Friday, April 04, 2014

Unemployment Level Holding Steady at 6.6%

They said that something like a hundred and ninety thousand jobs were added last month.  This looks like a good figure but it's still not robust.  Unemployment stayed where it is at 5.6%.  Keep in mind there is a net loss of jobs regardless what the tea party reminds us all the time.  The overall employment level in the nation is nowhere near what it was six years ago.  We complained about them then but by today's standards they appear almost idyllic.   Of course at the same time everyone reminds ourselves that no tax bill can be passed or spending authorized without the vote of this republican Congress.  So when they complain about the way government is now they have nobody to look to to blame but themselves.  Still it's almost good news that the economy didn't tank this winter with all the Sequester and the weather and republican non cooperation working against this economy.

Of course people are talking about the Fort Hood shooting of a few days ago, and how Fort Hood in Texas is almost a breeding ground for these kinds of psychos that seem to crop up there.  But I will say this about these seretonin uptake inhibitors.   Many people get screwed around and crapped on by life.  And the people that do it to them are counting on one thing- - that the person will be so self absorbed and down in the dumps with mental paralysis - - unable to think or make decisions - - that even if the RATIONAL decision IS to take your own life or to kill somebody - - they won't do it.  So I guess you could say these drugs take the moral restraints off - - while at the same time dulling feeling, which would include the anticipated reproach of society and fear and guilt of what would happen if they DID do what they were planning on doing.  But it could be that it's not as though the drugs themselves CAUSE them to DECIDE to commit a violent act, which would have never popped into their minds, otherwise.  Well, that's my "medical" opinion, so to speak.

In terms of the Supreme Court ruling of the other day, the decision still is not a blank check to give as much money as you CARE TO to any one candidate.  It's just you can skirt the "limit" by doling your money out to a hundred and fifty republican candidates.  So in effect, the legal limit for spending has been raised a hundred and fifty fold, or however many candidates you care to spend your money on.  Some "apologists" for this decision say "This decision will increase campaign donation participation".   No it won't.  It will decrease the voice of the average voter, no matter how much he gives of his puny earnings.  Clarence Thomas of course wanted to remove ALL caps on spending.  But then Clarence Thomas is a mindless "plant" or droid or something without a brain but votes the way others instruct him to vote on cases.  He has no accademic mind or taste to study either the words of spirit of the Constitution.  I'm looking forward to the day when Clarence Thomas is impeached, because he NEVER should have been appointed to serve as an Associate Justice of the High Court by Bush 41 to begin with.

These next two paragraphs are late insertions.  It was pointed out to me that when a car company such as GM declares bankruptcy - -all sins the corporation comitted of "may have comitted" to quote Jerald Ford, are pardoned, never to be brought as legal issues by anybody even in Civil Suits.  So people with a beef with GM about  production quality and safety issues- - they're out of luck.  However people who get student loans from the government are BARRED from declaring Bankruptcy.  Go figure!   By the way if you're Biblicly inclined- - there IS no provision in the OT Torah for sins you "may have comitted".  In fact the one time in the Bible this phrase "may have comitted" is employed it was Job interceding for his sons, so he offered in fact the WRONG kind of sacrifice anyhow in a manner NOT prescribed by law.  Pastors would have you to believe there is a "may have comitted" provision in the OT but there is not.  I looked.   And perhaps this phrase of "may have comitted" was used by President Ford because being on the Warren comission - - perhaps - - Richard Nixon, who was in Dallas on November 22nd 1963 - - in some way was complicit of the taking down of President Kennedy.  We don't know.

In terms of that demo 7.4 earthquake they just showed on TV you can retrofit your home for a few thousand dollars.  You can put these steel support plates in as many as twenty stratigic places in your home- - where beams will press against vital walls and stuff- - in what seems to be a mass design flaw in the way they used to build homes.  The question is whether it's just cheaper to buy earthquake insurance and not have to worry about spending the money necessary to remedy this problem   I don't think you can even Buy earthquake insurance in California and if you could, it would most likely have a premium in excess of three thousand dollars anyhow - - and you'd still lose your house AND most likely you would get paid the full equity price of your home when the earthquake happens due to price inflation.

Rush Limbaugh the other day kept talking about "being independant" and on your own.  Sure it's a wonderful feeling.  It wasn't MY idea to get on SSI like I have.   As a Christian the best thing that could have happened to me was "being on my own" so to speak without some overlord.  The only time of the twelve year period we are talking about is from later 1981 to the first of July of 1985.  It was just those four years.  Some people think that brow beating a person NOT to do something will somehow make them decide not to do it.  Not if you completely LACK being psychologically in touch with that person.   Take Gabriel on the soap opera.  I mean Samantha has told her to stay away from Nick, when she pretty much as no Right to tell either Gabriel or Nick to Do or Not Do ANYTHING.  As to breaking into Gabriel's house while they are having sex- - - I would make it clear to Samantha that the next time she pulls a stunt like that- - I'm calling the Cops.  In fact I'd call the cops THIS time.  The only thing that Salem police force is so wink wink look the other way- - if you can get away with murder like Will Horton did, then certainly it's easy to overlook a charge of Breaking and Entering.   In my own life- - I would have been slower and more- - Deliberative about getting my Prophecy Book published - - if I had gotten LESS resistance.  But if a decision IS actually in MY control- - I'm going to do it- - before I'm talked out of it, because that's what my family does for a living.  The Kings of Negativity.

I just wanted to say about the Rapture date this year of - - around October 12th.  - - - that, if that date fails then 2017 is another excellent candidate with perhaps superior credentials if one employs numerology.  It would be the year of the Fire Cock.  Actually I've had no less than four Fire Cock housemates over that twelve year span of time I was talking about.  I also heard (from the Black Panthers) that the Rooster used to be the logo for the Democratic Party in Southern states.  And they are firey.  If "seventeen" is indeed some sort of "cycle" number - - it would approximate the period from the Supreme Court "electing" President G W Bush- - which could be taken as the final "disconnection" between the People and the Government.  It would just incidentally also move the "Beatle Moon" into perhaps better allignment- - and would kind of move the date of the Rapture to John Lennon's birthday.  Well, we'll see.  Chances look pretty good for one or the other of those years.  If you are wondering about "the status of Nations" at the "time of the end"and do we qualify now, that's an interesting point you brought up.  You see only NOW is it aparent that Shiite nations such as Syria and Iran, are listed as the agressors along with Russia - - - the word "Rosh" appears in the King James and perhaps the New English versions, but not in others.  Saudi Arabia and environs  (some say that "Sheba" is really Yemen and not Ethiopia) are protrayed as the victims- - along with Israel herself, who get wiped out at the time just after the Rapture.  There is some sort of Christie style "clearing of the decks" so that the Antichrist, again from a Suni nation it would appear - - not from Iran or western Turkey or Greece and not even Egypt - - but anywhere else is a candidate - - This Man can now take over unopposed as Larry Norman says in the song "666"  when he sings "in the midst of the war, he offered us Peace".   It is the belief of this Author and also of the Koran that true Jews and "followers of the book" worship the same God.  If this is indeed the case, then it would figure (to quote John a bit out of context) that God has "other sheep that are not of this fold and to them I must minister to".  (Selah)

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