Monday, October 14, 2013

Self Preservation Instancts - - Aren't Bad To Have

On the Stephanie Miller program this morning they said that the tea party Republicans in the House might begin Impeachment proceedings on President Obama if he DIDN'T invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to keep the government afloat and pay our bills.  So let me get this.  You're damned if you DO and you're damned if you DON'T.  This seems to me a clear case of player's Choice.  Christians make much of the idea of "NOT having any other options if you get into a jam besides "turning to God" as they define it.  I view life personally as all about having Choices and Options.  What would be so wrong if the President had in his back pocket the option of giving them All the finger- - and just saying "screw it.  I don't need Any of this crap"  and just keep on issuing bonds to keep the Government afloat.  After all - - given what we learned this morning- - using your own sense of Self Preservation- - is arguably the most Prudent way to go in this- - since after all- - when all is said and done- - you're the guy the world looks to to see if the United States is paying their debt options to Foreign countries or not.  I got up about 5:35 this morning and caught a little of Bill Press and listened to Stephanie Miller.  We still have no deal to either end the government shutdown or more importantly to stave off the debt default crisis of October 17th.  John Mc Laughlin screwed up the terminology responding to people like us who say “Paying your bills on time won’t add one penny to the government deficit”.  John and others respond, “Well- - if we give them money to pay our bills they’ll only want to spend more”.   Needless to say this is completely assenine reasoning.  And now we hear that the house passed a new rule that only Eric Cantor and nobody else can submit a bill to the house floor.  Where the lefties have totally gotten it wrong is in this notion that (a) the Republicans are “hopelessly divided” and that (b) that virtually ALL of the House members aren’t in the grasp of the tea party politic.  Because they are.  And there seems to be a general fear (perhaps not unfounded) that if any moderate leaning house member even THINKS of voting for a compromise he’ll surely be “primaried” by the tea party next year.  It’s kind of funny the way them make verbs out of words.  Like you hear rich people talk about “Wintering in Charleston, SC” as if “wintering’ were a verb.  And one caller was talking about when his two daughters would be "Aging Out", referring to when they would be too old to stay on his health care policy.  I wonder is "Aging Out" is going to become a new expression now".   I know Ted Cruise himself was a primary candidate who challenged the main line Republican guy from the right- - and he managed to get elected by the entire state of Texas.  One then wonders whether the entire state of Texas is psychotic or something.   I stepped out the door at seven sharp, and the sun still was not over the horizon.  I thought they said the sun would rise at 6:58.  I looked over at the Saddleback mountains for a moment.  Then I went on to the store, and I smelled the coffee brewing and was tempted to buy some because I would have an extra dollar after buying my cigarettes.  But I didn’t.  I came out and walked down the street a little and lit up- - - and that instant I glanced up and saw the sun just barely coming over the mountains.  It was five or six after seven, and my watch is pretty accurate.  I took it as a symbol of “being right on top of things”.

Late Edition:  I'd like to revive my idea that the South needs to take a hike and leave the Union and let the rest of us sane ones go about our business in peace.  On the Ed Schultz show just now they were talking about now the N-word is constantly used in the construction industry in North Carolina- - and how President Obama is one- - and how he's some kind of a wanted Outlaw and "Needs to get off of his knees and put down his Koran, and come out with his hands up".   I also heard confirmation they are wanting to bring impeachment procedings against the President.  I would draw the demarcation line between Virginia (which is turning purple) and North Carolina (which has become a lost cause)  but I would keep Tennessee in the Union, not just to keep Memphis but also because of all the National historic figures that have come out of Tennessee.  But then move the line to between Arkansas and Missouri and on between Kansas to the north and Oklahoma to the south.  This would make Forty states in the Union, a nice round number to remember.  For the flag I would keep the same basic colors- - and have five rows of eight stars each- - or seen vertically it would be eight rows of five stars each- and I would stagger the rows of stars vertically- - to gain a little added height.  If these sickos "sit around and have Fox News on all the time" then it looks like they have become a hopelessly Brainwashed lost cause.  "He dicho".

I guess I’d like to address this morality axiom on “Once Upon a Time”.  You have to conform to their particular brand of “Goodness’ to an absolute degree or you get the axe.  So Tinkerball was in a dress down from the mother fairy or whatever because she wanted Tinker to leave Regina to all of her “darkness” and do nothing to help her out of it.  Tinkerbell took exception to this and flew down to help her and sprinkle some pixie dust on her, and show her how to find everlasting happiness with her true love.  All she had to do was go through the door and meet him.  But her response reminds me of something no actual human being would ever say, though perhaps the Tea Party would after four months or so in psychotherapy twice a week.  She said the reason why she didn’t go and meet him is “Because I’m just too attached to my anger.  It is a part of me.  It’s all I have and without it I’d have nothing”.   But the point was raised that she not only messed up her life- she messed up his.  I think of things Neil Savedra has said.  As you know his motto is that love and sex are the root of all evil.  But maybe you want to screw up your own life in some suicidal sabotage urge- - but you are also denying the other party a chance at happiness with you.  But then you think “OK, Tinkerbell has learned her lesson.  She tried to do a good thing and it didn’t work out.  It isn’t the end of the world.  Now she can go back to her mother fairy and say “OK, maybe I messed up and I’m ready now to go back to fairy school for more instruction”.  But her mother gives her the equivalent of the fairy “death penalty”.  She stripped her of her wings and her powers.  And now worse than that she’s taunted by Regina who screwed her over- - and Regina has the gall to preach to her about tolerance and trust and a “higher morality”.    Cosmically I’d like to remind you people that Ted Nugent - - with all of his screw-ups is still a Bela Tagis B, and that Steve Jobs is living on Andromeda D now even as we speak- - despite what I’d call a basic betrayal of anti materialistic values.

You know, when you sit down and think about it- it's silly to say that any of us are immune to urges of the flesh, for lack of a better term.  In Sheria law they even have provisions for being exempted from the crime of theft "If said theft occurred either out of compulsion or duress, or out of necessity".  Necessity as I see it would be more than one thing.  You could be stealing produce to keep your family from starving.  But also if there were some emergency equipment - - like from the dire dept that you desperately needed to save lives in iminent danger of being lost- - that this too would be an "exigent necessity" or something "for the overall betterment of society".  It's said that children (and we're all children at heart) are born with a build in sense or Radar like picking out who gets the biggest piece of pie for desert.  Of this notion of pitting one parent against the other to gain advantage or pitting one govt authority against another.  The parent thing was something I never did because I always hated kids, like in those Divorce Court trials- - that engaged in this- and resolved that I never would.  But there have been times Cosmically- - when Mal Evans told me a certain piece of information was classified- - and I got it from another subordenate, who hadn't gotten the word.  And then we come to Neil Asphanol.  Many people have spoken against him.  George Harrison it was I believe who said of him "He's been around the Beatles for so long he thinks he IS a Beatle".  John Lennon has referred to him by inference as incompetent.  Last April on "the other side"  Stewart Sutcliffe and Neil had a major "difference of oppinion" abut something.  Mal Evans denies any "antagonism" tword Neil Asphanol-- - though any psychologist would say "It would be understandable if there was antagonism between these two".  Right now I"ll take Mal at his word.  And then we come to me.  I kind of Owe Neil.  He's the one who- - possibly informed me of his own death- - he told me he was "with George Harrison" and that George Harrison was in the Federation and Mal knew about him.  But Mal never told me anything.  I remember when I heard George Harrison died in the fall of 2001 and me and Glen and Pat Weatherbee were at the foot of the stairs talking about what a sad day it was. And it was Neil who said that I would be joining George on the 'Yellow planet" after I died.  This is the ones the Romulans call either the "yellow cat planet' or the "Sheffield planet".  In my oppinion Neil is NOT "incompetent".   I'm just saying that even in the cosmic world you can possibly "get a bum rap" and are out there looking to make new friends.   I've never seen how "making friends" was anything but cosmically smart".  The trouble is a lot of Cult leaders- - - don't like you talking with of "gossiping with" as they put it, with your friends.  They don't want you to have friends.  That way you'll feel more Insecure and will look only to THEM - - the leader- - for all guidance.  But back to my original point- - I believe certain behavior among human beings is a "self preservation" instinct.  I believe in the credo of "Keep your options open" when you think you're either dealing with flakes, or just aren't sure who you can trust.

It just occurred to me as I was booting up that sometimes Evangelists go on aimless rants ratteling off a bunch of sins- - waiting for the moment when they strike “pay dirt”, that is, when someone takes exception to what he is saying.  Then he goes “I knew that sermon was meant for someone”.  This morning I got up at 5:49 and turned on the Jesus Christ show for a bit.  Neil was going on and on about how a parent can’t protect his kids from all of life and how even taking that extra job to put meat on the table and keep his kids in decent clothes- could be a mistake.  From the tone of his voice (vocal inflexion is key in a lot of cases) you got the feeling that he was Defninitely down on the idea of- - if you yourself were either materially deprived or emotionally deprived, and you felt your kids deserved better so that in time they would grow up to do things that you couldn’t - - you definitely got the idea Neil was antagonistic tword this.  He went on to speak of “spoiled rich kids with a sense of entitlement” and to me – it seemed like he was changing the topic of focus a little.  He then went on to say that each and every one of us is exactly where we are in life entirely because of the Decisions we and we alone have made along the way.  If “Jesus” really believes this- - then the idea of “salvation” is a pointless redundancy because if we are indeed “Where we deserve to be” then there is no reason for some god to somehow save or extricate us and pull us out of a bad situation.   I was curious from a psychological stance- - just what Force was driving Neil Savedra’s remarks this morning.  When people say a bunch of “stuff” what you want to know is “what is the point” and what is this person responding to.   Usually in my blogs when I go off on some rant, I precede it by the immediate thing or experience that “ticked me off” and got me on that subject to begin with.  I ran the last of the coffee grounds through and it still made a half way decent cup of coffee.

We are to a very large extent the product of our experiences- - and how our ‘psyche” processes that information, to mold us into the person we are today.   I was just thinking how sometimes I can be a little “late to the party” in learning what certain terms are- - such as this hash tag thing we’ve been hearing about.  Simply put- - it’s just a search term preceded by the # symbol and a catchy phrase at the end of a Tweet ( - ) and anybody else with that same search tag can search and you can find tweets on similar topics.  Leo was talking about AP or acronym proliferation.  Every now and then you learn a few more.  It will take a lot of “evolving’ for older people like me to ever incorporate these in any texts to others.  I remember this one time in late January of 1990 - - I signed up for a DOS class and went to it- - just once, I think.  And it was there I heard the term “Modem” expressly stated.  I guess I knew such things were necessary but nobody had ever spelled it out to me before.  Even in this class the use of asterisks was discussed.  Anyhow in other news- - the five National Parks of Utah have been opened.  Also national parks and monuments in Arizona, such as the Grand Canyon, and in Colorado and also Mt Rushmore in South Dakota have been reopened for business.  There was this Resturant in San Francisco by Golden Gate park that was losing ten thousand dollars a day in business- - that has reopened now.  On Thursday and Friday both the NYSE markets were strongly upward in price.  But now that no deal managed to be made- - a sell off is envisioned.  Rather than people going out to purchase bonds in some frenzied panic, I say that to do the smart thing- - this would be a good time to either Issue a Bond- - or else to cash in on an old bond- - because people now will be willing to pay a premium for that.  And when the panic is over, you’ll be sitting pretty.

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