Thursday, July 03, 2014

More Unbelievable Hypocracy

Senator Bernie Sanders just said that the six biggest financial banking institutions have a combined wealth of nine trillion with a T - dollars,  This is the combined wealth of these Institutions is nearly three fifths of the National Debt.  Sanders reminds us these institutions are Bigger now than they were when the Bush-Obama administration bailed them out.  Further Sanders says you can forget about legislative prohibitions against big institution Bail Outs because this WILL happen when and if the next financial "bubble' occurs.  So I guess neither President Obama reassurances or any provisions of the Dodd Frank Bill mean absolutely nothing.   We then have Hobby Lobby- - which is heavily invested in all manner of Contraception and Abortion companies, including ones off shore.  They are up to their eyeballs in these investments yet they and people on the right have the audacity to claim that they would not soil their hands by having ANY thing to do with any drug Possible associated with Abortion.  John Fugelsang and Jackie remind us that technically a woman does not "Conceive" when a sperm furtelizes an ovum but rather when that zygote attatches itself to the uterine wall.  Because as Fugelsang reminds us "God is the biggest abortionist of all because nearly half of furtelized zygotes don't even inplant themselves in the womb but are flushed out.  I've heard that defective zygotes are more likely to be spontaniously aborted by nature.  Some have even said that ektopic pregnencies- -  cells don't even multiply and differentiate properly and so what is growing in there is not even "a baby" but some tumerous growth.  And of course we have all the goods from China that hobby lobby sells in their stores where China has forced government abortions.  So there is no "Pro Choice" movement in China.  And of course the first amendment was to separate Religion from Government.  The Affordable care act is a government program dealing with the legal relation between an employee and an employer, and there is nothing religious about it.  That issue is not even on the table.  Rush Limbaugh claimed that up to one million of the eight million who signed up for the Affordable Care act- - are illegal aliens and that some 85% or Most of the applications- - have "irreconsilable contradictions" in the application form that the government has No Intention of resolving but merely to pass they through as approved.  Again this bit of "news" (?) is a Rush Limbaugh exclusive.  I have heard it nowhere else.  But Rush and company lie about everything like accusing the Obama Administration of getting rid of the work requirement for welfare when they did no such thing back in July of 2012 and Romney was quick to make a false issue out of it in the campaign.  There were showing that "2016" movie in the summer of 2012 where it was claimed the government was "waiting till after the election" and then Obama was going to come and conthiscate all of our guns in private hands.  But now these "2016" movie people have a sequel out- - but before they do a sequel perhaps they better deal with all of the Outright Lies in the first movie- - such as the idea that the President is an "anti colonialist' and he got this from beliefs of his father in Kenya, whom he never knew.  And in the movie- none of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence were "Anti Colonialists" which is news to a lot of us.  The right is still continuing to talk endlessly about Acorn, a now defunct organization.  This is all because of some "set up" with a woman claiming to be a prostitute- - and ACORN did NOT believe the things this woman being interviewed was saying, but Rush and company portray it as somehow that some sting of this sot "outsmarted' Acorn and "Exposed" them.   It's wall to wall Lies with Rush Limbaugh and FOX news.

In terms of the Historic nature of the Bible- - there are so many things that "Hadn't happened yet" at the time the Bible was said to have been written.  For instance Nazareth was not even a city on any Roman map in the first century.   There is an early draft of Luke which omits the words "Where Jesus had been brought up" when it spoke of a visit to Nazareth. The city of Caupernaum- - - which Jesus said "would be thrown down to hell" is referring to an event early in the second century.  When Paul speaks of going to the "school of Tyanus" this is in reference to Apolonius of Tyannus- - who mad a cult following when he died just after the turn of the second century- - which believe he had ascended into heaven after forty days.  There are early drafts of the book of Luke which do NOT include Jesus ascending into heaven.  There is also a draft which portrays the "Transfiguration of Jesus" the disciples witnesses as some kind of a mass dream, because all of the disciples fell asleep.  There are reference to the Gospel of Christ "Being preached throughout the whole world".   Of course in the Bible it's reported that Jesus took the Adam and Eve story literally.  That is, that Adam and Eve were the first couple to occupy the earth, when Genisis itself makes references to their son Cain, traveling to other cities and settling there.   The strangest New Testament references are fawning all over Emperor Nero- - and Paul doesn't trust the Jewish Council but makes an appeal to Nero for justice!   Then there are post Biblical reference to Nero himself throwing Christians to the Lions in a Coloseum that would not be completed till twelve years after Nero died.  Besides Nero was too busy dealing with the emergency of the fire in Rome and dodging political assasins and fighting military battles- - to have the time to sit around just watching "entertainment' in a Coloseum that hadn't been built yet.  And just to return to St Peter's speech at Pentacost- - a very Jewish holiday celebrating Moses getting the Ten Commandments.  They didn't read from the Septuigent- - which translates passages very differently from the Hebrew version.  Peter did not speak Greek and his Hebrew may not be very gramatical since his native language was Aramiac, and so many would have trouble understand him to begin with.  We are to assume that it was some Billy Graham rally where three thousand came forward to accept Christ- - we would assume as a part of a larger of people who heard this address- - let's say it was ten thousand people.  Imagine speaking- - Outdoors- - to an assembly of ten thousand people without any kind of a Public Address system.   And of course Acts would have you to believe that St Paul "Did not spend three years in - - Arabia- - being personally instructed by Jesus" as Galations says.  If you think "Well can't you allow for a dozen or two inconsistencies - - ?"   No.  Because these fundamentalists have stated, and often, that if there is ONE inconsistency in scripture, then you can't trust it.

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