Sunday, April 06, 2014

Nothing New Under the Sun

I watched the Mc Laughlin Group.  Once again it was another four on one pile-on.  They said one thing (there?) that struck me really odd, and that was that Armenia is in FAVOR of the Soviet occupation of Crimea.  Would somebody explain THAT one to me?  Though our Federation has never liked Armenians, as kind of a policy.  Probably because we’re pro Turkish.  They talked about that Supreme Court ruling with a concencus saying that Labor Unions would now be liberated to give to more candidates of their choice.  That may be fine for the eleven percent of the work force that’s still Unionized.  The ruling still sucks big time.  Then they talked about this spy leaking United States military secrets to Israel.  Even Mort Zuckerman, the resident Jew, is opposed to this man’s “early” release on principle.  After the Lockerby Scotland guy who got out early “because he had a termanal disease’ and didn’t - - I don’t think we want to be used in that way again.  Then of course they had to trash the President for his “Dance in the end zone” or whatever on Obama Care.  It’s funny how so many of these metaphors could be much better employed on George Bush while president- - but weren’t.  We had enough both respect for the office and basic patriotism, there were certain things we just didn’t say.  I have wondered for a long time why they don’t dedicate one half hour show to just a replay of the five panelists predictions- - perhaps over a period of the last two or three years.  I think it would be really good for a belly laugh- - because they are such wild things you never hear again.

 On Breakfast with the Beatles they played the Cowbell set again.  Naturally I love this set because it's really me singing on the first three songs.  Now 'All I Gotta Do' is to prove it.  Though I think one or two songs they played- - was a metal pipe and not a cowbell, and also the “Monkey” thing they say is really a “fire engine bell”.   They also played Sgt Pepper in the original order of the first vinyl cut on this date on April sixth.  The flow is more logical in terms of lyrics because “Benefit” is talking about most stuff “splendid time” being yet to come.  And also the whole bit about “the mind wandering” is a perfect lead in to “Lucy in the Sky”.   Having “She’s Leaving Home” at the end is a nice touch, and it’s the faster speed mono version too, where Paul’s voice isn’t groggy sounding and Lennon doesn’t sound as drugged out.   They also for perhaps only the second time played the “original version” of Revolution 1, all the way through- - with all the bits.  Also on this date “Mark I” was recorded- - which was apparently a term for any untitled song, as well as an early computer.  I like “The Void” myself.  They started the show off with a lot of really early pre EMI recordings.  All in all, a good show today.  I listened to the rest of Breakfast with the Beatles which featured “Something in the way she moves” by James Taylor and three different versions of “Something”.  It was the George Harrison guitar demo, and then an interesting version by Paul, and then a live version by Derek and the Dominos, which they didn’t credit.  Then it was Leo Le Port and Chris Marquardt the photography guy was on.    

Kentucky beat Wisconsin in the NCAA in the late game and U Conn beat Florida in the early game.  But the thing is neither game was broadcast on CBS.  Shame on them!  ET was more important.  Someone said that stood for “extra testicle”.   Once again at dinner just like a previous night I developed chills though not as bad as earlier in the week.  We had a decent pasta and tomato casserole that could almost pass for spaghetti, with tube pasta.  There was corn and that bread pudding again.  I went out to the bakery for about the last of the coffee in the pot for a large cup.  Fortunately there was already a bottle of milk out, but it wasn’t cold.  It was ABC network news.  There is still no material to post a blog about.  Everything in the media is a rehash of yesterday’s news.  When they actually get around to finding that plane they should let us know.  The Chinese Government reports they’ve heard pinging but nobody else has.  Are they toying with us again?   I missed the Santa Anita derby also yesterday, which I had been intending to watch. 

Given the scarcity of news this past week- - let's make another observation about "Will come cosmic hand come down and rescue the "good people" from the ravages of this present world?"   OK this one is pretty much a pipe dream whether it's 2014 or 2017.   Actually at the pace things have gone down hill these past five years I don't think we'll even make it three and a half years to October of 2017.   Six months is an eternity in Politics, after all.  When things "go down hill" on the international scene, they can deteriorate pretty fast.  I think the years 2011, 2012, and 2013 set new lows for political and societal depravity in this country and so far 2014 doesn't seem to be as bad - yet.  It all hangs on the election.  Not to play "God" or anything but if there is a Personal Being there at all (which I have denied frequently) maybe He is thinking "The political divide is so obvious now there is not even a Need to Have these midterm Elections because I already know how everybody is going to Vote, anyhow".   In the Bible there is this principle of making the division between Good and Evil obvious to all, and God in history seems to brings things to this point before he acts.  You know if the Democrats win- - the Republicans will grab their guns and retreat to their bunkers with their food supplies they say FEMA is conspiring to take away from them, and they'll wait it out.  However if the Republicans take the senate and no liberal Justices are replaced with liberals as they retire, this country won't be a place a lot of us could care to live in anyhow, and emigrate to Canada or something.

I went for coffee in the courtyard at two o clock and then went to Dr Levy’s class.  All of the usuals were there but we spend virtually all the time either eating bagels or else checking in, and Dr Levy didn’t even get to John Powell and David Shaner.  He had to rush off.  We had an “everything” bagel with jalapenyo cream cheese.  I had a whole big bagel cut in half, and then another half from Joe Drisco and then Dr Levy gave me another whole bagel with cheese to eat later.  That’s living high on the hog.  We talked about Lisha being on Facebook, and Sammy’s problems.  I admire the positive attitude Sammy has because I assure you if it were me I’d be moaning and complaining when I wasn’t spitting nails of frustration.  I may do a blog post today however- - - there is essentially now no news on Network News.  It’s all just fluff.  If you want to have any idea what has gone on in the world for the past –  - twelve hours or so, as one would logically expect from a Newspaper- - don’t expect to get it on ABC World News Tonight.   I think we’re about done.  I don’t anticipate any new Power Points in the next few days.

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