red wine grapes.  Of course at the dinner table- - we got into politics after having avoided it pretty much till then.  Paul went on this rant about how ‘President Obama and Harry Agreed said “Shut down the government” if they refuse to negotiate on the Obama care bill”.  This “refusal to negotiate” misnomer is silly and I pointed out that John Boehner could have had passage on that bill to fix the problem any time he wanted- - and it was he who refused to take the vote.  That quieted Paul down for a while and Mom indicated her discomfort with politics.  Then there was that Texas magazine- - calling it “The United States of Texas”.  This is a transparent tea patty puff piece that Time stooped to publishing.  They had a big map showing the states that lost population- - which were New York, Illinois, and California.  I note Illinois that stands out among states- - because it is of course where the President is from.  The whole connotation that these ‘loser’ states are in black, whereas the brightest blue states, like Texas and Florida, were the big winners.  Also the Carolina area got some immigration- - as did Colorado.   The article as much as stated that Texas simply did not have a poverty problem, and there are few discontented poor there.  However the article had to admit that despite the population influx- - Texas has miserable climate what with its sustained over 100 degree temperatures for ten days straight- - and 87% of the state is in continued drought.  Then there all of the tornadoes.  And of course the education system sucks, and there is a high crime rate, and why anybody would go to the expense to move INTO the state of Texas is beyond me.  Paul and Judy at times act like they’d like to move there tomorrow.  I doubt the accuracy of the information- - and whether it’s up to date- or somehow isn’t cherry picked from a small time frame of reference.  Judy has always been obsessed with “debt’ and how evil it is- - and in general debt is about the worst thing this side of masturbating in public.  And it should come as no surprise to anybody that the fact that President Obama has cut the deficit in half after Bush labored so long in increasing it- - means nothing to Paul or Judy.  Debt is evil.  Judy even admitted that “The government is under pressure not to raise taxes”, which is the obvious solution.  Judy is against that, too.  Paul and Judy are both against one more minute of debt ceiling extension- - because Judy says “If you are in dept you just - - Stop Spending”.  I failed to point out that instead of SAVING us money, the government shutdown COSTS us - - 24 Billion dollars.  I mentioned “growing us out of our deficit” thinking of the jobs programs that have been voted down.  All Judy could say is “They regulate us to death in ways you’ll never know – so that it’s impossible for any business to grow”.   Judy went on on the usual rants of how “Unusual” this President is- - how he is the most liberal, the most anti Israeli president we have ever had and “He refused to meet with Netenyaho”.   He refused ONE meeting with him in five years.  She reminded me of all of the “Facts” in the 2016 movie.  Then the attack just became broader.  “Obama is not one of us”.  He doesn’t have Christian morals like we do because he wasn’t raised a Christian.  And when China holds our loans- - you know it’s only a matter of time before they pull the loans because “They don’t believe in mercy like we Christians do” but Chinese (unlike Christians) cheat each other in business all the time.  Then there was just the general morality question we talked about driving up El Toro on the way over.  I mentioned that “God is also a liberal and that liberals have moral inclinations, too- - that should be paid attention to”.  Paul agreed with me that liberals USED to be that way.  Of course there was talk about “Forgetting God- - and God gets pissed when people don’t follow his plans”.  And of course the gay thing was raised- - and now New Jersey is the fourteenth state to institute gay marriage.  I said “It seems inevitable the march of gay marriages will go on and is unstoppable’ to which Paul said “Let’s not give up hope”.   I felt like saying “If China didn’t pull their loans during the just passed debt crisis that YOUR side initiated- - there isn’t the slightest indication they’ll pull them now, and I said “China has not so much as hint they were thinking of doing it’.

Before we get to Beatles news - - Judy had more charming things to say about the gay community.  She said that homosexuality was like an addiction and you want more and more of it and you're never satisfied.  My response, "Oh, you mean the way Christians feel about the Holy Spirit?"  Paul was saying 'You know, sugar is the one thing you can eat and be hungrier after you ingest it than before."   This of course is more absurdity.  You mean if I'm starving and someone offers me something sweet- - because if I actually eat it I'll be hungry?  I'm hungry NOW, you idiot".   And of course Judy said "It 's like you with your smoking.  You keep wanting more and more of it for it to satisfy you".   What I'd like to know is 'Just whose experiance are you speaking for?"  But she brought up Sodom and Gamorah and how these men weren't just satisfied with having sex among themselves but sought out new virgin territory- - and if they could corrupt an Angel this would be a real feather in their cap.  And the Bible tells how they would bang on the door in desperation".   Perhaps this is an eye opener because we'll see how "satisfied" gays are with "just being married to one person".  But as Judy says "When it comes to homosexuality - - with God, that's one of the big ones".

Laurance Jubar was on Breakfast with the Beatles.  They played almost the same line-up of BB C songs as the previous week, and also the same selection of new Mc Cartney songs as the previous weeks.  I did not go down for coffee.  In the realm of new facts Eric Claptin played on “Cold Turkey” and today October 20, 2013 is the anniversary of its release in 1969.  Cold Turkey was recorded September 30th 1069.  What I didn't know was that while Abbey Road was being wrapped up, John approached Paul and wanted to release "Cold Turkey" as a Beatles single (before it was even recorded)  Paul declined.  Speaking of "inside information you really don't know because you weren't there" how many of you have figured out what Eric Burden song "Cold Turkey" was originally conceived as a dark parody of.  I don't think we have any takers on the song "Imagine" ripped off musically that was out in March of 1971. I've been letting this quiz question hang out there for a long time.  Apparently in England they release 45's with spindle plugs in the record.  The song Chris Carter and I like the best off of “New” Mc Cartney- - is a “bonus” track, don’t ask me why.  “I’m Getting Closer” was a Mc Cartney composition from 1974, so he held it off a long time.   That final Mc Cartney track of the morning - - I was approached by "the other side" who played me a recording of Blue Oyster Cult doing that very tract (only just slightly slower) they told me was recorded after finishing 'Cultesaurus Erectus" but before that album hit the stores.  The unspoken inference was that the band was transported to Sirius O to record this track.  We're adding two songs to the list in the final paragraph.  You early draft people, can you figure out which they are?  Oh- and that "dead lead guitarist I am most acquainted with"?  That's a bit of a trick question because most always I refer to as Burt Lombard, rather than his actual name.  He joined the band he's best known for in 1970 and recorded five albums with this artist.  Track four of his first album with the band appears on 'Metal Militia".

We ran into some sort of traffic congestion around that five way interchange with the 22 and the 57 and things cleared out amazingly after we had passed that.  We got off at Katella as usually.  In the last few miles we talked about genetically modified foods, and foods from China that were sabotaged with all manner of poisons- - and not subjected to this nation’s food safety safeguards.  Judy went on her award winning rants about mercury light bulbs and how the has-met people need to be called to dispose of the mercury, that I thought was silly.  She lamented that the United States doesn’t produce anything in this country any more.  Bones greeted me soon after I returned- - which was around twenty to eight.  I got my medication and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from Donnie.  Bill had on that other “Bones” on KCOP.  For a moment I thought perhaps the game had been rained out.  Boston won- - beating the Tigers in a grand slam making it five to two, after trailing one to two.  The Red Sox just missed hitting another home run when the ball hit the top of the “green monster” just six inches from the top.  Of course the Red Sox will be playing the SL Cardinals because the Cardinals beat the Dodgers nine to nothing, apparently- - Friday night.  That came as a jolt to me- - even though the Federation predicted that those two teams would win.- and is happy they did.  I smoked three cigarettes after I got home, which perhaps was a mistake.  Bones actually agrees with Judy on things mentioned in this paragraph - - even the light bulb thing.  Bones is into incandecents.

 I don’t like being stiffed by Dr Levy.  And then he shows up at the least probable times and wonders why the room isn’t packed.    He still hasn’t shared with us his “Balanced Living” essay.  And I haven’t found it on his web site.  Dr Levy moves at glatial speeds.  Months and months ago he acted like he was all gung ho over this trip to El Dorado Park, but we haven’t heard another thing about it.  That Teresa lady is still sitting at the table with us.  We had oatmeal and I had a second bowl from Dora, and Teresa gave me a pink sugar.  We had a fried egg and toast with butter and jelly.   I still don’t have anything I particularly want to post in a blog today.   Sometimes I wonder why I even bother since blogger numbers have seldom been anything but pathetic.  I should at least be getting numbers in the hundreds every day- - and a four digit entry would not be too much to ask for considering that a cat video will draw tens of thousands of hits per day.  It’s hard to believe with the whole country- and beyond- - as your market- - there are so few people who are interested in even hitting a link.   The thing is even the “hits” are no sure fire thing they have read the blog through.  They might hit the link and glance at my blog, and then rapidly move on.

And now here is a little more cosmic crap for your dining and dancing pleasure.  There is one cosmic group we have never mentioned- - that was pivotal in producing the Rock and Roll many in a lot of the country associate with that genus of music.  Fats Domino was the earliest here from 1952 or so- - and then we have the early Pat Boone stuff and the Platters from early 1955 and then we have tracks like “Devil or Angel” and “Eddie My Love” and even Gail Storm - and also "Singing the Blues" and Clarence Frog-man Henry- - and Jimmy Dorsey’s swan song “So Rare” - - and then there is Jimmy Clanton ("Go, Jimmy, Go") and "Since I don't have you", and we move on to this groups last three “hits”, which are “Stagger Lee”, and “Sea Cruise” and “Harbor Lights” once again from the Platters.  The name of this group- - it’s spelled the Barthchettes - - but the Romulans just call them Barchetas.  The word in Romulan means “Frat Boy” or “Preppie” and they are from the Surpent Slayer constellation- - and they have few if any allies in our social sphere- - which is probably why you never heard of them.   Now we move to a group you have heard of- - the Belmont Group.  This group- - is located in the dog star constellation- - but is not a Sirius race but their own race.  They are in close proximity to another group we’ve referred to before - - the Metzerschmetzen.  What I didn’t know till virtually today was that the Federation itself- - that is - - the Dardanians- - didn’t get in the whole rock scene on planet earth till 1963.  And for them their first forays were the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds- - and the Pretty Things - - all around late 1963.   All of this of course comes under the heading of information you don’t need. 

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