Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Another High Court Blow to Fair Elections

Randy Rhodes has been talking about today's Supreme Court ruling where they have completed the damage done by Citizens United.  Now they are saying that any rich person can give as MUCH money as he cares to not just to political action committees, but to actual specified Candidates.  Of course they say that the reason why they did this is "Because you can't really pass laws about - - Expressing Gratitude".  That's a Mafia expression you know.  When you do a favor for a friend of a major nature you tell him "The day will come when you will have the opportunity to express your gratitude" meaning that he'll do a favor for you.  Bob Dylan said it long ago in a song I can't quote too often, "Money doesn't talk; it swears".  In short - - money is an obscenity in politics.  One things liberals are a lot better at doing is going out and quoting from the other documents of the constitutional era such as the Federalist papers, a document I'd love to read all the way through sometime.  It was stated that we need a first amendment for "Free Speech" and listen closely "Because elections are not enough to insure clean government but we need to make sure that there is a communications link between the government and the people All The Time for the redress of grievances and put public pressure on something or a problem our public officials have been ignoring.  Keep in mind that money is neither Speech nor Free.  In case you didn't watch that it - - "Free" speech.  Not "Pay to Play" government.  It was stated that money actually walls out and insulates these government officials FROM the common man and preventing the common man from being listened to.  (Selah)   Now they are saying that Cirrus or somebody wants to buy CBS Radio in a further concentration of the communications media.  All of this is wrong.  Steppinwolf said it long ago "Now government is a Monster and Will Not Obey".  (Selah)

And in case you forgotten the original cry of the Colonists was "No taxation without representation".  Well now we "Have the best government money can buy".  Both Hillary Clinton owe everything to Wall street in a desperate effort to raise money.  But still I hear two thirds of the Big Money goes to Republican candidates, although this may be changing as republicans get increasingly whacked out in their political positions.  Now they say four years of Hillary will be just like the twenty years we've had of Clinton-Bush-Obama before them.  Clearly we need some candidate on the Left - - "perhaps an unknown" as someone put it today- - to step up to the plate and run.  The voices of the left need to be articulated.  But the tea party has never had it better than under this Administration with the lowest taxes they've ever had, and the least prosecution of Wall Street crooks there has ever been, the most agressive pursuit of Al Qaeda there has ever been, and the most illegal Aliens deported than there have ever been.  Why aren't they happy?  Maybe because Rush Limbaugh's numbers in Los Angeles are tanking- - since Rush has moved to "Patriot Radio".  Here is a case where money actually overrides both public oppinion and ratings.  But in fact the tea party are WELL represented in Congress.  First by gerrymandering, but also by the US Senate.  Even when the democratic party ruled both houses- - ten percent of the senators had forty percent of the vote and this was enough to prevent any legislation the house approves- - from passing the Senate because of the filibuster ruler.  Of course we know those ten percent of Senators are from red states.  So there IS no "taxation without representation".  You about OVER representation and Welfare for the Rich Corporations.  That's the way it is in reality.

Monday Night there was a major report years in the making on Global Warming that I have not yet covered.  It basically states "Twenty plus years ago we said that action should be taken right now because if the situation is as bad as we think it is- - by the time we know without a doubt- - - for sure- - it could well be Too Late to reverse the trends.  Now that day is here.  This report says that Global Warming is a fact without question and that it IS indeed too late to reverse the mounting percentage of C02 in the atnosphere, but perhaps we can stave off the worst of the effects of global warming if we act now.  According to Rush Limbaugh he says that eight percent of the global warming gasses are from cow farts.  This violates common sense of course when you think of all the dirty smokestacks and cars burning fossel fuels there are in the world - - at an alarmingly growing rate in third world countries particularly.  Clearly even if what Rush said were to be true it would mean if the entire world became veegans overnight, we would still reduce the global warming threat by eight percent.  Still Rush has a point in that a lot of energy in tractors and fertelizers and such is expended to grow grains that will be consumed not by human beings but by animals- - if you don't count all of this methanol farce which now everyone sees as a bad idea.  We need to permanently retire the expression of "Drill, baby drill".   Hopefully- we are making progress on the alternative energy front.

The Republicans rely on a climate of fear to maintain their political power.  People say that all they have left are aging white males.  I would modify that to be men over 35 from the "American heartland" and places like Orange and San Diego counties.  But many of this core conservative group is also poorly educated and listens nightly to FOX news to be misinformed.  Apparently FOX is famous for telling outright lies and putting up false graphs.  Even in the past few days there were scads of people saying "We'll never make it to seven million on the health care thing because we'll have to do two million in the final week or so and that just isn't possible".  Of course the final figure, as of now is7.1 million signed up.  Apparently FOX puts out graphs which depict Six million as being about one tenth as high of a bar as Seven million.  When FOX knows they have lied about a false graph or something- - apparently they will do a thirty second retraction of the story perhaps at twelve thirty at night when nobody is watching.  Last Saturday Dr Levy said that Germany and France have a top rate of income taxes of 75% and that the average person living in these countries pays sixty percent of their pay check to the government and all they get is inferior health care where there is a really long waiting period to even see a doctor. (As opposed to this country where things are perfect)  It would seem the actual rate in Germany and it looks like France too is 45% and the average person pays a lower rate than that.   It's just another case of people on the right wanting to believe something.  They need to believe false information.  Someone compared our nation now to South Africa while it was still ruled by minority White people.  The message we can all take away from Nelson Mandella is that "sometimes we need to resort to violence to get the job done".  Obviously even as small and decline percentage the tea party has- - so much of that is from poor uneducated people living in "The heartland" that if these people ever saw the light- - the tea party would never win another election.  Apparently it's the one year anniversary of that republican report saying "Our party has got to overhaul its message if we are ever going to start winning again".   For a while they thought "We don't need to change our actions- - just our speech - - our rhetoric" but in the end these tea party people were incapable of even doing THAT.   Now not only is the dog whistle speech back- - the references are becomming increasingly more blatant against the minorities and the poor.

Of course Liberals are far better at quoting passages from the Bible IN CONTEXT than are the conservatives.  In fact one thing I agree with Walter Martin about is his saying of "A text without a context is a pretext".  Indeed many of the OT passages quoted in the New Testament to support Christianity would be laughed right out of the Christian Research Institute- - if they weren't already in the Bible in the NT.   I'll give you one.  Chuck Smith quotes the Genesis passage of "The scepter of Judah will not depart until He comes whose right it is to rule forever".   If I were just your average Joe truck driver- - or a liberal reading this passage back before Christ came I would be thinking "Oh good- - this means that once Jerusalem gets into power they will STAY in power and will never lose their right to rule- - until the Messiah comes and takes us right into the melinial age".   That's a normal reading of it.  But according to Chuck Smith it means that just before Christ was brought up on charges "The people of Israel lost the right to inflict the death penalty".  This by the way is a false assertion not borne out by history.  But Chuck says it because after all if Jesus was the Messiah then - - - - then what?   That means maybe in two thousand, twenty thousand, or two hundred thousand years- - the Milenial Age will come on earth at last.  You actually hear very few Bible quotations at all from the tea party people since their loyalty is to Ayan Rand and not the Bible anyhow.

It's funny how they sugar coat the whole gay thing on Days of our Lives.  They had a gay bachelor party but even they would not show a male stripper stripping down to a speedo with a bulging crotch.  And sticking Gabriel and the baby into the mix kind of softens the blow and somehow makes them seem more "normal"even though it's really stranger.  Perhaps the anti gay people are right.  Why can't Gabriel marry both Sonny and Will in a convienient threesome - and baby makes four.  And of course to get over the awkwardness of NOT being married in a Catholic Church - - by a relative who is a Priest- - well, that Priest just had to be de-frocked so that he is no longer in the picture.  As far as I know not one time has Will Horton ever met up with or had a conversation with Father Eric, though Eric is eager enough to make moral pronouncements on everybody else- - even Nicole Walker.  Another awkward issue that was skirted is all of Sonny's old boyfriends- - who certainly must have heard he was getting married- - which even they must think is beyond strange because "our kind of people just don't do that sort of thing".   Well, they aren't hitched yet, and something- - and I say hopefully - - could still go wrong.

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