Friday, September 26, 2014

AG Eric Holder Steps Down - Thanks for Nothing

 Right now Bill Press is discussing President Obama and the retirement of Attorney General Eric Holder and I’m happy to see that Bill Press agrees with me because Holder was an ineffective cabinet post among so many ineffective cabinet posts.  The only areas where Holder was aggressive is hasseling Arizona law enforcement- - and going after reporters and whistle blowers.  He not only gave the Bush and Chaney war crimes a pass- - and all CIA people suspected of mistreating prisoners a pass, but most importantly of all the President gave all the Wall Street crooks a pass.  The President claimed to have done prosecutions in the banking area but almost universally I’ve heard that none of the big people went to jail.  There was a 6.2 earthquake in Alaska near Anchorage yesterday that shook a political headquarters. 

Let’s talk about police relations and incidents a little.  The Ferguson police chief stated that the body was left out on the street for hours “because we wanted to make sure all of the paper work was in order”.  But no ambulance was ever called and no witnesses were even questioned.  Now we have a case where an officer stops a man for failure to fasten his seat belt, and the guy gets out of the car when ordered to by the officer.  The officer asks for ID and he says “The wallet is in my car” and turns to get it and on the video the officer screams something unintelligible at him and then fires his gun - - four times a split second later.  The man survived and will live to tell his side.  Meanwhile that Highway Patrol incident of a Black woman being beaten with nine blows - - was settled out of court for a million dollars.  The officer did not admit any guilt and is permitted to resign with full pension.  Then there is the case in Ohio of this guy in a Wall Mart picking up a toy gun in the store and being killed by an officer.  They just announced that this man will not be charged.  Those seem the rules of the game.  I’d like the chance to ask any officer, “Why don’t you wait till you actually SEE the gun before you start shooting in these cases”.   I may be told “It’s officer safety”.  Then I’d make a simple comment to the officer or group “You people don’t place a very high value on human, life, do you”.

Now they are saying that the United States has dropped more bombs on ISIS in Iraq and Syria in the past two days since the latest campaign- - than in the foregoing six weeks combined, or whatever.  I was unable to find President Obama’s UN address on terror on You Tube, or on C-Span.   It does seem that Sean Hannity is wrong, though.  He said “bombing is useless unless you can get boots on the ground to secure and consolidate the territory”.  But in reality we have accomplished quite a bit in the past few days.  We have wiped out their refineries and oil fields so they don’t have that source of revenue they were relying on.  In short they have been “degraded”.  Now people in the FBI  say they have identified the British guy who did the first three beheadings by the desert landmarks and eyes and hands.  They even attempted a face composite.  I feel like a complete idiot even attempting blog posts these days as though people read them.   Britain has just voted to go to war against ISIS.  Meanwhile the United States will still have ten thousand troops remaining Afghanistan, according to Norman Goldman.

Wisconsin has successfully taken 300,300 people off the voter ID rolls.  But it just isn’t photo ID that’s the problem.  There is some “Wisconsin militia” unofficially enforcing these voter restrictions. Who are they?  First of all it’s no secret that these people have admitted that they are doing all these measures to keep progressive voting down.  But they do so many other things.  They limit the dept of motor vehicles to three days a week and cut back the hours.  Or they will farm out the production of the licenses to “California” to insure that it takes a maximum amount of time to arrive in the mail, perhaps when it’s too late to register.  People in North and South Dakota and Wyoming and have a problem with “registration” and even do it the same day.  But they don’t have a “liberal problem” in these states.  They change the precincts to make them cover a lot more people in the poorer communities.  They make it hard for the elderly or the blind or people in wheel chairs to get transportation.    Illegal aliens would not try to vote illegally because they’d make themselves an instant target for investigation.  In fact individual voter qualification fraud is and has been almost nonexistent.   Justice Reinquist used to stand in polling stations in high concentration Latino areas just to scare away voters in line.  But when one time in Ohio three black people from “the new Black panther” party with Billy-clubs stood to protect voting of Blacks - - this was a major intimidation and FOX news has gone on and on about “The new Black panther party” ever since.  They redraw congressional district lines to get two liberal democrats or minority house members running against each other in the same district now.   Try as I might – I can’t even pretend to think like a tea party person.

Mike Papentonio had a lot of stuff on Californian Proposition 46.  First of all nobody wants there to be more malpractice suits.  We would like to see much fewer of them.  But to do that we need to get rid of the bad doctors.  So we need to drug test these doctors.  And we also need a drug database coordinated with law enforcement where all parties can check to see how many of these “drug pushing doctors” are in opporation that will write a prescription for anything at the drop of a hat.  I guess California is getting as bad as Florida, which is the undisputed capital of the “pill doctors”.   But just as significantly- - all plantiffs are asking for is to have the dollar limit of their malpractice suits have the dollar buying power that they had in 1978 when the award limiting cap law was put in place.  Is that so awful.  So the question is asked “Why pays?”  It SHOULD be the doctor.  Why should WE give up OUR rights to our day in court and attorneys won’t even take cases if the bottom line isn’t high enough - - why should innocent patients be put at risk to subsidize- - - malpractice insurance?   I don’t even know why they should even INSURE a doctor who keeps having these cases.  Ordenary people are denied insurance if the risk is too high - - like living in a hurricane zone.  These doctors themselves are responsible for their torts.  They are the one whose responsibility it is to pay up – not us.  I don’t see why they just don’t revoke the medical licenses of repeat offender doctors.   Of course when they don’t run a single add FOR proposition 46 the debate tends to be a little lopsided.

 I had Sean Hannity on till eight to three and he was going on about how many jobs there were in Pennsylvania - - with fracking natural gas, but they don’t allow it in New York “which is languishing”.   Now they are saying if you’re willing to relocate you’ll be paid top dollar of forty or fifty thousand dollars.  Maybe I’m a little rusty in my math but the last time Hannity said you could earn a starting salary of eighty thousand straight out of high school.

These days it’s the Jihad dating game because “ISIS Wants Women” and you too can marry a terrorist.  Seriously!  “Where do you see yourself in five years?”  “Dead”.   “Good answer”.   Now there is a lengthly letter from Islamic clerics quoting from the Koran saying that “To take an innocent life is to murder the entire race”, or something.  I set a record yesterday for fewness of cigarettes I’m pretty sure.  From eleven o clock on I had only two cigarettes the entire rest of the day.  I did get a long butt from Gary at seven and I had one from somebody just after dinner and got white one from Richard more just after seven- - and was so happy to have received it I saved it till ten to eight during Wheel of Fortune.  I had it as my abiding goal not to use my debit card till this morning when among other things I could get fresh brewed coffee with it at the store.   After this it was the “Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals” but the plots of these two shows have a way of becoming almost cartoonish - - with a lot of fire and fury.

 Apparently the owner of the Clippers is banishing apple products with their phones that bend- - for “Surface” by Microsoft.  The Federation has been very quiet about its opinion of Bill Gates and Microsoft- - only that - - the Federation is not instrumental in Seatle’s left wing politics or fifteen dollar minimum wages.  On the other hand of course - - if you are talking about Nevada, all but Idaho and a lot of Utah, well we’re right there.  You can’t therefore necessarily conclude that “troops on the ground” translates to politics.  Just so you know – when the Federation  refers to “909’ers” they refer to the San Gabriel Valley up to but not including El Monte- - and the whole western part of San Barnadino county for places like Ontario, Fontana and Cucamonga.   The 909ers also consist of Reigel VI and the Detroit Romulans, too and the common denominator is Auto Racing and places like the Rout 66 conclave. 

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