Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Demonic Origins of Religion

We are switching blogs for this next post.  Chris Matthews believes that Obama is in the best position to “deal” he will ever be in.  The Wall Street Journal poll of Friday shows that the President’s approval numbers are up, the Affordable Care Act’s approval numbers are up, and Republicans agree that the more Ted Cruise keeps talking, the worse he makes the whole tea party look.  People from John Mc Cain to this Peter King guy and even people like Hailey Barber of Mississippi have said this.   But though they negotiated into the night, the President isn’t making the deal, and this may be a mistake.  Chris Matthews points out that- as October 17th approaches- - people will become more panicked and they will naturally look to the President of the United States and once more blame him.  The President said that he would sign a deal that had no extenuating conditions even if it was just kicking the can down the road for another six weeks, only to face this same problem again around Thanksgiving.  Now the Republicans are saying, curiously that, “We Republicans get the blame for everything anyhow so we lose nothing in being blamed for this fiasco - - but we need to hold out for what is right”.

Here are three little moral lessons.  Have you considered that at times even basic retiring Cowards can be viewed as principled and corrageous men.  For instance if you are being questioned by some local authorities perhaps in another country- - and they beat and pummel you with their batons which as Stacy Koon once said “Is basically a piece of metal pipe” and you are in pain and you jerk and scream and then get mad and lash out at the cops- - less our of any principled “conviction” but more out of sheer reflex and panic and pain.  So at some point you have to ask yourself “Are the cops into suspect compliance- - or just out to get their Jollies torturing somebody?”   Here’s another one.  Jesus told one and all “Follow me”.  I guess the question is “Follow you to where and do what?”  After all I spent so many years in the church “seeking God’s will” and never apparently found it.  If Jesus came back today would he be hip to the modern psychological lingo and speak disparagingly of “needy people”.  What if you gave up everything you own to follow him.  Do you think this would even matter to such a “modern day” Jesus?  Also where did Jesus stand on the subject of bullying?  This is a subject we hear a lot about now.  Jesus never talked about it.  To him it apparently didn’t exist.  It’s always bothered me, and not just lately, that Jesus had this basic moral blind spot.  Finally - -we know the Bible says not to steal.  The poor shouldn’t steal from the rich and the rich shouldn’t steal from the poor by looting their union or pension funds or with special corporate tax credits.  But what does the Bible say about - - stealing from your neighbor- - if you know your neighbor is “doing something that he shouldn’t” in your eyes- - such as watching hard core pornography all night long.  Surely you’d think the Bible mandates that we be our neighbor’s moral guardians.  So shouldn’t we creep into his house in the night and steel all those old VHS pornography tapes, and take them over a couple blocks away and dump them in the trash dumpster.  Actually the Bible teaches that we should NOT - - do such a thing.  I told you the Bible had a story to illustrate all sorts of moral lessons.  Take the case of daughter Rachael stealing her father Labon’s “Gods” alias idol statues.  She put them under a cushion and sat on it and when the people came to look she said “I am after the manner of women and therefore cannot rise” and they passed on.  Of course Rachael lied.  So in a sense to make the punishment fit the crime- - she died shortly thereafter in childbirth giving birth to younger son Benjamin.  We learn from this that even the heathen have certain inherent rights - - including property rights.  Think about it.


 Mrs. Bernardi - - the dead cop’s crazy wife- - entered the Di Mira engagement party with a gun and began firing.  Maybe she’s hoping to cop an insanity plea.  The problem with that defense is that she knows exactly what she is doing.  E J stepped in and defended Chad against Cameron’s charges of lying about his cancer.  There is a new Rolling Stone article out about this whole debt crisis mess and maybe if it’s possible I’ll download it, or at least read it.  I see my blogger numbers were up yesterday and that’s encouraging.  I don’t know what new thing I can say to my readers.  Paul Mc Cartney has an album called simply “New” that is out next Tuesday- - and he seems to be departing, musically from his usual scenario.  The word on that “Grand Bargain” deal of summer of 2011 is that John Boehner indeed came to an agreement with the President for a massive cut-back in spending and a modest increase in taxes.  But this time apparently there were 170 tea party people in Congress who vowed to fight Boehner on this and so Boehner backed off.  Boehner on his part lied about it saying “I was all for it but then the President moved the goal posts”.   Of course Boehner lied about not shutting the government down, too.  He had an oral agreement with Harry Reed, but then he just said “But then I thought it was more important to take a stand on principle”.  In other words, he thought it was better to break his word.  I guess that’s a bugaboo of mine.  I don’t respect politicians who do it.  But despite yesterday’s marathon session that apparently went into the night- - no agreement is even close and it seems that zero progress has been made.  Meanwhile Randy listed out all the horrible things that will happen one by one- - as each key date is passed.  And it isn’t pretty.  I think for their own sanity, most people are just “tuning out’ on this whole story because there is no way it’s going to be a happy ending.  So until it affects them personally, Americans do what they do best- - as adherents to the Almighty Church of the Apathetic.  I may not get my check next month.  Just now I looked and had another five dollars I’d forgotten about.  I bought my usual John Black grape.  I certainly don’t have the money to try the new Message Parlor next door.

We went to the place on Brookhurst by the JHS because Judy knows the sales people and deals with them all the time.  We had little problem finding what we didn’t.  I didn’t know how long the selection process would take or even if - - they even sold land line phones any more.  They do.  It’s a 6.0 MHZ, which refers to frequency and not power.  I haven’t tested the phone for distance from the base yet.  The other one went all the way to the elevator.   They expressly said it was a digital transmission, which for some reason I already assumed.  However is digital transmission is new to these phones- - it would be a lot more efficient with the same power.  The sound quality is better and [name withheld] noted the sending quality was better.  I am beginning to figure out all of the keys and the menu and such and have set the time and date.  We used the old phone connecting cord because it’s a heavier cord and it’s longer, too.   I told [blank]l if I ever got to moving furniture around, that might become an issue.  I forgot to return that Lucifer book to [blank]  On the way over [blank] said that Chuck Smith died a week ago Thursday morning at three AM.   He preached almost up to the end- - often doing the usual three services.  He mentioned Greg Laurie- - but there was another name he mentioned as Chuck’s number two- - that Chuck would call on if he really wasn’t up to preaching that particular morning.  Of course Chuck Smith revolutionized Christianity and- - - one could say was a marketing genius- - both in terms of merchandise, but also in terms of doctrine.   I forgot to mention that we could have driven just a mile down the Freeway to Wall Mart and I could have gotten Master Chef coffee.  Actually right now it’s creamers that I am short of.  I just ran out of what I bought a week ago Tuesday morning- - and to me that still seems too soon.   Glen gave me three creamers- - and a quarter- - and I gave him a cigarette each in two separate transactions.  Nobody at the Federation knew anything about Chuck Smith’s death, which surprised me.  They just said “We weren’t considering Pastor Chuck Relevant these days”.    Of course – most deaths DON”T make a blip on their radar screen.

 Dr Levy convened class at just about eight o clock.  The class started off quite small but grew.  Vince was there- - and that occasional Teresa table mate plump lady.  And there was a new lady who has lived in four states and another new guy with PTSD.  Dr Levy again raised the idea of doing these two hour audio recordings of our lives.  The trouble is if I were ever to do that- - I would much rather talk about my values and “the things I have learned in life” rather than your usual Wickipedia entry of when I went to school and when I was married and what hospital was I born at.   Lisha sat next to me and when Silva showed up I offered Silva my seat on the green couch by the window- so she could be next to Lisha, but she declined.  Dr Levy didn’t have coffee for me today but he brought small crumb donuts, and I ended up having four.  He talked a little about “How to make your life count in this world”.   The check in tended to be lengthly.  Class concluded about quarter after nine.  Dr Levy starts up at Whittier next week.  They had the last few minutes of the fish and krill oil combo with the B 12 commercial but at nine thirty I turned it off and eventually got on computer.  Now when Google Earth does sky is the degree setting is too wide you see almost nothing on the screen- - because something has definitely changed there.  I haven’t been offered an update in Google Earth in many years, and I could sure use one to “fix” all that’s wrong with it now.  I listened to Melinda Lee at the usual time.  She says that lamb should be cooked to around 135 degrees, which sounds in line with what I was thinking.  She says “There was a fad for a while to cook lamb rare as a compensation for all the years people over-cooked it”.    Now she likes New Zealand lamb.  She says once they stopped the government subedies, the quality of the meat improved. 

The trouble with "Tomorrow People" is that the story line genus has been beaten to death already - - about people caught between two worlds who find they have special powers and some evil people are after them and want to destroy them.  Here's a question I've had for a long time.  If Christianity is supposed to be "the great Victory" how did "Satan" suddenly become so powerful - - not to mention - threatening?  We have a little cosmic news for you.  You know how they talk about “Soul Strut’ and “Grazing in the Grass” being both instrumentals and actual songs.  It seems that all four tracks are from that Aquarius group.  Also from "Friend and Lover" is that song we used to call "Freak out in the Garden"  I wanted to talk about last night’s “Sleepy Hallow” episodes with the allusion to unleashing the 72 demons imprisoned by Solomon.  I’ve learned - - probably not for the first time- - that Molech is the same as “Maridoch” or “Marduk” depending on the spelling and it’s the old bovine demon alias Jehovah.  What we call Judaism is really an emalgamation of influences.   Abraham was a Midianite.  According to the Federation - - Keturah was the only wife whom they talk about.  The word “Midian” in Romulan literally means “plum line” or straight up and down or center of gravity.  Abraham is said to come from a “high” place in the heavens.  We know the Arabs were the champions at naming all of the stars.  We then have Ozmodeus.  This is a demon that Bones has “consorted” with - - and in our version Osmodeus is of Egyptian origen.  The “original” Christ - - was of the Osmodeus Egyptian school.  We see traces of him all over the place from the church of Satan, to Tarrot cards, to the Knights Templar, to the Skull and Bones fraternity, to the masons.  They are all in the same “religious tradition” and we know them at the Federation as Crestorians, located in the constellation of Cassiopia.  Interestingly - - the Jesus Christ the Church now worships- appeared earlier- - as the son of King David.  King Solomon actually lived much earlier and was in fact a Dardanian.  But Issa or Issu (it’s spelled both ways) was such a bloody king- - that the Bible writers knew they had to “clean up history”.   King Issa was so bad the nation of Israel fell apart and was in chaos for a time until Jehosophat came along.  Actually in Federation lore Joseph was a traitor - - luring the Israelites with promises of luxury and inciting them to go to Egypt where they would be unknowingly enslaved.  But a bunch of Israeli bretheren- - - - well Joseph was violently assaulted with the sword and his throat probably slit and otherwise left in a pit to bleed to death, and it was considered a patriotic act.   And the kicker is- - I may have been Joseph.   Of course in much usage “Israel” refers to the so called “lost ten tribes”.  In Federation lore the nation was called Israel- - meaning a Prince with power with God or whatever.  They worshipped this cattle god Merdoch- - who mandated bloody sacrifices.   Other potential gods are of course Baal- - - who is said to be the same as Dionisus or Baccus.  In Romulan the word “Dion” promounced differently as “dee-ON” with the accented long O second syllable.  The word means “payment” or “rendered” or more simply “fee”.   Anyhow- - this is the god of “wine and song” not to mention sex- - where “sacred groves” are involved- - and in one scripture “Ashera” is spoken as “God’s wife”.   This tree god thing started in Babylon where he was known as Tammuz - - and there is talk of forty days into the summer- - Tammuz met death from a wild boar.  If you are wondering is there is any Romulan word related to sacrament- - there is saccar.  This word means “to extricate or salvage”.  It’s a pretty specific meaning.   The third person plural is irregular to the extent that the second syllable as in “sac-CAN” is accented rather than the first.   If you are wondering about the star “Altair” in the Eagle constellation- - they now say that this planet (associated with) is basically a tourist planet- - but does have a major slave class.  I think they once did a Star Trek episode about it.  That’s the only meaning.  We now come to Edom, also known as the Idumians, (pronounced I Do Me In)  As Molech’s fortunes waned after Babylonian captivity - - - the Idumians rose.  These people place a lot less significance as blood atonement as some kind of a quid pro quo thing.  King Herod- - and a lot of those Jewish leaders were Edomites.   The Centaurians - - - were a group that believed in and actively practiced spirit transfer.   That is different spirits occupying a body or “Avatar” at different times.  Over the years these Beta Centurians have had a working relationship with the Edomites- - who of course live on Aldeberan VIII.    There are also non Edomized Centaurians.  Centaurians are known as liars, and Edomites or Idumians are known as crass businessmen.  It’s a deadly combination.  But as to Molech alias Merdoch - - these people occupy the majority of Taurus stars- - and Aldeberan is thus kind of a haven for the Edomites, even if in our eyes, it’s the best known.   There is more material in this general vein in late winter of 2012.

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