Monday, October 06, 2014

Gay Marriage Now Legal in Virginia and Four Other States

This is Monday October 6, 2014 and so since it’s the first Monday of the month the supreme court must be back in session.  So what have we learned so far.  Well in a major non decision decision, the Supreme Court announced it was refusing to hear any cases involving gay rights in state marriage laws.  On the face of it this is an insane “ruling” because the inference is that “this issue just is not important or relevant enough for our times”.  What we know is that the number of cases the Supreme Court decides to hear keeps steadily dropping from what it was twenty or thirty years ago.  But it’s another case of “even when you make no decision, you still have made a choice”.  Because now gay marriages were just made legal in five states where they weren’t before.  These states are Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Utah.  This now makes a total of 24 states where it is perfectly legal for gay people to marry.  There were seven separate cases pending where there was a lower court ruling on gay marriage, and in every one of those cases, the circuit courts had ruled in favor of gay marriage.  But these decisions were “stayed” pending a response by the Supreme Court.  Now that the court has “acted” these “stays” will soon be “vacated’ and gay marriage may not only become legal in these five states, but perhaps in six more including Colorado.  But they say that these rulings may not be carried out because “county clerks still have the discretion whether or not to grant marriage licenses to just anybody who applies”.   And don’t assume that your job is safe in these five states if you’re gay whether marriage is legal or not.   That truly is a case of the Devil being in the details.

The right wing has to get used to this and other 'cultural shock" such as the demographic time-bomb on things like custom, age, ethnic make-up and the like.  So in terms of politics it’s another reminder that we have moved into the 21st century.  It would seem that poll numbers for Democrats being elected have turned more optimistic.  In Kansas that Pat Robertson guy is now fully ten points below his “independent’ rival in that governor’s race.  Even if that independent candidate hasn’t decided which party he’ll caucus with- - judging from the charges made at him by the tea party establishment that runs the Republican Party now about being pro Obama,  human nature dictates that you don’t ally yourself with people who call you names and just tried to defeat you.  But there are other red states with economic problems caused by republican governors that might flip democratic next month.  I guess Mary Landreau of Louisiana has risen in the latest polls against her rival.  And Clair Mc Haskell of North Carolina, the reigning democrat, is doing much better there.  Udall of Colorado is still in a dead heat with his Republican rival.   I would consider it a major victory if Scott Walker of Wisconsin went down and this is still a possibility.  But it’s so strange in a period when we are at war and people usually rally around a sitting President, and in an era when the economic news continues to improve- - and Health Care news is not a negative factor- - that the democrats would still be in such political trouble.  Also it’s strange because usually it’s a “blue dog” democrat running against a far right republican opponent.

Yesterday afternoon I was watching more of these economic “tutoring” tapes- - containing chapters.  In terms of this whole idea of “Monetezation of the debt” here’s a better explanation of how it works.  This buying up of bad debts- - bonds and such, is something that until Obama became President was seldom done.  Normally they inform me that about one trillion dollars is kept in circulation.  But now the Feds have boosted this figure to the spike of four trillion.  That’s like waking up and finding three trillion with a T dollars suddenly electronicly wired into your account.  Apparently the Fed has the power then to quadruple the amount of money in circulation and have it have No effect on either economic growth or inflation.  The only possible way the average person can benefit from it is to buy financial instruments mainly common stocks.  So your profits are courtesy the Federal Reserve who are bank rolling this bull market, and needless to say, could pull the plug at any time.  But you ask, where does that four trillion go?   Well the strange thing is that the Fed does something that would be patently illegal in the stock market.  They ANNOUNCE they are going to buy up debt instruments ahead of time and the other Banks engage in something called “Front Running”, which isn’t some kind of illegal drug deal or a new football play.  No.  Front running is going ahead of the Fed and buying up these debt instruments such as Bonds and such from other financial institutions ahead of the Fed acting on it, knowing you have a locked in, guaranteed profit.  In stock market lingo this would be acting in Inside Information.  Ordinarily you’d go to jail for that.   In this way the wealth gets “spread around” to all of the big Banks and not just the bank who sold the bad debt instruments to the Federal Reserve.  But of course the Fed with an extra three trillion has “cornered the market” and their OWN actions now makes these bonds and other debt instruments more valuable on the open market.  So it would seem to me the logical thing to do would be to STOP this practice, or better yet announce you’re going to do it and then NOT DO IT, and repeat this several times each time apologizing more profusely than the last- - till no Bank will believe a thing you say and won’t base Their financial decisions on what YOU say.  But the other obvious measure that comes to mind is a Wealth Tax by which this “windfall profit” is taxed and then distributed to the rest of us- - the other 95% who don’t own a lot of stocks and bonds.  This is not “stealing wealth from the rich” because nobody ever EARNED it.  Nothing was Produced or Created in order to get it.  Capish?   In the process people who do hold T Bills out there on Main Street- - just might get something for their investment.

There is this Moslem holy day called the Hoj, or the Hodge or something where they make this annual pilgrimage to Mecca to do sacrifices of animals, like we saw in that film in Dr Levy’s class.  I believe this was the holiday being celebrated when Malcolm X had this epiphany about all the races working in harmony and changed his position on race.   This is a commemoration of the time Abraham offered his son Isaac up for sacrifice (burnt offering) on Mount Moriah.   This event is not even celebrated anywhere on the Jewish calendar of holy days, or that’s my understanding.  But then again the Moslems celebrate Jesus as a prophet.  It’s too bad the tea party doesn’t recognize Jesus as a man of God, and in that way, they might listen to and heed what Jesus says.

Let me speak again on the topic of forgiveness.  If a President pardons you, or a utility company decides to just wipe out all the outstanding debit owed to them, have they or have they not made some sort of “judgement”.  Yes.  They have ajouticated the case in your favor and declared you innocent of “iniquity”.   So when Jesus tells us all “Do not judge”, can’t it by inference be taken to mean “do not forgive”.  Because you may not have the means or even a thing called “standing” to forgive.  What if the sin is aimed at you but God comes along and states “No- - one tenth of the sin is against You but the other nine tenths of the sin is against Me”.  Then only God can forgive that nine-tenths.  But also- - - this is a tricky point of law- - how can you forgive someone - - a million dollars in debt when you yourself have less than a quarter million in “equity” yourself?   Or - for instance what if you are insane at the time you grant said forgiveness?   One could argue that you were not competent to forgive.  Let’s put this another way.  Suppose both you and your friend, the one you forgive- - owe in common to some third party.   He borrowed from you to pay some of his debt - - - but you pay him in I O U’s given to you by other people you counted as assets that didn’t pan out.  Do you see?  Can you come back and say “Oh I forgave him so he’s not guilty”.   Or look at it this way.  You have a polluted well and a gunman comes to you and says “Give me water from that well”.  You say “sure, fine”.  You “let him have your way” but you can’t help it is the water either of you drinks from that well is bad- - and now your gunman friend gets sick from drinking it.

I am puzzled why Vice President Joe Byden is criticized for speaking the truth.  Because both Turkey and the UAE gave massive funding to ISIS to help fight Assad, and people in this country favored that at the time.  We were told it was more statesman-like than giving military aid to the moderates in Syria directly.  Now Joe Byden is told by the White House that he made a diplomatic boo-boo in saying this.  So few of these gaffs by the Vice President are what I’d call really gaffs, but most are just media hysteria.  The smartest thing we could do not is just let ISIS fight it out with the Assad forces.  I haven’t forgotten that dire warning from my friends on “the other side” that somehow dire things would happen if we crossed the invisible line and did bombing in Syria.  The Republicans continue to call this a “show stunt’ war only for the benefit of getting the President’s polling numbers up before next month’s congressional election.  The President will be making another of his endless money raising trips to Los Angeles soon.

They have exposed part of the anti proposition 46 fraud here in Los Angeles.  Because this supposedly "unstable data base" vulnerable to hackers- - is in fact a very secure State run data base that has never been hacked in the six years it's been around, unlike Chase Bank, in which millions upon millions of accounts were hacked, fortunately not mine.  They also said that proposition 46 will save money according to some impartial state economic analysis comission.  The anti proposition 46 would have you to believe just the opposite.  By getting bad doctors out of the system FEWER cases of malpractice should occur from what there otherwise would be.

If we were going to talk about "what is morally upright and honest" then in fact there would be NO paying illegal aliens under the table and letting those people off, employer and employee alike without paying their owed taxes.  In this way the rest of people who do pay their taxes, would not have to pay so much for the same government services.  Also if you're into the free market, if you are establishing what a "Free market" would be, it would be what you'd have to pay people to do the same back bending work, with NO help from illegal aliens.  They drive down the wage base.  A fair figure for base wage would be whatever it would take to fill the positions using NO illegals at ALL.  Comprende?

There was a firey car crash in Irvine and five teenagers were killed.  The lone survivor was a sixteen year old without even a learners permit driving a relative’s car.  He is in critical condition.  The other five teenagers seem to range younger than the driver being in the eighth and ninth grades in many cases.  Meanwhile there was a beating of a former LAPD police officer outside Angel Stadium.  Alcohol seems to be involved.  Unlike that car creash of teenagers last year whom I got a Reigel VI vibe of a "good death' - I'm not picking up any cosmic vibes from this one.

Once upon a time in April of 1975 there was a man who was looking forward to coming home after his state of - - internment.   His parents said he could come and live at home again - - and pay rent.  Then Bones appeared to him fresh from the dog pound and had a savy word of advice for him.  He said “Paying $950.00 for a lousy apartment in the house of the LORD is better than getting free rent from Satan for a luxury suite.  But then Bones in a moment of “mia copa” said “Of course I’m not good at taking my own advice because I looked and exclaimed “Behold - my deliverance cometh”.   (Selah)

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Why Is Pat Buchannon a "Red" Sympathiser Noww?

I watched the Mc Laughlin report.  The thing on Hong Kong infuriated me because now Pat Buchannon not only kiddies up to Putin but also this Chinese leader peddling the same paranoid crap about how the US should mussel its free speech about Hong Kong, even if we are COMPLETELY right and justified in our feelings like the agreement of 1997 was grievously violated.   They don’t care.  They think they can get away with it and pull off another Tienimin Square and once again get away with it in world opinion.  There was also a thing on the Indian economy.  Pat was sounding a little “Red” in that segment too saying that we should not pursue an alliance with India and have no reason to, but should rather go with tried and true nations we can trust such as Red China and the Soviet Union.  There was a middle segment on the secret service.  That “elevator incident” is disturbing indeed.  (Selah)   Oh, and I changed the calendar page to October and Yom Kuppur is today, which explains something.   Let me also say that I told James on the back benches afterward when it had gotten dark, that if Pat Buchannon were any member of my Cabinet I would fire him if he'd made statements to the media that he made on the Mc Laughlin group.  Nobody likes a defeatist, who is a propagandist for the other side!

I'm Puzzled and a little troubled about the secretiveness of President Obama's meeting with Governor Quinn of Illinois.  I've heard from the ads on WCPT that Rouner, the Republican is really bad and would be a disaster for the state.  It's strange that in 2012 that Governor Christie and Obama were so public about being seen together - a real love fest- - but I'm wondering who in the media made the decision to play down the visit?  And it seems that Obama- - is behaving much like Christie during the Romney campaign - - in that he'd much rather talk about Himself than the man he's supposed to be campaigning for.  Perhaps instead of watching Greg Laurie on TV at churches, we should all hold a Prayer Rally for Governor Quinn.

Last night on line I watched that George Washington’s blog video put out by that Occupy Wall Street guy, and this is the person who wrote the book “The Economics of Resolution” but I dispute his fantastic figures about how wealthy the rich really are saying the rich have stored away assets in excess of fifty million and that each American could get a guaranteed annual check of $72,000 with no problem.  America as an agrigate has never been richer but vast numbers of consumers are slated to join the ranks of the “broke” because if se weren’t living on vast amounts of personal debts- - a lot more would be poor and unable to maintain their middle class life style.  I understand better now why people like Judy were so freaked out by the “Occupy Wall Street” people, because the economic politics is radical.  But before this I had Free Speech TV and Mike Papentonio was talking about just about the same thing.  There is some quote of a 1930’s economist saying “The media is the message and creates this major pathology of group think.  We are a brainwashed society”.  As I have said applying to Christianity “The media teaches us what questions NEVER to ask ourselves”.  Norman Goldman would have us all, and particularly Blacks, to believe it’s merely a question of “bitterness” as though- - it’s somehow “all in the past” and if we can just take some drug to make us forget about how completely BAD the electoral outlook out there and how the Republicans with citizen’s united and all have a lock on the thing with all the politicians in place – under their direct control - - and that basically - - it’s a question of “just be a good citizen and get involved and vote”.   That’s like telling a person with a mouth full of rotting teeth “Oh just change your brand of toothpaste”.   No.  The Black, the poor, the students, the elderly - - have basically three choices.  They can retreat into a shell or just “hide from the world” or move to Costa Rica like Randy Rhodes did.  This is the “running away” option.  Or they can pray to God or some outside entity with more POWER than they have to somehow appeal to this Entity to “bail them out”.  The other choice is to Fight by any means- up to and not excluding violence, like Nelson Mandella believed and successfully put into practice to liberate South Africa.

I have Face the Nation on right now a few minutes later and Netenyahoo is speaking now.  Pat Buchannon’s rather dismissive views on the Israeli Prime Minister are- interesting.  All of us want to know what the “threatened” nation of Israel plans to do about ISIS themselves.  But he went into his Darth Vader mode when asked about ISIS saying “There are things we don’t discuss on TV, even on Face the Nation”.  Netenyahoo says that Iran is far more dangerous because they have a lot more spendable “assets” to keep any war going. He thinks the current leader of Iran is “smooth talking” but there are too many centrifuges ready to start up again.  As upsetting as it is to Sean Hannity, Netenyahoo says he has a “good working relationship with President Obama”.  Of course we know Israel resented the flight restrictions into Israel during the crisis of last summer.  But Sean Hannity says “I flew into Israel during that period and I felt quite safe”.  Did Sean hear what he just said?  He said that during the height of the so called “terror” Sean Hannity didn’t feel threatened, nor apparently did he think ANY American should have felt threatened to the Gaza Hamas bombings.  Capish?  They spent several segments on the Ebola crisis kind of minimizing it- - in my opinion.  The new leader of Afghanistan says he’s going to have a balanced government, where the opposition gets a fair voice in the affairs of state.  Apparently the newly elected leader is India is a “promising political figure”.

The name of this file is commitment.   On the Jesus Christ show- - the topic of today was “reliability”.   “Behold I give you a new commandment – that you preach the Faith only to those with a proven reliability track record- that the word be reliably passed on to others.  Like all that stuff with its incessant music hype- the topic was a major joke.  Once Fred Price complained that when your boss promises you a raise, you go around telling your friends, “I got the raise” but when a Preacher preaches scripture- - now you suddenly have all sorts of problems with believing him.  Why is that?” Pastor Price asks.  Why indeed?   But once again we have a problem.  Jesus referred to his producer Neil in the third person.  That is a lie.  And we are to presume that Jesus watches movies in his spare time.  Also in all my years of Bible study I have never before heard that we restrict our “good news” to those who are “reliable”.  Of course John Mac Arthur as you know has criticized “seeker friendly Churches” as though a “good” church was NOT “seeker friendly”.   I’m wondering “Is that a RELIABLE spreading of God’s word?  In terms of taking oaths- there is a simple reason for it.  It’s the same reason why barbers have licenses or that you be asked about your financial equity when you go in for a lone.  It’s not that we doubt your honesty- - but it’s to “keep you honest” you know- - like a vaccination is a precaution against a disease, not that you’re going to get it.  It’s like the financial regulations we used to have on Wall Street.  I would rather have someone state a promise to me- - with some sort of track record or proof to back it up - - some “surety” if you will- - than do what a lot of people to is that when they’re lying they double down on the big promises- - and then come the accusations of  “how dare you not believe me?”  I guess an evangelist wouldn’t know anything about that- - would he?   Otherwise I got up before five thirty and took a long shower.  I’d had these rather paranoid dreams I’d rather not go into.  Then I went out back and ran into Paul who gave me a white cigarette and I told him all about this stopping smoking saga.  Then I went to the back TV room and watched this movie about this leader in Africa and this young, bright boy - - and of course lots of ads.  Right now KNBC is on- and it’s getting light outside.

There are a few things on a personal note I'd like to mention.   First of all we are at the 72 hour mark of when I made my decision not to buy any more cigarettes, and I have stuck with that.  For perspective I had about ten in the pack at the time and was slated to give Glen four for instant coffee you make up in the sink with dubious hot water.   Since then I haven't bought any cigarettes.  So I have stuck with my commitment.   The Rapture is scheduled to take place in six days.  October 9th is the Jewish holiday of Sukkoth, which refers to the Harvest, and it's also John Lennon's birthday.  And of course there is a Harvest crusade going on at this moment (this is a little before five) and Churches can see it on a Live video feed.  And then there is a remake and release of the movie "Left Behind" the Tim Lehey project.  Or as they say in Springfield, "Left Below".   The weather cooled to tollerable today, which we are grateful for.  It's usually about day five that I run into "internal resistance" and give up on my anti smoking campaigns.  So far I'm basically on track, but I'm wary enough to know that the biggest psychological hurdle is a couple of days out, irrespective of what it says in the "You Can Quit Cold Turkey" anti smoking books.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Unemployment Rate Falls to 5.9%

The national unemployment rate for August was 5.9%, which is the lowest overall unemployment since July of 2008 before the crash.  248,000 jobs were added last month.  However there are still three million longtime unemployed for over six months.  The unemployment for whites is 5.1% but the unemployment for Blacks is 11%.   35,000 jobs were added in the retail sector, which is good.  Construction is doing well. What is completely strange about the good unemployment news is that- - like with health care- - good news is completely dismissed.  There was a thing on KOCE last night where people in Colorado didn’t like this Republican candidate for governor, Gardner guy’s stance of the social issues- - and Udall, Democrat seeking reelection - - is reminding women that the Republicans are extreme on women’s issues because it worked four years ago in another statewide Colorado race.  But now Gardner is responding “Oh- - we Republicans have flip flopped now on social issues.  We’re for over the counter birth control pills.  Udall should get with the times.  Besides- - - even though our state is a full point below the national average in unemployment- which itself is down- - we know there is a lot of discontent with the economy in Colorado-- - - so if you don’t like the economy over the past six years- - vote for me”.   This would presume that Governor Udall somehow is wholly responsible for the bad economy or the loss of purchasing power over the last six years.  I’ve heard logic like this before from the TV talking heads- - and it completely baffles me how good economic news can be dismissed by the republicans running for office.  They are perfectly willing to blame President Obama and the democrats by association for bad economic news- - but none of the credit for good news.   Ed Schultz reminds us that if they were as forgiving of accumulated student debt as they were forthcoming with the TARP funds for the big financial institutions you'd see all sorts of growth in this economy.  I'm not suggesting they go anywhere near that far.  But certainly cutting interest rates in half would be a good thing, and if per chance they could make that interest rate cut retroactive, that would be even better.

In terms of Republicans running- - it was pointed out that the ghosts from the past are all for a hike in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.  Keep in mind to get back to where we were in 1968, or 46 years ago we would have to go to at least $10.40.    Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlente of Minisota are for a minimum wage hike as are Phyllis Schlaffley and Rick Santorum.  There was a strange roundtable on “Hardball” saying “Given the political climate of the party now it would be impossible for someone as liberal as Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush to ever get nominated again”.  Now we hear Lindsey Graham is running.   Mitt Romney has gone from ten or twelve “No”s in a denial latter in January- - to last month saying that running again was a definite possibility.  Barbra Bush says “America doesn’t want any more bushes in the white house” but George W stated recently that his brother (secretly) wants to run for President.  But as it was pointed out - - three centrists running in a party of Looney Tunes is probably too many.

This is Saturday October 4, 2014 and the third day of this extreme heat wave.  Yesterday on October 3rd of 1987 they say it got up to 108 that weekend, and that would have been a Saturday.  No need to tell you the problems with Frank Olson were “heating up” that weekend.  But with those events in mind, I could say I felt betrayed by Pastor Mark and my brother for being “in communacado” during this period, but pastor Don also.  I had sent Pastor Don a letter expressing my concerns about recent relations with housemates and notably Frank, and Pastor Don just blew me off that Sunday at church, and I’m not sure why.  October 4th is also the 44th anniversary, we are reminded by “rewind” on KNX, of Janis Joplin’s death in1970.  I always know Hendrix’s death date, but was more fuzzy on hers.  I have had contact with neither of them in the afterlife, if you’re wondering.  Nancy Bell gave me my lone cigarette of the day so far around six this morning with a Phlly, she claims she wasn’t want back, or even monetary payment.  Yesterday in the morning there was a great sunrise with blotchy firey clouds, but I knew if I got my camera and came all the way up and down stairs- it would be gone by then.  I got my anti-biotic from Christian at the med room- - and this is the first one.  The Lamisil seems also to be kicking in with my fungal infection, and I hope the two medications don’t interact adversely with each other.   I sat in the front room briefly before heading out for the store and I got a dollar coffee from that other lady. We had Raison Bran for breakfast followed by a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly.   On the Chris Matthews show there was raised the question in Parliament whether the fourth ISIS beheadings was influencing war policy.  Unquestionably the ISIS beheadings are very much shaping our bombing policy.  I highly doubt that were it not for these four beheadings of two Brits and two Americans we would be over there now.  I thought ISIS had already beheaded two Brits and not just one- - so it’s another case of “early warming” or my “knowledge of something” preceded the actual fact of it.  Rocky Mountain Mike from the Stephanie show’s latest song is “E-Bo-L-A” “Bo-la” as an Ebola parody.  They say now that major quarantines have an “inconsistent” record of effectiveness.  Sean Hannity states that the Primary purpose of the center for disease control is to contain NOT the disease but to prevent widespread panic.  I hope to God that Sean is wrong in this assertion.  We are in money green for this file.  Bill is continuing his practice of remaining out of the room for long periods.

Sarah was the one who took me and I reminded her not to make that right on Katella but to cross the street first.  The lady said I didn’t have to sign in.  It was hotter in the office than it was outside at that time.  There was much less of a Santa Ana wind today- - - and again the dawn was quite cool.  I had a deep cleaning this time on the left side of my mouth with anesthesia.  Then Dr Bowie did that filling- - but even now that tooth still feels “irregular”.  Dr Bowie said that filling could well break again, which wasn’t encouraging.  She did some kind of “dental irrigation”.  The hygienist put medicine on my now cleaner gums to kill germs.  I was prescribed Tylenol No 3 for pain, and also an anti-biotic for infection, which is something I had been concerned about.  I finished up about a quarter after ten but wasn’t picked up by Sarah till ten after eleven.  I did a “sliding two hundred dollar fleece” I won, not that it proves anything.  In the van were Bruce and Lisha and Vince and one other person.  Sarah was taking them to Shakey’s Pizza on Harbor just north of Ball.  But she got out of the van and left me there to stew in the hot air for ten minutes or longer and I wondered what was up.  I complained to her and Sarah didn’t take that complaint very well.  Then we went to that Scott Thayer medical building north of Euclid and Crescent.  That one has outdoor elevators or something, like a high security place.  Phyllis was waiting there in the hot sun and she too complained to Sarah.  Sarah went into an even longer dialog.  The thing is – Sarah said to save meals for Me and Phyllis- - but only one meal was saved and Phyllis was eating it meaning the burrito and soup.  The only things I got were mixed melon and a cup of coffee.  Phyllis kindly gave me almost all of her burrito, and also her soup, which I was happy to have.  On the plus side I was still numb three hours later- - but would have been even number two hours later at the regular lunch hour.  Then we came home and I finally got to rinse my mouth out because they are so tight these days- - they don’t even give you mouthwash when you’re done, and I had used up my mouthwash here yesterday- - after a frenzy of ten days of steady usage.  John Black now remembers clearly that it was Teresa who conked him over the head with a poker- - and Christine and Teresa are going to have a bitch on bitch confrontation.  Victor gave E J some money he had “earned” and reminded E J that Stephano was going to move heaven and earth to keep him from accessing Di Mira funds.  I went out and got two cups of iced tea in the courtyard.  I guessed that it was in the high nineties out.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Lies My FOX News Mentors Told Me

It’s strange the way governor Rick Perry has played this whole Ebola outbreak in his state.  If the same thing had happened here in California you know well that the ads would be all over the place how ‘Jerry Brown’s leadership has failed- and now there is Ebola in California”.  But of course there is this “red state donut hole” where if you make above a certain amount with a crappy job- - which is all you can get in Texas these days-  - a $7.50 hour job - - then you are too rich to get one kind of medic-aid.  Of course 25% of the good people of Texas have no medical insurance at all.  But you can’t afford anything connected with Obama Care assuming these red state governors would even allow that.  Now they are going the term of E-bama-bola” or some such thing.  They are saying “This Ebola virus comes from Obama’s African roots” even though Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana - - aren’t anywhere near Kenya, if that’s what they’re driving at.  These people on FOX news aren’t even TRYING to make sense these days- - but are almost entirely driven by the political cliché and catch phrase, as though the audience were already conditioned in Pavlovian fashion how to emotionally respond. 

A health and disease expert on the Sean Hannity show states that this Ebola virus outbreak now is NOT the horrible Ebola we first heard about thirty years ago.  That one was a death sentence because it was an airborne virus and also “turned your whole body to Jell-O within two days.  It sounds like a horrible way to go.  But you just bleed our of every orifice and undergo massive hemorrhaging all within the body.   This virus is the Marstin virus- - or maybe it’s Marvins or something.  You can’t truly even call it a “strain” of Ebola.  But the doctor reminds us that these viruses mutate constantly within days and are an imminent threat.  Sean let the other two male and two females of his staff weigh in with their opinions on this.  Sean also praised Howard Stern- - who is such a vile, disgusting individual on so many levels.

 Last night I looked up the Carter and Reagan Presidential debate, which didn’t happen till late October of 1980.  What is adverse about that is that Jimmy Carter was reluctant to debate at all that year, and his poll numbers were only two or three down before the debate, but of course after this lone debate it was a Reagan landslide.  But outright lies were told by Ronald Reagan this night daring to claim that he’s “always been for medicare” and yet there is enough document film to fill the Smithsonian of Ronald Reagan going on at length about “all the bills they’ve tried to get through” and how Ronald Reagan opposed every one of them and repeatedly referred to the whole concept as “Socialized Medicine”.   But we have another case on TV ads as a case of outright lying.  This pertains to Proposition 45.  As you know we have been deluged with these No on 45 ads and all of them say “Don’t let one politician being able to overrule insurance regulation in the state of California” and they also add in that “This leader is heavily influenced by political contributions”.  Nobody wants a cook to overrule government regulations of insurance.  Well then I hear Jackie on Stephanie’s show this morning saying that all of the progressives were for Yes on 45.  It seems it’s health insurance regulation of a similar kind to what was done with auto insurance rates with the old Prop 103.  In that election there was a proposition 100 supported by Law Enforcement- - and me, but that one didn’t pass.  But apparently there are no regulations against telling outright lies in these Ads.

They ought to re-designate the letters G O P to stand for Greed, Obstruction, and Plutocracy.   We all await the end of the 34 year end of the Reign of Terror of Reagonomics.  I was looking at the various parties running for President in 1980.  The Communist Party put up Gus Hall and Angela Davis for Vice President, which was a nice touch.  The Libertarian party ran Ed Clark and David Koch.  And you had John Anderson - - and apparently in a debate between Reagan and Anderson nobody watched - - where they were intending to have an empty chair there for Carter's absence- - Anderson spent more time criticizing Carter than the man who was accross the stage from him, Mr Reagan.  Thom Hartman has spoken of the inherent dangers in low tax rates.  In the first place George Washington's Blog points out that economic crashes are preceded by periods of NOT - - high debt and taxes, but just the opposite.  The crash of 1929 was preceded by a few years by lowered corporate income taxes and a sound fiscal policy.  The right wing will never admit this.  These right wingers speak endlessly of "families having to cut back on spending in tough times".   In the first place this is now the Seventh Year of "Tough Times" but wives at some point will tell their husbands to "bring some revenue into the home" at a certain point.  But since when was the last time multi Billionaires ever had to remotely think of "cutting back on spending"?   That's the best they can come up with.  The cure for an economic recession is to cut back on personal spending???   But Thom Hartman says that the show is quite on the other foot.  It's the rich who in times of low taxes- - have consistently throughout history- - gotten CARELESS with their endless supplies of money.  It "burns a hole in their pocket" and they have this itchy impulse to spend it "something" even if it's completely stupid, and make risky investments.  But the trouble is that these risky investments by the rich in the time of "extreme plutocracy" affects us all- - when their folly blows up in their face- - and we get a major market crash like September of 2008.   As this author has stated before- - many times you can get a bottom line "sugar rush" or something- - by doing some accounting guimick.  But you can only do them ONCE.  You can shift only so many accounting numbers and then they are "Shifted".  Or you cut back employees - - but NOW you can't do that any more.  You can delay expenditure in infrastructure.  But you can't do THAT forever, either.  So these rich pluticrats are engineering the very economic CRASH they profess to be so afraid of.

Let’s at this time straighten out some confusion and lack of information to you blog readers out there.  We have alluded to that third Mc Cartney best of CD called “Blowing It in the Seventies”.   This compilation came out around March 23rd of 2013, which is longer ago than I thought- - and I have it in “Record Store” or For the Record.  It may look confusing because it’s in “two acts”, but it isn’t two CD’s or two vinyl sides- - but it’s all on one CD - - but is just stated in “Acts” and there is a reference to Act III being performed in a rehab clinic.  That famous ‘Blue Album” of outs, a reworking of the White Album is even older, from January 8th of 2013.   But I lucked into finding that “Better Fantasy” album I’ve referred to often.  This one is from January of 2014, and not “last year” as I had recently stated.   There is also an interesting Governor Christie parody thing of a fantasy speech that he might give- in this same posting.  In my stuff it’s “Escape from Egypt” or the same blog I am currently working on.   In terms of that bucket list “individual favorite recordings” long compilation in green font- - this one is not a Federation production, and if you will notice, it contains songs not by the Beatles in the line-up. 

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

More Squirrels Coming Down Out of the Trees

Today is Wednesday October 1, 2014 and you know who turns sixty today. This is the 65th anniversary of when mainland China went communist.  Yesterday and today there have been massive protests in Hong Kong, which the communist government now runs, and they want less “vetting” of political candidates by the government, and have threatened to occupy government buildings of their demands aren’t met by Thursday.  The government promised them in 1997 that the people of Hong Kong would have autonomy, and apparently not kept their promise.   This is yet another dangerous flash point in the world today.  I did not post yesterday.

That lady secret service agent resigned today.  But yesterday congress interrupted their eight week vacation to come back for a grilling of this SS leader, and she has the “grill marks” to prove it.  The accusations were caustic and over the top.  Norman Goldman knows a lot about medicine because he worked on a lot of medical cases while he was a practicing attorney.   But there are other “security problems” today is you ask Rick Perry.  You see the first outbreak of Ebola officially occurred in Texas yesterday, and Perry is upset.  But he says he has the best skills of any of the states to deal with this sort of thing.  Michal Savage was featured on the Thom Hartman show this morning.  This guy’s rant was so vitriolic he made Sean Hannity look like the junior varsity team of the hate school.  Savage raged on about South Africa being taken over by negroes and how the place used to be clean and shiny (and White) and well run, and now the entire country has turned into one massive slum, as has the city of Detroit, he just had to add.  Of course we know Detroit has a whole lot of Blacks in it.  Savage also raged about securing the borders because people with Ebola could be flooding across the borders right now.  Thom Hartman reminded us viewers that Guatamala, where so many of those children were from, actually has government health care and is way superior to Texas, which has one of the worst health care and lowest health insurance rates in the country.  Don’t confuse people with the facts.  There was also this caller on Rush who claimed that the Ebola outbreak was some “planned conspiracy” either to gain power for the government, or intimidate people from going to the polls on election day.  All I can say is that the right wing has gone from whacky to outright psychotic.  Now we hear that in the past month or two we’ve gotten the Mexican government to crack down in a major way because they have all but stopped the flood of kids from the Guatamala border of people riding on the tops of railroad cars and the like.  Now the “latest breaking news” is that CBS says yes the president will issue major new immigration regulations.  Talk, talk, talk.

Rush and Sean Hannity are still raving about how President Obama “single handedly pulled every last troop out of Iraq” and going on, “He bragged about it- - but he had to do it as part of a campaign promise to his base in 2008 and to keep his vast democratic supply of campaign donors happy”.   Apparently there was some new revelation how Meliki approved of the status of forces agreement but- - the Parleament of Iraq would not approve it.  And so Rush states that President Obama should have gotten an illegal agreement with “Meliki’s personal assurance there wouldn’t be a problem” as if he wouldn’t lie.  But the kicker is Rush states that this deal was offered the President- - - Three Years Ago.  Well- three years ago all of the US Troops were already completely OUT of Iraq, so what the hell is Rush talking about?   But of course we do have a Status of Forces treaty with Afghanistan to leave forces in that country for the next ten years, and these are combat ready troops that are ready to engage at any time.  Now liberals are newly concerned that congress is fast on its way to being irrelivent.  It would seem that this would be a universal, non political truth.  Because the Roman Senate in the old days was made weaker and weaker by giving up power- - until the Senate became completely unnecessary because the Emperor was dictator.   All the nuts are coming out of the trees.

I had Mike Papentonio on this morning because they had a new show up.  It’s apparently an excellent idea to tell your doctor that if you have a choice between two drugs to accomplish the same thing, to chose the older of the two drugs, one with a proven track record.  Of course now they are trying to change some pharmacy rules so that the manufacturer’s hype about the drug can be substitute from legitimate medical studies of the drug, so that there would seem to be a conspiracy to peddle drugs that will kill you- - and the vendors have no conscience about it.  Airline stocks dropped today out of fear of all this Ebola stuff.  But now of course they have that other new flu like virus children get, where muscle weakness and paralysis is a result for a few.  Also “Ring of Fire” had a segment on how many of these people on news panels in the media, are paid shills for the defense industry, and they don’t bother to inform the viewers of that.  I would just note that you just don’t hear any of the “talking heads” say that going to war is any other than a good thing.  It’s as of nobody sees any “down side” to major War.

The Rapture isn't canceled- yet.  Remember that the date John Lennon told me was like around midnight of October 11th into Sunday the 12th of October.  The event is supposed to be the 34th anniversary of when the "October surprise" DIDN'T happen in 1980, or as little Ricky Nelson was fond of saying "This sitting around waiting to be surprised really gets to you".   Personally the upheavel of the past week or so of my life seems to be sorting itself out.  I learned today that the drop in Resperidol I had complained to Dr Messina about cutting the ammount of Resperidol in half in early 2012, and this was never dealt with, and I have only been taking HALF the dosage I thought I was- for these past two and a half years.  Maybe that explains why I have never been so depressed as I have been these past two and a half years.  This 2nd weekend in October was the date I had touted for- - the past year or something.  I only changed it to sooner- - partially out of impatience to "get it on" and "Scotty, beam me up!"

[From Yesterday] That fence jumper who got in the front door of the White House got a lot farther than that.  He made it all the way to the East Room where he was apprehended without lethal force.  I guess they didn’t want to shoot up the White House china or riddle the walls of the White House with bullet holes if they didn’t have to.  It seems some aids to the Secret Service turned off the main alarm because he or they found them annoying, and that this is common practice.  Now they have a thing installed that automatically keeps the front door locked.  I see no problem with the republicans investigating this one.  We all want answers.  In term of President Obama- - some are still bewildered by the strange detachment of the President on the Sixty Minutes interview where he blamed not acting on ISIS months ago as an “intelligence failure”.  It seems the President was given “granular details” on the movements of ISIS for months.  But the president only attends 452% of his White House daily security briefings.  Sean Hannity is mystified by this.  Apparently the President’s approval rating has fallen to a new low of 35%.  If I were in his shoes needless to say I would resign immediately.  I couldn’t take the avalanche of criticism from all directions, left, right, and center.  Personally I would secretly relish the idea of Joe Byden becoming President because the right wing has always been so deathly afraid of him, and now their worst nightmare would come true.  The Ebola virus continues to be in the news casting its shadow of doom and gloom.