Friday, July 04, 2014

Is there a Danger of a World War over Ukraine Crisis?

The Ukrainian crisis is heating up again after Ukraine has decided to end this cease fire that was never a cease fire to begin with.  Now the RT news agency is accusing Ukraine of ethnic cleansing or some such nonesence, and claims to bring them up on charges before some international council.  Let them.  They’ll look completely stupid.  We are risking WW III if we continue to pursue rights for Ukraine according to a guest Thom Hartman had on his show yesterday.  Because apparently Putin “reserves the right to use tactical nuclear weapons” if he ever feels “threatened”, the same way George Zimmerman “felt threatened”.   Just as Zimmerman actively pursued Martin, so Putin, if he really wants peace, all he has to do is to stop the war.  When Putin’s encouragement of Russian insurgents inside Ukraine we’ll never know.  Some may argue that “President Obama wants to go to war”, which is a preposterous statement beyond belief, considering how he dealt with the Syrian crisis of last year.  President Obama is as passive as they come.  Meanwhile on another site- - it seems that Putin wants to show how “tolerant of dissent’ he is by allowing one outside woman to come in and be on Soviet news for all of one minute, expressing dissent against Putin’s policies.  But of course bottom line is Putin is an egomaniac, and that this broadcast was STRICTLY for foreign consumption to begin with.  Putin would not even show the academy awards Live in Russia because he feared some “politically incorrect speeches” might slip through.  And Putin would not air any broadcast of the Academy Awards before he went through and censored out offencive remarks.   Many sites just report the civil war (if you can call it that) in kind of a passive, impartial way.  The writer of George Washington’s blog would just as soon get us into a war involving nuclear weapons, it seems.  He has bought into this- - “showmanship” Vladimir Putin is famous for starting with the Olympics - - and continuing on.  At this point- - I just watched a thing on World War II and a squadron of P 38’s or whatever- - taking out this Japanese official traveling to “review the troops” on the Solomon Islands.  I think we now need such a determined approach against Putin, and work on an assassination squad to take Putin out.  Because to me it seems clear that Putin’s massive ego is what’s running the country and is the continuing source of tensions in the region.  With Putin removed- - I think a rational air of common sense pragmatism will take over, and we can work out a peace deal.  But it’s silly for Putin to say that he “Reserves the right to use Nukes” in a foreign country he invaded.  And please, don’t use our actions in Iraq the previous decade as any guide, because those actions were wrong, too.  I guess the best thing you can say about a blog post pumping out massive Russian propaganda is that the readers of such a post are not in power, and the Obama Administration will be in no way influenced by such dangerous- and one sided- - - I’d say - - hate propaganda.

The Declaration of Independence says that it’s the duty of the Government to derive it’s concent for such government from the people, and to respect the rights of and reflect the will and needs of the people.  And that when any government becomes Destructive of these Ends the people have the inherent right to alter or abolish such government and institute new government.  Clearly we have been oppressed by this unelected ‘Shadow Government’ called the Tea Party.  Democrats got more votes for House Members than Republicans, and yet won fewer seats.  It was back 45 years ago that we had the “One Man, One Vote’ decision and it would seem today that the situation we have is “Destructive of those ends” – the spirit behind that Supreme Court decision and that a new case needs to be filed, when and if Scelia either crokes, or decides on his own to step down from the bench, which is admittedly highly unlikely.  The Neo Cons don’t believe in small government.  The city of Detroit was not allowed the sovereign right to make its own economic decisions.  The Trans Pacific Partnership is not symptomatic of a “small government” that would never disrupt our economy or intrude into our private commerce.  And passing amendments saying that the United States is a “Christian nation” a mantra endlessly repeated by the Right Wing- - or that somehow ALL abortions, even to save the life of the mother, or a total ban on gay marriage, or an amendment mandating school prayer once again- - these are NOT what proponents of a limited government would do.  In the first place there is nothing more contrary to the spirit of Independence- - than a State Religion- - and listening to the rhetoric in this premisis today- - you’d think that “Everybody wants Christianity as the official state religion”.   And frankly, there are any number of beaurocratic rules we are all led around by on a short leash.  We have to jump through needless hooes at government offices of indifferent people, at best- - to make even minor business decisions.  If the Right Wing were as dedicated to limit government as they claim they would not view President Obama as this “Father Figure” who is responsible for every aspect of the US economy and if a thing goes wrong, then we know who to blame.   How utterly bewildering it is- - to have this economic disparity between rich and poor- - somehow tied to things President Obama has done- - and that somehow if President Obama were not in the White House- - all of these economic problems would go away.  People who believe in small government do NOT believe they are the ones who “Need to do all of our thinking for us”.  It’s the tea party that does that.  Small governments don’t carve out giant tax loopholes for businesses, or subsidize all sorts of businesses that shouldn’t be subsidized.

This paragraph is worth reading or I wouldn't post it. I went out for coffee in the courtyard and had one and two halves of a cup from Rico.  Clearly they weren’t planning an outdoor barbecue in an hour.  The thing began at 11:15 and it was clear it was one of those things that was going to go on forever.  Of course Marcia sang “Heroes’ and led the pledge of allegence- - and J W did his usual veteran rememberances- - and Vince said something silly.  He told of this guy from China visiting the United States.  One would have it it was just your “ordinary citizen”.  And yet after he leaves people from his home country ask “what is the most important thing you learned about the United States” and the guy said “Well, it was the importance of Religion.  America is a Christian country and it’s the religion that insures that the laws will be kept and order will reign in the streets, but without Christianity with its moral principles the constitution was founded upon, this would not be possible”.  Close quote.  Vince went on to lament how Americans can put this “lesson” into practice because we don’t allow prayer in schools or stadiums any more.  Of course two places where we still DO allow prayer and it occurs EVERY DAY is in Congress, and in the Supreme Court.  These are of course two of the most morally depraved and dysfunctional organizations we have in this country.   Teresa wasn’t there; I didn’t see her.  We had a woman in her wheel chair at our table who left at least half of her meat.  The bean soup wasn’t very good- for the second time in a row.  It was an unprocessed bean flavor.  The carne assada was as I thought it would be, flavorful, but perhaps overdone.  There was rice and some avocado and other fixings stuff to put in some sort of a burrito.  Some of the meat was tougher than other parts of it.  The rice was OK but not great.  We had some kind of a cherry and whipped cream short cake thingy.  They showed that thing on WW II and Glen agreed with me that the volume was cranked up to ear splitting proportions.  Just as I was leaving Bruce began singing “Adelwise”.  But hey you know, Bruce sings that song from his heart.  Somebody on a Free Speech program remarked that he likes to go to FOX news to watch Sean Hannity so he can hear his show in the original German.  I am surprised that NBC is having their noon news rather than Wimbelton, which frankly, I was fully expecting them to have yesterday, too.

There was a parade in Huntington Beach I caught a little of before lunch.  But it wasn’t headed west tword the ocean, or even southward, but eastward.  You could tell by the sun angle.  Now Days of our Lives is actually starting, right on time.  I was reading postings in the next blog I’ll hit “Wheels of Retrobution” and there is a lot of good stuff in the recent postings there.  We were talking about discontinuity of the plot line. As we left yesterday’s episode on “Days” EJ was in prison and learned that he might not make bail, and that he would miss an important board meeting where his Father reigns supreme.  Stephano appears to have disappeared from gracing us with his presence on this show- - and we don’t have the foggiest notion what he’s thinking today or his marriage plans, if he has any, with Kate- - and that idea was hyped in a promo weeks ago but the never followed through.  We were given the impression that Mr. and Mrs. Di Mira would be Lords of the Manner at the mansion on the lake.  But now apparently Samantha can break into Stephano’s secret vault and remove any item she want to – any time she wants and Stephano has no security system of any kind to alert him it’s being done.  We are to believe that EJ spent an uneventful night in jail- - and didn’t make any phone calls or anything.  We are to assume that Hope- - having doubts it was Stephano who tipped off the authorities about needed evidence to bust EJ- - that suddenly Hope- - - after “having this thought occur to her” did nothing with it, and now the whole cast is off having a picnic on the Fourth of July.  Which means of course that JJ’s graduation ceremony- - took place on July 3rd.   Which also means the Di Mira wedding planned for “May” took place on July 3rd.   Just maybe some time these writers of the series can remember what they had on the TV the day before.  You know some of these “Holliday filler episodes” make me wish there were tennis on instead.

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