Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Limited Liability Right-Wing Politics

We hear a lot about Corporations these days, so let's just review what some of the legal ramifications of being a Corporation are.  How's your Business Law?   People speak of "Limited Liability Corporations" but as you know inherent in Corporations is "limited liability".   Perhaps there is confusion because a "Limited Partnership" is a special kind of partnership.  That's when some friend of yours wants you to buy a share in some mystery business at a thousand dollars a customer, and you know that's the last you'll ever see of that thousand dollars.  Some people have trouble "grasping" just what is so immoral about Corporations.  Let me give you a simple example.  You could incorporate as a John Smith pizza parlor if you wanted to.  If your resturant goes belly up and can't pay its bills, the Creditors cannot come after you, John Smith the person.  John Smith, the person is a legally separate entity.  They can't take your house, your car, or garnish your wages to cover the debts incurred by your John Smith Pizzas Inc.  Where it gets dishonest is that if your pizza place does well - - John Smith the corporation could decide to funnel money to John Smith the person.  This is money that the government can't come after should trouble arise.  Indeed you may be able to write off such a donation to yourself as a charitable contribution.  If you decided to go public with your corporation- -  none of the people who buy shares in the corporation are liable for more than they contributed- - if the corporation should run up debts several times the value of its capital worth.  Now if you are lucky in the market and make maybe $150,000 in profit on some stock you "hit lucky" the Government may come after you if they can prove, or even if they can't, that somebody gave you a "hot stock tip" on that company.  They will accuse you of Insider Trading, when it was just a lucky-ass guess.  But President Obama will ignore the big boys on Wall Street for looting the country out of trillions of tax payer dollars.  That Blogoyavitch guy went to jail for "selling" some government office position.  And yet as Mike Papentonio points out- - this is what Lobbyists do all the time, it's their bread in butter.  It's strictly "Pay to Play" in congress- - you put money in- - and get ten times the return on your original "investment"  (i e "bribe") to the congressman.  In fact it would seem there is very LITTLE legislation that congress passes that is NOT influenced by bribes such as this.  And yet in the case of Governor Christie- - nobody is thinking of charging him with racketeering- - that is holding the victims of hurricane Sandy hostage because the mayor of a city won't endorse Christie or grease his palm with a lot of cash.  The government sees no problem.  And with Scott Walker- - there is all sorts of political graft- - and you have the money of the Koch Brothers flooding local politics - - of "If you want to keep the gravy train coming- - just vote the way we tell you".   Mike claims that "Now they are changing the definitions of terms such as bribery- - so they won't prosecute".   If everybody clear on things now?

There are a bunch of racial biggots in Merietta Hot Springs in San Diego.  Of course I learned from my Federation guides back in June of 1982 that the Cosmic Vibes of almost all of San Diego county sucked royally.  The only exception is right along the north coast by San Onofre, Camp Pendelton, and Oceanside.  These are OK.  (San Clemente is also OK)  I have spoken much of this localized "cosmic turf" in my writings. But it seems as if these howling rednecks managed to force a whole bus load of immigrants to turn around back to San Yesidro, which is right on the Tijuana border.  They are saying "You have only their word that they are families of children.  How you know they aren't all gang members.  I bet they've got gang tatoos".  You would think that we as a people would outgrow this sort of thing but apparently not.  But what did I know is how can all those poor kids in Honduras afford cable TV and get American stations where they learned of Eric Cantor's defeat and how it affected the house decision not to go for immigration reform, which in term caused the president to start thinking about reforming laws on his own.  I mean the President just made his Decision yesterday, but somehow all of these Honduran kids knew about it weeks ago in their little shanty huts.

They say that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over - and expecting a different result.  Dick Chaney lied to us to get us into the Iraq War to begin with - - so why should be listen to him now?  The line the Media would have you to believe is that "Well we have to have these people on our shows because they say that you should judge them on what they are saying NOW as opposed to what they were saying them- - that's "the past" so just forget it happened".  This kind of reason truely IS "Doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result".   Bill Clinton and every other progressive pointed out that "We couldn't even HAVE an Al Qaeda problem now- - if we hadn't listened to these War Mongers to begin with".  Now we hear of secret meetings Dick Chaney had with Exxon and Haliburten and the others- - where they agreed to "carve up Iraq" as in "You take this part and you take this part over here".  But the War went so badly- - that Dick Chaney's plans didn't work out quite as he had planned on.  So this is the reason why he NOW wants to go back into Iraq.  But no sane person would look at this conquered land and see anything but "Gee, you have an Islamic organization controling land in an Islamic region of the world- - Stop the Presses!"  But it's like me as a Christian and since 1991 (at least) the evidence was that Christianity was bogus and people will screw you over if you let them.  I have to remind myself that "doubling down" on something that's never worked before makes absolutely no sense.  But I take issue with liberals sometimes.  One liberal comentator said something about how yesterday's Supreme Court decisions "Didn't open the flood gates; they just cracked the door open a little".   So let me get this straight.  The double duty security lock on the steel door is now cracked open, and there is a hoard of people outside and you're just giving the signal of "Come on in- the water's Fine!"  It takes little imagination to see that the Flood of cases is literally at the door.  Today it's Catholics and birth control.  What about Santeria and you have to sacrifice a chicken before you can collect your pay check as a sign of "gratitude".  Or you're a Scientologist and don't believe in insurance for psychological therapy and medication.  Or you're into Christian Science and don't believe in medication at all.  Or you're a Rostafarian and you need to toke on the water pipe before signing any business contract.  What if you're a Jehovah's Witness and won't pay for blood transfusions- - or your kid has a blood sugar reading of over two hundred and your employer won't pay for the insilin needed to keep him alive?  You know the right wing is going to stand behind whatever the most extreme viewpoint is.  Cliven Bundy proved that.  So like, why is a belief in Evolution necessarily precluding God's existance?  Can't God work through evolution, if he wills it?  Would you deny the right of God to do as he wishes with his Creation?  Huh?

I was going to call this posting "Why I Am a Deist".  That is because as I have said, I believe there is intelligent design in Creation.  But I do not believe in a god who personally interracts with the subjects in this Universe, and that God is outside of this Universe.  Yes, Thomas Jefferson was a deist.  But even among Deists there are different kinds.  Some believe that "Well maybe God created the heavens and kind of "wound it up" or whatever- - at the Beginning but then just let things proceed from there, like the workings of a clock or something.  You could even find support in the Bible for this view if you consider that "For six days God created the heavens and the earth".  But what is this "resting' that God did on the Seventh Day.  And could we still BE in that "Seventh Day".  I mean you had the dinasaurs, and the mastadons, and the Neanderthols, and modern Man, capable of abstract reasoning and all of that.  So God may have been "Creating" for hundreds of millions of years, but now is taking his well deserved Rest.  And may have even "Deligated the stewardship of the Universe to Mankind.  I do not personally subscribe to this exact view.  My view is more of that of a computer programmer.  The programming coding was done- - before there was ever any Physical Universe.  Creation was just pressing F5 in Basic to start the ball rolling.  Or merely typing the File name in other languages.  Everything that ever will happen is in that prior coding.  Therefore since I don't believe God has an Ego as you or I think of one, there is nothing there either to Please - - or Offend.  So when Neil Savedra calls some female caller on his show names because she'd fed up with church- and he calls her names like "Rebellious - - and Petulant".   And people get hot under the caller when you tell them that they "Owe" God nothing per se.  That is they don't "Owe" this projection of some alter Ego the evangelist himself just made up and called it "God" they don't owe THAT anything.  You should ask them when they get so riled up "Just what is it that You feel personally Threatened by?  That will keep them mentally tied up in knots a while.   I heard from one source that "Black people believe in a God who keeps moral record and to whom every man will have to give an accounting at the end of days.  But it is our job to have enough horse sense to take care of and mind our own affairs in the here and now".  If you had asked me back in the Sixties- - - I no doubt would have said something very much like this.  It would be in my best interest and play right into my hands if God did opperate in this way and that he was "keeping a moral balance ledger".  Rather- - as you know- - or even if you don't - - I think the most logical position to judge the afterlife- - cosmic or otherwise- - is to project the situation we NOW live in and extrapelate from there.  This is how the Star Trek people gets their plotlines, after all is just to extrapelate Earth Problems.  So I see it as a world of "Gangs" and you're in your Gang and I'm in mine, and your job is to be loyal to the Gang you call your own, and whom they call their own.  And it's the job of all of you in the Gang to show loyalty and solidarity.  I believe in moral pluralism, and there IS no "ultimate' right or wrong, much as that offends both You and Me.  It's just who's gang has the bigger stick or whatever.  Who is the better fighter?  It's Moral Pluralism at its best.  I know how that offends Born Again Christians, but let's face it.  These people are "Offended" by just about Everything- - - - Aren't They?

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